9: Go Team!

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I woke up to the rapid knocks against my bedroom door. "Paisley, wake up! You have to leave in 15 minutes." my mom shouted from the other side of the door. I flung the blankets off of my body and replaced my pj's with the clothes I had picked out the night before and then rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair and do a quick 5 minute makeup. I then ran to front door to pull on my converse before going into the kitchen and grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl, feeding my goldfish and rushing out of the house just as Calum was walking down his driveway. "Geez Paisley, in a rush?" Calum teased. "Shut it Cal. I'm tired and overslept."

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My classes went slower than usual today. Maybe it was because I woke up late or maybe it was because it was a Friday. I desperately wanted to go home and take a nap but I had already made plans to go to the football game with Cal tonight and I knew I wouldn't have time for a nap. Neither Calum and I were that interested in the game, we mostly went to the games to cheer on Zara but It was good to have some school spirit sometimes. I sat in my usual seat in History, I got my notebook and pencil for the class when Brett sat across from me. "Hello Paisley." Brett said smiling at me. "Hi Brett." I said returning the smile. Before we could get into a full conversation, our teacher came in. "Alright class lets get started." She said getting our attention. The class went by pretty slow, our teacher made us read out of our textbooks and take notes the whole period, Brett and I didn't really get a chance to talk as much as we did in yesterdays class.

After what felt like hours the bell finally rang signalling that school was over. "Hey Paisley?" Brett asked. " Yeah?" I said while putting my stuff in my bag. "Are you going to the game tonight?" He asked, standing up and putting his backpack on his back. "Oh yeah Calum and I are going. Are you going tonight?" I told him getting up as well. "Oh with Calum? And Yeah I'm going." He said. "Yeah Calum." I said looking at him confused. "Are you guys like a thing or something, because I always see you guys together?" He said putting his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "Oh no. We're best friends, I've known him since we were 5 years old. We're just friends promise." I said smiling at him. "Oh okay." Brett said chuckling, we were now in the hallway outside our class. "PAISLEY!" Someone yelled, I looked around to see Zara and Calum across the hall waiting for me. "Oh I have to go, I'll talk to you later Brett." I said. "Alright I'll see you at the game. Good bye beautiful." Brett said smiling. I smiled and walked away toward Zara and Calum. "Was that Brett?" Zara said looking over my shoulder, probably looking at Brett. "Yeah that was him." I said smiling looking at the floor. Calum nudged me making me look at him , he smiled which caused me to smile. "He's cute, not my type but he's cute." Zara said now looking at me. "Yeah he is, oh and he's going to the game tonight." I told her smiling. "Heck yes girl! Y'all are going to hang out tonight!" Zara said getting excited. I just shrugged trying to play it cool but I was honestly super excited for this game. "Okay well I have to go to the gym for practice I'll see you guys later." Zara said giving each of us a hug. "So what do you want to do until the game ?" Calum asked as we exited the school and made our way home. "I don't know, we can watch a movie over at my house?" I asked. "Yeah that sounds alright, then we can eat and head to the game."Calum said.

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"Paisley! Wake up!" Calum yelled hitting my leg with one of the pillows on the couch. I must have fallen asleep while watching the movie, I slowly sat up and faced Calum. "What do you want Cal?" I said slightly grumpy from being waken up. "Do you want something to eat before we leave?" Calum asked I looked at the time to see how much time we had till we had to leave for the game , we had about 2 hours until we had to leave. "Yeah, do you want some mac and cheese?" I asked him, he nodded his head. "Okay." I said starting to make our food.

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It was half time and we are are losing by one point. We were talking to Zara from the stands it was a bit awkward since she was on the track by the field and we had to bend over the rails to talk to her since we were not allowed on the track. "Zara you're doing great!" I said smiling at her, I honestly don't know how she could look so happy all the time even when its freezing, and clearly the rest of the cheerleaders don't look happy because they didn't bring jackets. "I don't know either its freezing!" She said smiling but you could see her teeth chattering from the cold and she had her arms crossed across her chest. "Here take my jacket Zar." Calum said to her taking his jacket off. "No its fine Calum, then your going to be cold." Zara said shaking her head. "No it's fine, you're freezing plus I have another jacket under." Calum said handing her his jacket. "Thanks Calum." Zara said smiling at him putting the jacket on. "No problem Zar." Calum said smiling at her. "ZARA! COME JOIN YOUR TEAM!" one of the coaches yelled at her. "I guess I gotta go, see you guys after." Zara said waving at us while walking to the rest of the cheerleaders that were in a little huddle. After waving goodbye at Zara, Calum and I headed back to our seats. A couple of minutes have passed and there was a tap on my shoulder I turned around to see Brett smiling at me. "Hello Paisley." He said smiling with his hands in his pockets. "Hello Brett." I said smiling at him. "Do you want to go get some hot chocolate?" He asked looking over to the little stand that sells warm drinks, I looked over at Calum. "Go ahead Pais." Calum said smiling . "Okay lets go." I said to Brett, we then made our way to the stand and away from the crowd. "So... Pais what-" Brett said but I quickly cut him off. "Um sorry but could you not call me that sorry." I said "Oh it's fine I understand its a you and Calum thing." He said , I just nodded. "Yeah."

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Brett and I ended up hanging out for the rest of the game with Calum. I think they got along and we all had a great time, we were all pretty much laughing the whole time and yelling when the referee made a mistake. We ended up winning the game which was pretty great and made the night much better than it already was. Everyone was now leaving the stands and going home. "Hey Pais, I'll meet you by the gate okay?" Calum said disappearing in the wave of students leaving the stands. Brett and I soon made our way out of the stands, we waited for most of the people to leave so it would be less crowded. We finally made our way out of the stands, Brett slide his hand in mine and tangled his fingers with mine. "I had a great time tonight Paisley, even if we only spent half the game together." He said smiling at me while we walked to where I had to meet Calum and Zara. "I had a great time tonight too. " I said smiling at him. "Good! Well I'll see you at school on Monday." he said letting go of my hand. "Okay I'll see you then." I smiled at him, he then pulled me in for a hug which surprised me but I hugged him back. "Bye." He said smiling before he walked away, and I walked over to Calum and Zara. "Yes Paisley! That's my girl!" Zara said fist bumping me. "So it went well?" Calum asked. "Heck yeah it did!" I said hugging my two best friends. "Now can we go home I'm tired." I said "Yeah lets go Calum said putting his arm around Zara and I. This was honestly a really good night.

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*Author's Note*

HOLY MOLY this is long

I didn't expect it to get thing long but hey!

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Until next time

~ M & B

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