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i quickly get up and run to the door being startled of what had happened, he is my best friend i cant think of him like that!

opening the door i realize.. its justin

"what do you want justin?" i sighed annoyingly

"look please, give me another chance i-"

"-cut it justin im done with you"

"but please. brooklyn. i can make it up to you," he started moving closer until we were and inch apart from each other.

all of the sudden he slammed his lips onto to mine and i kissed back, it all happened so fast i could barley keep up.

"erm.. g-guys?"

shit. i forgot ashton was there


"sorry can i get through im going home now," ashton looked sad, what happened?

"ok by ash" i sighed giving him a
quick hug while justin just waved.

"see ya later!" i smiled.

i turned back around to see justin there smirking

"now, where were we?" he started kissing me again but this time, it didnt feel right.

"j-justin," i said but it came out more of a moan so instead the kiss got even more heated

whats wrong with me? i cant control myself like whenever he kisses me i cant seem to stop myself

we eventually pull away heavily breathing

"brooklyn, will you be my girlfriend again?" he says

i chuckle "fine,"

ashton pov
i go up to the door to see who it was to find brooklyn kissing someone. it was justin, sighing, they didnt even know i was there so i sadly said "erm.. g-guys?" they turned around very embarrassed.

"y-yes?" brook stuttered

"sorry can i get through im going home now," i said sadly

opening my car door sighing. i felt.. jealous? i dont know what im feeling to be honest but i knew who could cheer me up

so i picked up my phone and called calum.

"hey mate, whats up?"

"well, its kinda complicated,"

"ive got time meet me at my place we can talk, ok?"

"ok," i sighed and hung up the phone and i drove to calums house with faint noises of rock music coming through the radio

"hey, ashton, hold on ill go get calum." india, calums girlfriend said

"hey, so whats up? you seem kinda down"

sighing i said "well, its brooklyn,"

"come with me," he said bringing me to his music room

"ok so, i think im starting to develop feelings for her,"

"hold on.. your best friend?" i nodded "why all of the sudden?"

"well i dont know but everytime i see her with justin i have this jealous feeling."


"and today we were watching a movie, and all of the sudden i was lost in her eyes,"

"ok ash, i see you have definitely developed feelings for brooklyn.."

"calum, she deserves so much better, justin is a jerk," i said feeling both angry and sad

"hey, how about we write, yeah?"

"yea that sound like a good idea" i smiled i small smile
after hours of writing, we were finished. the song we wrote was for brooklyn. about us.

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