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"You were the balloon that drifted from the flock into my window, but you slipped right through my fingers that grew too tiresome to hold you.

I watched you float away, watched as it turned into desperate longing. This time not for some drastic change, but for the string that was made to be held by me."


Aleks had been walking home with James fresh on his mind as the reminders of their relationship together had flooded the walls of his memory, he tearfully pulled out his phone. He quickly cleared his throat before the other could answer, not wanting his emotions to be heard.

"Hey, love!"

"Hey," Aleks replied, smiling despite the tears, "can I.. can we do something together?"

"Obviously. Want me to pick you up?"

"No, I need to do some things first. I'll be there in about an hour, okay?" Aleks reassured hesitantly.

"Okay, see you soon." 

He smiled as he hung up the phone. Kevin always made things better. He first met the raven haired boy when they were in the eighth grade. He never really thought about James after he left Colorado and he never anticipated that he would still be miserable and a little lonely without him. 

The day that he met Kevin was much like the day that he met James. Dark and cold, but that was where the similarities stopped.

When he was still young, he spent most of his days wondering around town. The first time he saw Kevin was when he was in the park. It was a fairly depressing day as rain poured heavily and he walked down the abandoned path when he noticed a group of kids crowded around the skate ramps.

It was an amusing sight, even to Aleks. All of the kids were huddled together with about twenty or so umbrellas forming a make-shift roof over them. Aleks watched them for a little bit until a couple of them starting staring in his direction and he picked up his pace without looking back again.

Despite his reluctance to get away from the area, he soon felt someone tugging on his sleeve. He wheeled around and expected a punch or possibly some verbal abuse. Instead, he met the eyes of a tall and painfully thin dark haired boy and a mega-watt smile. 

Aleks was a bit antisocial so he panicked when he tried to talk to the boy. He didn't need to worry, though, because this boy, who introduced himself as Kevin, did all the talking for him and he was soon inviting Aleks for some shelter under the umbrella roof.

They quickly became best friends and the transition to becoming something other than that was easy. The way the two fell in sync was much like how he and James became close. The beauty of James was that Aleks momentarily stopped thinking about the world and focused on the boy in front of him. 

The two were nothing alike. They were both attractive, but that's as far as it went.

Kevin could be cold when he wanted to be, and sometimes, just a bully. Aleks didn't want to recognize the way he pushed around the Catholic boy before he moved out of Denver, because he did what he always did and ran from his problems. 

James, though. James was warm and sweet and he made Aleks feel like the most important thing in the world. That in itself was an accomplishment because he made quite the effort to make himself think otherwise.

So even as he walked home to the other boy with James on his mind, he could still smile. Thinking that this was what he always did to him.

That, and also because recently, Kevin's been making an effort to really change his ways.

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