Chapter 42

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I walked into English the next morning, exhausted. I had asked Sean to take me home right after I had been done crying. But even when I got home, and got into bed, Will still haunted me. My dreams were consumed with his face, and I found myself waking up several times.

I walked into English, and saw that Will was not in his seat. I went and took mine, and immediately Cecily leaned over to me.

"Did you kiss Will, yesterday?" She whispered.

I sighed. "Yes."

"I knew it." She said. "He isn't coming to school today."

Surprise went through me. Why not? But Mrs. Glass had already started teaching, so I didn't get a chance to ask Cecily. History was a boring affair, and I had tried my best to ignore the empty seat beside me, but it didn't work. I then sat at the lunch table, next to Cecily. I couldn't help but stare at Will's empty seat, across from me.

Was he disgusted by our kiss? Had he changed his mind about me, and decided that he actually didn't have feelings for me? I had doubted them, myself, and maybe he was too. Maybe he had finally realized that there was nothing special about me, and that I wasn't worth wasting his time on.

"Tessa?" Gabriel's voice snapped me out of my trance.

"Yes?" I said, as I tore my eyes off Will's seat.

It was too late, though. Gabriel was smirking at me, and I knew that he knew that I was upset about Will not being here.

"I asked why you left so early from the dance yesterday." He said.

"Oh, I, um, wasn't feeling well." I said.

Gabriel looked at me disbelievingly, and I bit my lip. Was I that bad of a liar? Just then Tatiana was walking up to our table, Jessamine in tow. Tatiana stopped in front of our table, and looked at her brother, Gabriel.

"Gabriel, mom wanted me to tell you that you have to help dad put the new fence, today." She said in her annoying high-pitched voice.

"Alright." Gabriel replied.

Tatiana then turned her piercing green eyes on me, and smirked.

"Tessa, why did you leave so early from the dance yesterday?" Tatiana asked.

"I wasn't feeling well." I said through gritted teeth.

"It is because of Will?" She made a sad face. "I'm seeing him after school, I can pass on a message you like." Tatiana smirked.

"Tati..." Jessamine frowned.

"Sure. Tell him I said, that kiss was nice yesterday." I smirked at her.

I did it to bother her, and to my satisfaction, it did. Her eyes filled with rage, and I smirked.

"You two kissed?!" Tatiana exclaimed.

"Yup." I grinned evilly.

"Ugh!" Tatiana exclaimed.

She then stormed off, Jessamine following her. I looked back at everyone, and they were all looking at me.

"You kissed Will?" Sophie asked.

"More like he kissed me." I muttered.

"He's dating Tatiana, though." Cecily frowned.

I sighed. "Can we not talk about it? I really don't want to."

Everyone respected my wishes, and Cecily changed the subject. I stared at Will's empty seat, again. It was pathetic, I couldn't go a day without seeing him. When I was with him, all he brought was pain. But when I was without him, all I wanted to do was be with him. Ugh, could this be any more complicated?

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly, and before I knew it I was driving home from school. I parked my car in the driveway, and walked inside. Aunt Harriet sat in the kitchen, with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Are you okay?" I asked right away, and went and took a seat beside her.

"It's just about Nate." She said quietly.

I sighed sadly. "I know."

I had done my best to not think of Nate these past few days, and but it hadn't been working. I saw his face everywhere. In the halls at school, in our house, in my classes, and in my dreams.

"I wish I had gotten to tell him, that I was his real mother." Aunt Harriet whispered.

I didn't know what to say, so I leaned in and hugged her. My life had changed so drastically. I had lost my parents, and my brother, in a matter of just a few months. The only family I had left was Aunt Harriet. Aunt Harriet and I ate dinner a bit later, and at nine o'clock I decided to go up to my room.

I grabbed "Wuthering Heights" off my bookshelf, and sat down on my bed. I tried to get into the book, but I couldn't concentrate on it. My thoughts were with Nate. Please be safe, I thought to myself. I prayed that I would see him again one day.

Suddenly, there was a noise coming from my window. It opened, and to my surprise, Will hopped into my room. He was wearing tight black jeans, a white T-shirt, and a blue plaid over top. His hair was messy, and his blue eyes were on my gray ones.

"Will, what are you doing here?" I asked bewildered.

"I need to talk to you." He said urgently.

"Why didn't you just text me?" I asked.

Will looked away from me. "I broke my phone."

"How?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter." Will mumbled.

"What do you need to talk about?" I asked.

He ignored my question. "Is your aunt home?"

"Yes." I replied.

"There's no one at my house. We'll talk there." Will said.

"I can't just go. My aunt won't say yes." I crossed my arms.

"Just tell her you're going to have a sleepover with Cecily." He said.

I studied him. He was looking at me a bit nervously. This isn't a good idea, Tessa, I thought. But the way he was looking at me, I knew I couldn't say no.

"Alright." I sighed.

I went downstairs, and asked Aunt Harriet if I could sleepover at Cecily's house. She said yes, and then I was in Will's car and we were driving to his house. What did he want to talk to me about? He parked his car, and we walked inside.

His house was quiet, and no one was home. He lead me up to his room, and I awkwardly took a seat on his bed, trying not remember all that we had done in here. Will went and stood by his window, his back facing me.

"What did you want to tell me?" I asked.

He then turned to face me, his blue eyes looking very vulnerable. I felt worry go through.

"I'm going to tell you everything."

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