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I pulled up to my house in New York, greeted by police cars. Nate had called me while I had been at the mall, saying that I had to come home right away. I had rushed home, very anxious. What was going on?

I walked inside my house, to find a few police officers speaking with Nate. Nate's blonde hair was messy, and his eyebrows were creased. His eyes held pain, and worry. He looked at me, an relief went through him. He came over and quickly embraced me. I hugged him back, feeling confused.

"Nate--Nate, what is it?" I asked, panicked.

He pulled away from me. There was immense sadness in his eyes.

"Mom and Dad, they...they got into a car accident. They were rushed to the hospital, but--but they didn't make it." Nate whispered.

I felt as if the ground had collapsed underneath me. My legs buckled, and Nate caught me just before I fell. No. No. This couldn't be happening.

"No." I whispered.

"I'm so sorry, Tessie." Nate said, his eyes filling with tears.

"No, that isn't possible." I said.

I felt a tear run down my cheek. This wasn't real. Soon, I was going to wake up from this dream, and walk downstairs, to find my parents sitting at the kitchen table. I pinched myself, but I didn't wake up. This was reality. A police officer walked up to me, with something in his hand.

"Here miss, we thought you should have this." He said.

He held out his hand. There laid my mothers clockwork angel necklace. She had always worn it. I don't think I had ever seen her without it. I slowly took it from the police officers hand, and clutched the necklace to chest. It made me feel closer to my mother.

The next week passed in a blur. Aunt Harriet-my mothers sister-came from England for my mother and father's funeral. I had stood beside her, as she and I had shook with sobs. The day after the funeral, Nate and I packed all of our things. We were going to live with Aunt Harriet in London.

As we sat on the plane, I couldn't help but feel a bit of relief. I wanted to leave New York, it held too many memories of my parents. As we flew through the sky, I hoped that London would bring me happiness and new beginnings.

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