Chapter 6

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"Oh my gosh! I can't believe Gabriel invited us to his party!" Cecily exclaimed.

Her and I were sitting in her room. As soon as Will and I had gotten to their house, Cecily had practically rushed me to her room to talk about the party.

"What are you going to wear?" Cecily asked.

"I'm not sure. I've never been to a party." I said truthfully.

"Oh there so fun!" She exclaimed. "I'll show you what I'm thinking of wearing."

Cecily got up and bounded to her closet. A few minutes later, she came out wearing a blue dress. It was short and sparkly, and it brought her blue eyes even more. She looked stunning.

"You look amazing!" I said.

Cecily blushed. "Thanks. Do you think Gabriel will think the same?"

I was just about to reply, when her bedroom banged open. Will walked into her room with a very satisfied look on his face.

"Ha! I knew it! You have a crush on Gabriel!" He exclaimed.

"Will!" Cecily shouted. "How dare you eavesdrop like that!"

"I wasn't. I just happened to be walking by and I heard you two talking." Will smirked.

Cecily just glared at him, and Will looked entertained.

"If it helps, I do think that Lightworm will like the dress." Will smirked.

"GET OUT!" Cecily shouted angrily.

Will then walked out of the room, laughing. I couldn't help but laugh too, they were really quite hilarious. Cecily changed out her dress, and came back and sat beside me.

"Sorry about him." She muttered.

I laughed. "You two are so entertaining."

She just rolled her eyes playfully. "Well, I suppose you wouldn't mind that he came in here."

I hit her on the shoulder, and Cecily laughed.

Just then we heard a voice. "Cecily! Dinner is ready!"

"Oh! You haven't met my parents yet!" Cecily exclaimed as she jumped to her feet. "C'mon!"

She lead me the down stairs, and into the kitchen. At the table, sat Will and a man and a woman. The man had blonde hair and blue eyes. The woman had dark black hair an bright blue eyes. Cecily and Will looked exactly like her.

"Mom, dad, this is my friend Tessa." Cecily introduced.

"It's nice to to meet you, Tessa." Her mother said. "You can call me Linette."

"And you can call me Edmund." Her father smiled.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled.

Cecily and I then both took our seats. Mine was right across from Will, and he was looking at me. I tried to suppress a blush, but of course I couldn't.

"So Tessa, did you just move here?" Linette asked.

"Yes, a few weeks ago." I replied.

"What brought you here?" She asked.

I felt sadness go through my entire body, and I felt the lump in my throat.

"Um, my parents passed away in a car accident, so my brother and I were sent here to live with our aunt." I said forcedly.

Linette then wore a sympathetic expression. "Oh I'm so sorry. I know what it's like to lose someone very important to you."

At her words, I felt Cecily tense. Across from me, Will looked down, looking very sad. I wonder what that's about, I thought. Dinner went by very quickly, and Cecily and I went downstairs to watch "Pretty Little Liars". Halfway through, Will came downstairs.

"What are you doing here?" Cecily asked.

"I want to watch the show too." He said while throwing himself down on the couch, beside me.

"You like this show?" I said surprisedly.

He turned and smirked at me. "Doesn't everyone?"

I just looked back at the T.V. We were watching the Halloween special, and Aria was locked in a box. I guess Will thought that was scary, because he grabbed my arm and stuffed his face in my shoulder.

"This is scary." His voice was muffled.

I was engulfed in his scent. Oh my god, oh my god, is this actually happening?

"Oh Will, stop being such a baby." Cecily said.

"Cecy, turn this off!" He said, his head still stuffed into shoulder.

"No. Just hold Tessa's hand." Cecily joked.

"Okay." Will said immediately, and he took my hand.

He took his head away from my shoulder, but he moved closer to me. OH MY GOD! my mind screamed. This couldn't be happening. At the scary parts, Will would squeeze my hand and I tried not to smile. At about 9:30 I got a text from Nate, saying that he was here to pick me up.

"I have to go." I told Cecily while standing up.

"Awwww." She whined.

"But whose going to hold my hand now?" Will smirked a bit.

"Cecily will." I said with a goofy smile.

"Ugh." Will said dramatically. "I guess so."

Cecily and Will walked me upstairs, and to the front door. I said goodbye to the both of them, and walked outside. Nate's silver car was parked outside their house, and I got into the passenger side.

"Where were you this afternoon?" I asked him as soon as I sat down.

"Well hello to you too." He said.

"I'm serious Nate, if Will hadn't been there to pick me up I would have been left there for who knows how long. Where were you?" I demanded.

"I was with Axel Mortmain." Nate said.

I felt dread go through me. "Oh Nate, he is nothing but trouble."

Nate shrugged. "He's nice."

"What were you so busy doing, that you couldn't pick me up?" I said bitterly.

Nate looked away from me, and I got a faint smell of something. I knew what it was right away.

"Nate, were you out drinking?" I said disbelievingly.

"Tessa, I--" He started.

"I don't want to hear it. Just drive home." I said coldly, while staring ahead.

At that, Nate sighed, and drove us home.

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