Chapter 26

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"He said that to you?!" Sophie exclaimed.

"Yup." I said.

"Oh my god!" Cecily said.

Cecily, Sophie, and I were all at my house, and I was telling them about what Will had said to me today at lunch.

"He told me that no one could make me feel the way he did." I said.

"Why did he tell you that?" Sophie asked.

"Isn't it obvious? He wants Tessa to go back to him. He's trying to make her believe that only he can make her feel like that." Cecily smirked. "The question is, does she believe it?"

I sighed and took a seat ok my bed. "Yes. No. Ugh I don't know. I'm just so confused. I don't know why Will is doing this, he won't even date me!"

Cecily sighed. "Will works in mysterious ways."

Just then, Aunt Harriet bustled into my room. Her eyes were filled with worry and I felt anxious.

"Tessa, the police found Nate's phone." She said.

My heart sank. Oh god what did that mean?

"Where?" I asked frantically.

"About an hour away from here." She replied.

Her phone then started to ring, she answered it and walked out of the room. I felt myself getting very dizzy. Oh god. Oh god.

"Tessa, are you alright?" Cecily asked worriedly.

"I'm okay." I said, and took a seat on my bed.

"Don't worry, Tessa. That could be a good thing." Sophie comforted me.

"I just hope he's safe." I sighed.

To take my mind off things, the three of us decided to go to the mall. Cecily made me ask if Sean wanted to come, so I did. He agreed, and he sand we would meet us there. The three of us got into Sophie's car, and we drove to the mall. We got there within fifteen minutes, and we walked in.

We met Sean at the food court, and as soon as he saw me, his eyes lit up.

"Hey Tessa." He said and kissed me on the cheek.

My heart fluttered, and I blushed.

"Hi." I said shyly.

Sean said hello to Sophie and Cecily, and we started to walk around. Cecily dragged us into Sephora, and we didn't leave for a good half an hour. Cecily looked at all there makeup, and commented on every single one. Sophie had tried not strangle her.

We then went into Forever 21, and Cecily, Sophie, and I tried on clothes while Sean awkwardly stood outside our dressing room. I ended up buying a short dress, and red heels. Sean then asked if we could go into Sportschek, and we all agreed. Sean and I walked into the store hand in hand.

We went over to the soccer cleats, and he started to talk about which ones are the best. He talked for about five minutes straight, and I giggled.

"What?" Sean asked with a grin.

"It's cute, when you go off like that." I blushed.

"Is it now?" Sean smirked.

And then suddenly, his lips were on mine. I was shocked for a moment, but I kissed him back. His arms went around my waist, and I put my hands around his neck. We stayed like that for about thirty seconds, until someone cleared there throat. Sean and I sprang apart, and I looked to where the noise came from.

They're stood Jem, wearing a an uncomfortable expression on his face. Then, beside him, stood Will. His hands were jammed into his pockets, and he was looking anywhere but me.

"Oh, Jem. Sorry." I blushed.

He smiled. "No worries. What are you guys doing here?"

"We came here with Cecily and Sophie." I said.

Just then Cecily and Sophie walked up to us. Cecily stopped when she saw Will, and gave me a nervous look. I shook my head slightly, and took Sean's hand again. Will's jaw tensed, at my action.

"Hey you guys should come and eat with us, we were just about to go the food court." Sean said.

"Oh no, we're--" Will started but Jem cut him off.

"We would love to. Let's go." Jem smiled.

We all walked to the food court, together. I was still holding Sean's hand, and I could feel Will's piercing blue eyes staring at the back of my head. We reached the food court, and Sean and Jem decided to go get pizza for everyone. I was sitting next to Cecily and Sean, and of course, across from Will.

"What are you doing here, Will?" Cecily asked. "I thought you had to help dad with painting the basement?"

"We finished early." Will mumbled.

Don't look at him, Tessa, I told myself. Don't look at him. But I just had to. I looked up, and Will was staring at me with his dark blue eyes. Every time I looked at him, I was reminded of our kisses. I looked away from him, as Sean and Jem returned with the pizza.

But I couldn't eat. All I could think about was Will.

"I need to use the washroom." I said shakily.

I then walked very quickly go the washroom. As soon as I walked in, I started crying. Why? I wasn't sure. Ten seconds later, Cecily and Sophie were in the bathroom with me.

"Tessa, what's wrong?" Sophie frowned as they both walked over to me.

"I can't go back out there." I said.

"Why not?" Cecily asked.

"I can't see Will. Every time I look at him, I'm reminded of everything we did, and how much I love him." I sniffed.

"Oh Tessa." Cecily said sadly.

"And I can't ever stop thinking he about him. I know that when we look at each other, all we see are all those nights, and I can't take it. I'm supposed to be dating Sean. But if that's true, then why can't I stop think he about Will?" A tear went down my cheek.

"You'll get over Will, in time Tessa. You can't stop loving someone in a blink of an eye." Sophie said.

"So I was right. You do love him." Cecily said softly.

"I always have." I admitted.

They both then hugged me.

"It's going to be okay, Tessa." Cecily said.

I took a deep breath, and the three of us walked back to our table. I sat down, and Will stared at me intently. Surprise went through his eyes, and I knew, that he knew that I had been crying.

Stop Tessa, I told myself. So I did. I didn't look at Will once, throughout the rest of the day.

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