2: You're The Pug of My Life

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Christmas was a big part of the year in my house. My mom always went all out when she decorated and putting up the tree was a special event where we all decorated, ate cookies and drank eggnog. The day we set up the tree was also the day we wrote our letters to Santa. My second grade year was my most memorable Christmas.

"Paisley, what are you asking for Christmas?" I tried to peak over the table at her paper but I couldn't see her small writing. "Nothing you need to know about. Santa will know an that's all that matters." she huffed and covered her paper with her arm. "Well, i'm asking for a puppy, a new bike and hulk hands!" I bit into my ginger snap cookie excitedly.

"A puppy?" Paisley asked. "Yeah" I said.

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"Joy, what are you getting Calum for Christmas?" Paisley asked. "I'm not sure Paisley, would you like to help me pick out his gift?" Joy asked. Paisley clapped her hands in excitement. "Yes! Oh yes! Can we please get him a puppy?" Paisley's eyes went wide. "i don't know, let me talk to David" Joy said.

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Joy tapped on Paisley's door the next morning. "Are you ready to pick out a puppy for Calum?" they climbed into Joy's car and drove to their local pet adoption place. The first puppy Paisley played with was a white Chihuahua with big pointy ears and even more sass than Calum. The second puppy was a a big brown fluffy Bernese Mountain dog that was way to big for their backyard. After the fourth dog Paisley began to lode hope in finding the perfect dog for her best friend. None of them seemed to fit him. Till we got to the very last stall and inside was a small black Pug. She ran to Paisley, her tail wagging so fast Paisley thought it would fall off. In that moment Paisley knew this was the right dog for Calum. "Joy! Joy! This is the one!" Paisley held the puppy excitedly. "Oh she's very cute Paisley , but do you think Calum would like her?" Joy asked. "Of course he will, he will love her!" Paisley clapped her hands excitedly. "How are we going to keep her a secret until Christmas?" Paisley suddenly realized Christmas wasn't for another 3 days and you couldn't wrap the puppy for 3 days. "We will have to give him the puppy early. We can't hide her for that long," Joy explained "we will give Calum his puppy when we get home."

Paisley sat on the Hood's living room floor holding onto Calum's new black Pug. "Cal, honey can you please come to the living room?" Joy shouted down the hallway. Calum was in his bedroom and had no idea that they were home. Paisley's stomach started to sprout butterflies when she heard Calum's bedroom door open. What if he didn't like the puppy? Would Calum be mad at her for getting the puppy? Calum entered the living room and his eyes went straight to the puppy. "Woah, Paisley, you got a dog?" Calum rushed over to his best friend and the puppy. "No, the puppy is for you. Merry Christmas, Calum." Paisley held the dog out for Calum to hold and smiled widely. Calum took hold of his new family member and looked at his mom with wide eyes. "You really got me a puppy, mom?" Calum just couldn't believe it. He had wanted a puppy for so long but his parents had always said no. "Paisley got you the puppy." Joy said, nodding her head towards Paisley. Joy was suddenly overcome with happiness as she realized how great of friends Calum and Paisley were. She knew they would be friends for a long, long time.

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*Author's note*

Let's talk about Ashton in SKH. Like wow.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Have a great day!

~ M & B

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