Obsessed? : Part 5

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It is a late Monday night, around 9 o'clock, and I finally make my way home. It is sad to say but my mom doesn't really care how late I come home..heck..I don't think she would even care if I didn't come home for days. Although me and my mom live together again, we still have some connecting to do. As I am walking down the street I have this strange feeling in my stomach that someone is following me. I begin to slow down my pace and quickly peek over my shoulder. Nothing. I sigh heavily, and continue to walk. As I am walking, I begin hear a different set of footsteps walking out of tune with mine.I begin to panic inside, wondering who could be following me and why. I start to walk a little faster and turn corners to confirm if this person is following me...and sure enough...I am being followed.

Without thinking, I run without looking behind me. The person that is following me starts to run after me, making sure that I don't get out of their reach. I run as fast as I can, all out of breath. Suddenly I trip over my own foot and fall to the ground. I look up behind me seeing a dark figure aproach me...and the person steps underneath the street light...it is him. It is Ethan. My heart literally drops, scared to death. "Look, j-just leave me alone, you creep!" I say, with a rude attitude. He looks down at me and reaches for something in his backpack. He then pulls out a notebook. "Well, this "creep"  just wanted to return your precious notebook to you. You dropped it earlier when you ran out of the school." He said playfully. This guy just loves to mess with me. I grabbed my notebook and turned my back to him. "Well...um..t-thank you..but please...just stay away from me okay." He looked at me and his playful mood suddenly changed. He looked more serious. "Now now Rosie...how could I stay away from you? You are going to be mine after all." He walks closer to me and holds me tight in his arm, and with the other, holding my chin up. "There is no doubt in my mind about that Rose. You may not feel the same way about me right now but...I know how I feel towards you...I love you Rose".

He softly kisses my cheek and I stand there, confused and my face begins to turn red. He finally lets go of me and begins to walk away. He looks back and smirks at me. "See you tomorrow my darling Rose". And then he walks away. I stand there, blushing and angry..he got to me again.

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