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"I don't even want you back. No, I would never want to risk something like that. Because I lost faith in myself when I turned away from the one with the longest stretch of embracing arms to hold me.
So now I'm all alone. I guess God grew too tired to fix the mistakes he made with love. I think his biggest mistake was making me."


The weekend was over and Monday rolled around far too quickly for James' liking. He contemplated staying in bed all day and not going to school. He was home alone because Seamus had headed out himself, so it's not like anyone would find out. The only thing that pushed him to really go, though, were his grades. He had to keep up because his grades were his ticket out of this town, away from the memories and away from him.

After he reluctantly rolled out of his sheets and got dressed, he was quick to test Seamus. He asked the boy if he could swing by in between classes to pick him up, it's not like their campus was very far away. He was soon to reply and told him he'd be there in roughly ten minutes. 

This made James smile. He was honestly so grateful for having Seamus, besides his grades and his need to get out of this damn state, he was one of his reasons to get up in the morning. 

It's not like he couldn't walk to school; it was only a five to fifteen minute walk. The thing was, he knew that Aleks also walked to school, and if he didn't, he was carpooling with a group of his friends. 

Today it was raining. Many times in the past, before James and Aleks established their former relationship, he and the other two would speed up when they passed James as they normally did on their route to school. They would always speed up when they passed James, especially when Kevin was driving and now would be no exception, and this effectively drenched James with the rain that was gathering on the roads.

Apparently Aleks had never done anything to stop them before, and this would be one of those times; James only knew. He figured that they thought it was hilarious since they'd done it enough times already.

He really wasn't in the mood for that today. It was just the start of the week and he didn't want Aleks' bull shit on the first day if he could help it. Seamus has been well aware of this, too. On more than one occasion, he'd have the punk up against the wall by the scruff of his shirt. 

He may have been small, but ever since that Russian boy began showing his face around Denver again, all he wanted to do was to beat the shit out of him. Every time he got into doing so, James would always pleadingly coax him out of it. He had his reasons for doing this.

The first one was that if he allowed Seamus to beat him up, it would only make the situation worse for the both of them. He couldn't be there to protect the religious boy all the time, of course, and when he found himself alone, that's when Aleksandr and his new friends would get him. 

The second reason, and the reason that made him feel particularly pathetic, was that there was still a small part of him that dreaded any harm ever coming to the guy who used to be his boyfriend. There still happened to be some close feelings of protectiveness and care for him there, even after everything Aleks had done to him.

Eventually, and thankfully, after hearing Seamus' car horn from his window, James tossed his bag over one shoulder and stepped outside. He jogged down the driveway, attempting to shield himself from the rain before throwing open the passenger door and climbing inside.

"Morning, James." Seamus smiled whilst pulling out of the entrance to their home and drumming his hands against the steering wheel. 

"Yeah, morning," He sighs and checks his apperance in the rearview mirror, "and thanks for the ride."

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