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"He says, 'Oh baby girl, you know we're gonna be legends. I'm the king and you're the queen and we will stumble through Heaven. If there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes. I know you wanna go to Heaven but you're human tonight.'

But do you feel like a Young God? You know the two of us are just Young Gods. And we'll be flying through the streets with the people underneath, and they'll be running, running, running."


James was perched neatly at the end of his bed. His legs were crossed as his foot tapped, bouncing his leg rapidly, and his arms were folded neatly over his lap. He was also home alone, per usual, and the only sounds came from the clock ticking on his wall and the sounds of cars driving by outside. He felt like he was frozen in place, just staring at the article of clothing that he'd tossed over the chair in the corner. 

It felt alien to him, completely out of place in his room. He was pretty sure he could even smell it, Aleks' musky cologne, from where he was. 

He quickly rationalized that it was just his mind playing tricks on him, but still. Having Aleks Marchant's jacket in his room was beginning to feel like a big deal. There was that tiny, tiny part of him that was screaming that he had something that belonged to Aleks just a few feet away from him, but that was buried under a hell of a lot of confusion and a bit of anger. 

Did Aleks think that giving James a jacket would make things better? Was he even trying to make things better? Did he want to be friends again?

James genuinely had no answer to any of those questions and he didn't know what to do with them.

But the jacket that he wore when they were an item? He had changed so much that James didn't even think he'd still have it. It also brought back so many painful memories for him. 

Regardless, he also didn't know what to make out of the item of clothing. The biggest part of him wanted to wear it and never take it off, simply because it was Aleks', and that makes it special. He actually still had another one of Aleks' hoodies stashed away in the bottom of his closet somewhere. It was much too small now as James has grown a lot since he was eighteen, but Aleks gave it to him so he would feel terrible if he'd ever tossed it. 

He still kept it, though. It reminded him of better times, happier times. Those were times where it didn't matter that his mother left him, and that his dad didn't give a shit. It didn't matter because he had Aleks back then. He was truly confident that the boy would never leave him. 

Obviously, his confidence was shattered into a million pieces now, as were his nerves. 

He really wished that his dead wasn't in such a messed up place. A normal, sane person would never give Aleks the time of day. They would be burning this hoodie to ashes right now, or shove it back in Aleks' face. James cursed himself immensely for not being a normal person.

His heart was absolutely aching for the other boy. In truth, he'd been aching ever since Aleks left him. Now, now Aleks was making these confusing gestures again like he used to when he was hopelessly in love with James. In a way, that made him hurt more.

All he wanted to was call Seamus. That boy was his best friend, his anchor. He basically took over Aleks' role once he was gone. Of course, never to the same degree. He could never fill Aleks' shoes but he did a pretty good job. James could talk to him about anything, whether it be trivial or serious. The only thing they couldn't discuss, nevertheless, was Aleksandr.

That caused a problem. Aleks was James' main talking point. Multiple times a day and he wanted to pour his heart out, to tell him how much the Russian boy hurt him; but not physically, emotionally. He wanted to say how much he was missing, longing for the other boy. 

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