Chapter 10

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Oh god, oh god, I thought, I can't do this. I was standing outside of Will and Cecily's house. Will had texted me saying to come over so that we could work on our project together. I was still mortified from last night's events, and I wasn't sure if I could see him. I mustered up all the courage I had, and knocked on the door.

It opened a second later, to reveal Cecily. She was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, her eyes widened when she saw me. She grabbed my arm and dragged me inside.

"What happened with you and Will last night?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I said.

"Well one moment you two are arguing, and the next you two are making out against your door." Cecily said.

"To be honest, I don't even know how that happened." I admitted. "Anyways, where is he?"

"Upstairs in his room. I'll show you where it is." She said.

Cecily then lead me up the stairs, and to a door that was two down from hers. She opened the door, and we both walked in. The walls of Will's room were white, and he had a great big book shelf in the corner of his room. There was desk with a bunch of stuff on it, and then on the bed sat Will, reading a book.

"Will, Tessa's here." Cecily said.

Will's head snapped up, and he immediately smirked at me.

"Hello Tessa." He said amusedly.

"Will." I nodded.

"I'll leave you two now." Cecily said, and then she left.

We were both silent for a moment, until I broke it.

"So which book should we do?" I said while sitting on his bed.

"Woah, slow down. I was going to ask you if you managed to fall asleep last night, or were you too busy thinking about our kiss?" Will smirked.

I almost cringed. "Yes I fell asleep just fine."

That was far from the truth. I had been up until four in the morning, thinking about his hands on my skin.

"Well, I couldn't stop thinking about doing it again." Will smirked.

He wants to kiss you again! My screamed. I tried to contain my happiness.

"Why don't you?" I said softly.

He chuckled. "You're very forward today. Anyways, what book do you want to do?"

Disappointment washed through me, because he didn't kiss me. I quickly pushed it away.

"What about "A Tale of Two Cities"" I said.

"You read my mind." He said amusedly.

"Alright well we should start--" I started.

"Ugh I don't want to work. Can we not?" He groaned.

"Alright." I sighed. "What should we do then?"

He then smirked at me. "Have you talked to Gabriel today?"

"Yes." I lied. "We are meeting up later."

"Really? Because he's coming over later to work on his project with Cecy." Will smirked.

I silently cursed, and looked away from him.

"Just let it go, Tessa, you don't like him." Will said.

"I do." I said simply.

He sighed."Why are you so stubborn?"

"Why are you so certain that I don't like him?" I asked.

"Because I know you." He said.

I scoffed. "No you don't."

"Oh yes I do." Will suddenly moved so that he was right beside me.

"I know that you like it when I do this." Will brushed his lips across my mouth, and I shivered.

"And I know that you want me to kiss you right now." He whispered.

"Are you?" I breathed.

"Yes." He said, and then he smashed his lips to mine.

He put his hands around my waist, and my hands went around his neck. He pulled my close to him so that there was no space between us. I wasn't sure what happened next, but I was laying down on his bed and Will was on top of me. I tugged off his shirt, and he threw it to the ground. I ran my hands over his chest, and he made a sound.

He bent down and started to kiss my neck, and I moaned a bit. I knew that I shouldn't have been doing this, but I couldn't find it in me to stop.

"I know that you like it when I do this." Will whispered as he kissed my neck.

"Oh, Will." I moaned, and I tugged at his hair.

His hands then found there way underneath my shirt, and I groaned. In a second my shirt was off, and he was kissing me again but more roughly. He reached under my back, for the clasp of my bra. He undid it, and I was half naked in front of him. I felt myself blush, and I pulled him down to kiss me again.

"Will." I moaned.

"Oh god, Tessa." He said as he kissed me.

He was kissing me so hard that I could barely even breathe. Suddenly we heard a voice.

"Will! Cecily! It's time for dinner!" His mother's voice called.

Will kept kissing me, and I kept pulling him closer to me.

"Will--Will we should go." I said between kisses.

"Ugh" He groaned, but he rolled off me.

We awkwardly quickly got dressed, and walked downstairs. His mother and father, and Cecily were all sitting at the table. I said my hellos to his parents and took a seat across my Will. My heart was still racing from our kissing, and I felt shaky.

Throughout dinner, Will would smirk at me and I would blush. Cecily kept giving me questioning looks. After dinner was finished, Cecily and I went upstairs and I told her everything.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed. "You guys practically did it!"

"Shhhhh no we didn't." I said.

"Well, you were almost naked in front of him." Cecily smirked.

"Ugh stop." I said.

We talked for a few minutes, and then I decided to leave. Cecily walked me downstairs, and to the front door. I was about to leave when Will walked up. Cecily then left us-on purpose-and Will walked me outside.

I kept staring at him out of the corner of my eye. Dear god he was beautiful, I couldn't take it anymore. I stopped and kissed him, hard. He immediately had me pressed up against the of his house. We stayed like for a good five minutes, and then we finally pulled away.

"See you in English." Will smirked.

He then walked back inside, and I got into my car. Dear god, what was happening?

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