Chapter 31

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I put on my blue dress, and stood in front of my mirror. Today was the day of Sean and I's date, and I was getting ready. I had on a blue dress, with black heels, but something didn't feel quite right. I then realized it. The dress was the exact shade of Will's eyes.

I went to my closet, and grabbed a pink dress, and changed into that. I couldn't bear the thought of Will. Pathetic? Yeah, I know. I walked downstairs, and I walked straight into Aunt Harriet.

"Oh Tessa, you look wonderful." She said, as we stepped back from each other.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Is Will taking you out?" She smirked.

My smile faded. "Um no, his name is Sean."

"Ah." Aunt Harriet said. "Well, have fun."

She walked away, and then the doorbell rang. I opened the door, and there stood Sean. He was wearing jeans, a white t-shirt, with a leather jacket over top. His white-blonde hair was a bit tousled, and he was smiling at me. He looked very attractive, and my eyes widened.

"Tessa, you look amazing." He said.

I blushed. "Thanks, so do you."

"Should we go?" Sean said.

"Sure." I said.

We got into his car, and Sean started to drive. We were silent on the drive, and soon enough we pulled up to a fancy restaurant.

"You didn't have to take me here." I said, surprised.

He smiled. "I wanted to."

We walked in, and Sean whispered something to the waiter. The waiter then lead us to a table that was secluded from the rest. It had candles, and a rose was on it.

"Oh Sean." I gasped.

He smiled. "C'mon."

We both took our seats, and a waiter came and poured us both water, and then he left.

"Sean, you didn't have to do this." I said.

"I wanted to." He said.

His blue-green eyes were bright, and he looked very attractive.

"So, tell me about yourself." Sean said.

"Tell me about yourself."


"You know, like what do you like to do?"

"Oh, well, I really like to read."

One of my first conversations with Will came to my head. Stop Tessa, your with Sean. Forget about Will.

"I like to read." I replied. "What about you?"

Sean shrugged. "I play the guitar."

"Really?" I asked. "I've never known someone who could play the guitar. You'll have to play for me sometime."

He blushed a bit. "Yeah."

"Do you have any siblings?" I asked.

"Yeah, a younger sister, she's fourteen." He replied.

"Lucky. I've always wanted a younger sibling." I said.

Sean chuckled. "Sometimes it's not all that great."

"You know, I'm surprised I didn't notice you more back in New York." I admitted.

"I noticed you." He blushed. "You always had a book in your hand."

I laughed. It was true, I always hand a book in my hand.

"I do remember you hanging out with Nate, though." I said.

"Yeah, me and him were pretty good friends." Sean said. "Have you heard anything about him?"

I sighed. "No I haven't."

"I'm sorry, Tess." He said.

I flinched at the nickname. Only Will called me that. Sean noticed.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

I brushed it off. "Yeah, just that nickname brings back bad memories." I muttered.

"Oh sorry." He said.

"It's fine." I smiled. "So, tell me more about yourself."

"Well, I like playing soccer, my favourite animal is a lion, my favourite colour is green, and I hate Brussel sprouts." Sean said.

"Doesn't everyone?" I said amusedly.

He laughed. "That's true."

We were both silent for a moment.

"Tessa, can I ask you something?" Sean asked.

"Sure." I replied.

"Is there-was there something going on between you and Will?" He asked.

My heart jumped. "Why would you say that?"

"Well, he's always teasing you, and you both have some sort of tension between you two. Everyone can see it." Sean said truthfully.

I sighed. "I don't even know what to call that. But, no. We weren't dating or anything."

He raised an eyebrow. "Really? Because I always catch Will staring at you."

I blushed. "He doesn't. There's nothing between us."

"Okay." Sean said.

"Have you ever dated anyone before?" I asked him.

"Once." He said.

"What happened?" I asked.

Sean shrugged. "We dated for a few months, but we grew apart. I don't know, I didn't like her that much."

"I see." I said.

"What about you?" He asked.

"No, I've never dated anyone before." I admitted.

His eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yeah." I blushed. "Does that surprise you?"

"Actually, yes. I mean, you're really pretty." Sean blushed.

I chuckled. "Thank you."

We were both then silent.

"So, how are you liking it here so far?" I asked.

"It's good." Sean replied. "Though, I miss New York."

"I do, too." I admitted. "But it gets better after awhile."

"I hope so." He smiled.

Dinner then came, and we both are spaghetti. After dinner, we went to a movie. Sean handed my ticket, and I looked at it.

"The Fault in our Stars? You want to watch it?" I asked amusedly.

He blushed. "I thought you would want to watch it."

I laughed. "I do."

We walked into the theatre, and sat down. Halfway through the movie, Sean put his arm around me and I smiled. I had cried when Augustus had died, and Sean had chuckled. Afterwards he drove me home. Sean walked me up to the door, and we awkwardly stood there.

"I had a really great time tonight." I said.

"Me too." He smiled.

Suddenly, he was leaning forward, and so was I. Will's face flashed in my mind, but I pushed it away. Sean's lips then pressed to mine. Hi lips were soft and warm. We pulled away soon, and I bum shed.

"Goodnight, Sean." I sand.

"Goodnight, Tessa." He replied.

He then walked away and I walked inside, with a smile on my face.

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