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"I had dreams for you, even wrote the song 'Dreams' for you. 'Cause I had dreams for you, thoughts of a ring for you."


It was close, but Aleks watched James disappear down his street just as Kevin approached the other side, and he let out a reluctant breath. A moment later and things might have gotten nasty. 

If possible, he was more relieved to have a confrontation with Kevin than he had been with James. He was mad at the other, he didn't want to forgive him. He lied to Aleks. He did something he promised he wouldn't do. Aleks also wished that that was the only reason why he was angry at the other boy, but it wasn't.

He was fucking furious that Kevin had put his hands on James, and he was furious that he littered his face with cuts and bruises. It was completely irrational because he too had messed up James' face all too often, but that was different; to Aleks, anyway. He had no reason to do those things and he knew it, he also hated himself for it. He was near to worthless, it didn't matter about him. But James, he was precious, and it just seemed wrong to mess with someone like that.

Sighing, and mentally cursing himself for having such a fucked up way of thinking, Aleks traipsed to the door, awaiting Kevin's knock just a few seconds later. He patted his hair down before opening the door and gesturing for him to come in.

It was about two seconds before the Russian was enveloped into a tight hug, the dark haired boy mumbled 'sorry' to him over and over again. 

It was one of those emotional, dramatic moments where if this was a movie, Aleks would fling his arms around Kevin and tell him it was okay. But the thing is, this wasn't a movie, and Aleks stood still throughout the hug with his arms at his sides. It was going to take more than a hug and a few kind words. It was a few moments before Kevin noticed the other's response, or lack thereof, and his arms fell from Aleks' neck. He looked at the other boy with remorse, nodding and pulling the other boy to the lounge by his hand. 

Aleks shrugged this off and sunk into the cushions while pulling his knees to his chest.

"You promised me." 

Kevin sighed and shook his head, running a hand through his hair. "I just noticed him while I was walking and, I-I.. I just couldn't let him walk past me.. not like that."

"You still lied to me," he said slowly, "and you probably made things ten times worse for me. I mean, I really don't want him to hate me. I don't want to hurt him anymore, don't you get that? He's gonna end up hurting over this, and I don't want that.. as hypocritical as it may sound."

Aleks felt somewhat bad for saying that, like he was being unfair to James. He wasn't completely sure if what he was saying was true. He also wasn't so sure as to what was going on with him and James at the moment. All he knew was that they were being somewhat friendly to each other, and he didn't know if that would all change or if he wanted it to. If on Monday when classes roll back around, would James be back to his usual self and be afraid of Aleks? It made him feel like the bad guy, even though he totally was.

So he groaned and stood, padding back to the kitchen. He needed space and time to think, time to be by himself; he couldn't do that while Kevin was here.

"Babe," he said while following Aleks closely behind, "I know you didn't want me to do that and I know you think it'll make things worse, but it's not. I promise you."

He took Aleks' hands and stepped closer.

"I think if anything, I believe what I did will make him back off. If it doesn't, then he won't bother you anymore. I won't let him."

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