Chapter One

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The door to the Martin Legal Offices swung shut behind me as I walked out. My watch read that it was almost nine at night. The sun hung just over the horizon, blinding everyone who happened to be facing the west. Behind the dark lenses of my aviators, I scanned the area until my eyes landed on the light blue Volvo S40 parked at a meter. A smirk twisted my lips as I made my way to it.

No, I wasn't stealing it. This just so happened to be my car. Despite the amount of money that I made, I stuck with the simple things in life to try and divert attention away from me. My apartment was nice, but not over the top. I refused to use the wealth that grew in my bank account for anything other than the necessities. It's a pretty good idea seeing that I move around a lot and don't get to stay in one place for long.

I climbed into the car and started making my way home. The windows were rolled down, the sunroof was open, and music blasted from the speakers. My brown hair was tied back in a ponytail and I propped my sunglasses on the top of my head to hold the flyaway hairs out of my face.

While driving down the road towards my building, I passed a red Jeep. The front passenger and I made eye contact for a split second before I turned back to the road. As I was turning into the long driveway for my apartment complex, I heard tires squealing and my head whipped around to see the Jeep making a U-turn in the middle of the street. The smell of burning rubber reached my nose as the driver floored it to catch up with me.

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath and sped up, winding my way up the driveway until I was at the front of my building. My parking job was haphazard, but I didn't really care at the moment. There were more important things on my mind. I sprinted to the door and made it inside, pulling the it shut behind me just as they reached it. By 'they', I mean the four huge men on the other side of the locked entrance. Not wasting a second, I sprinted up the stairs and into my apartment.

I grabbed the bag that I kept stashed in the front closet and pulled my phone out of my jeans. With haste, I pawed through my bag to make sure I had everything I need in it, including my wallet, then shoved my phone in, too. Throwing open the window, I tossed the bag onto the fire escape. Before I could climb out, my door burst open and the four of them ran in.

I froze with my back to them and raised my hands into the air. My eyes caught the reflection of them in the raised window and I watched as one moved forward to grab me. I spun around and placed a kick to his jaw that sent him sprawling. The next one started for me, but I ran at him and jumped up, locking my legs around his neck, before throwing my torso backwards, flipping him in a way that would surely knock the wind out of him. My leg shot out to catch myself before I fell as well, and I straightened, my eyes landing on the man I'd kicked in the jaw. He was starting to stand, so I ran over and punched him in the throat, effectively keeping him down for the count.

The other two attacked at the same time, and I ducked one's punch before I kicked his kneecap in and shoved the heel of my palm against his nose. A satisfying crunch resounded and I smirked before spinning on my toes to deliver a roundhouse kick to the other man's jaw, then grabbing the back of his neck and smashing his face into my knee. I spun back towards the window and dove through it, grabbing my bag and rushing down the stairs.

At the bottom, I rushed for my car. Tossing the bag onto the passenger seat, I started it up and peeled out of the lot. Once I was on the freeway with no sign of the red Jeep behind me, I dug out my phone and dialed Todecky.

"Ah, my favorite employee. What's up, darlin'?"

"I completed the job at Martin Legal Offices."

"I knew you could do it. You're definitely the best of us. There was six layers of security at that building, and you got past all of them, I'm very impressed. I just transferred the payment to your account."

"Thanks, but I have a problem. Veder's men found me. I need another redo."

A heavy sigh came from his end of the call. "Brin, I can't keep doing this. The government will catch on soon if I keep erasing you from places where you get into trouble."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"I don't think I can do it this time, darlin'. I'm sad to say this, but you don't work for me anymore as of right now. Good luck."

The dial tone met my ear and I huffed in frustration, throwing the phone back into the bag. I rubbed my face with one hand and sighed. I knew that it would come down to this one of these days, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. My hand slammed against the steering wheel. Damn it all.

I took a random exit and found myself driving through a wooded area, and into a town that I doubted even made it onto the maps. The houses were styled like cabins, but I knew that they were refinished with modern tech. Call it a job perk to know these things at a glance. At the very edge of the town, there was a campground and a small smile managed to make it's way onto my face.

I parked there and made sure the windows were rolled up, and doors locked before I crawled into the back. Here's to hoping that I can stay here for a bit before I have to move. Again.

I leaned back into the front to grab my phone, then settled down with it in the back. I logged into my bank app and transferred the money I'd been paid from Todecky's account for me into my own personal account that he couldn't touch. Logging out, I checked my messages, deleting the ones from Todecky's men that just made fun of me. Like I've told them many times before, I can beat their asses to next week despite my small statute. But I guess men can't believe women can fight. Gotta love sexism.

After about an hour of me scrolling through my tumblr dash, I conceded to the fact that I had to sleep at some point. I tossed my phone up onto the driver's seat, and that's when I heard it.

The howl of a wolf.

I know that it's stupid, but I've always felt close to wolves. So the howling outside brought a smile to my face and with that, I laid down in the back of my car. My pillow was already on the back seat, and I grabbed the blanket from the floor of the vehicle to drape over me as I let myself drift off into a light sleep.

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