Chapter Four

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I shifted slightly and a whimper escaped me as my neck protested. Massaging the muscles that were spasming, I realized that I was starving and had no food left in the bag that I'd thrown onto the passenger seat. I grabbed my wallet and gently climbed out of the car, taking a deep breath when the world swayed around me. 

When I opened my eyes, a light grey wolf was staring at me from the tree line. I trembled out of both fear and nausea. My knees gave out and I collapsed back into the driver seat. I swallowed another three pain pills, my hands gripping the steering wheel as I waited for them to kick in. 

The wolf was still there when I could finally move without getting dizzy and wanting to vomit. I frowned at it, then slowly started moving towards the town's center. A growl left it's snout and at my next step, it shot to it's feet and snarled at me. Great, I'm being kept prisoner near my car by a wild beast. 

I sat down inside my car and shut the door, locking all of them just in case. My head leaned against the cool glass and I let out a gentle sigh. The sound of another car had me opening my eyes and I watched as a dark green SUV pulled up in front of my car. A scowl marred my face as Jace and Laylee stepped out of the vehicle. I was glaring at them when a third person came up behind them. 

He was the same height as Jace, and looked very similar to Laylee, which made me guess one of their kids. His black hair was all disheveled and his grey eyes where wild until they met mine. A strange feeling shot through me and I shook it off. I needed to be careful around that boy, he was dangerous for me if I wanted to leave.

Jace strode forward and tried to open my door, but it was locked. I stuck my tongue at him and crossed my arms, feeling safe from the lunatics outside my car. That lasted until he ripped by door off it's hinges. I gasped and shout out of the car, to stare in horror at the damage.

"You son of a bitch! You wrecked my car!"

"We'll get you a new one."

"That's not the point! The point is you shouldn't need to buy me a new one because you shouldn't be able to do that!"

He shrugged and dropped my door on the ground. I looked over to find the third person smirking at me. My glare made him falter, but not for too long.

"What's so funny, you soggy lampshade?" I raged, stomping up to him.

"You're so angry, but you're so small."

I lunged for him, my anger find a new high, but hands grabbed me and yanked me back. Twisting in their grip, I swung my fist and watched as they stumbled back, clutching their jaw. Jace's eyes flashed with anger and he roared, running to attack me. I jumped up and latched my legs around neck, and threw my torso backwards. He flipped over, the breath knocked out of him and I landed on my feet. 

"Don't. Fucking. Touch. Me." I hissed down at him. 

As I looked back up, I was hit by a sudden wave of nausea and dizziness. I stumbled and put a hand to my head. My world tilted and I found myself laying on the ground, curled in a ball to try and recenter myself. Jace was now okay, though he was staring at me with shock, as was Laylee and the guy I called a soggy lampshade. 

"How did you do that?"

I just groaned in response, my head pounding in time to my heartbeat. My eyes squeezed shut and I heard them come closer. "What did I just say?"

The footsteps stopped and I don't doubt that were still staring at me. 

"How did you do that? Seriously?"

"I just did it. I don't get the big deal."

Jace cleared his throat. "You shouldn't have been able to even move me, yet you had be flipped on my back before I could react."

"I'm stronger than I look. It doesn't matter, can you guys just leave me alone now?"

"No," it was the soggy lampshade.


"Cause you're my mate."

"Is that supposed to mean something to me? I don't care what you think there is between us, because there is nothing and will always be nothing."

A growl filled the silence that my words left. The animalistic sound had my eyes flying open and staring up at the man towering over me. He made that noise? How is that possible?

"If you come with us, I can explain to you what you being my mate means, and why it should've been impossible for you to beat up my dad." He held out his hand to me and I flicked my gaze between his hand and his face.

Take it! My heart screamed, You'll miss out on something really important if you don't.

Run! My brain argued, He's a stranger and your vulnerable. Don't be stupid.

I sighed and decided to listen to my heart. Ugh, that was disgustingly cliché. My hand landed in his and I let him pull me to my feet. I wobbled slightly, but steadied myself. I was lead over to the backseat of the SUV and helped inside. Soggy Lampshade got in on the other side a few seconds later and watched me as I leaned against the window, my eyes sliding closed, but my body was too wound up for me to try and rest. 

After ten minutes in the car, in complete silence, we pulled to a stop and the engine was turned off. My hands fumbled to undo my seatbelt buckle and I pried my eyes open to get out of the car. A set of hands steadied me and I allowed them as I stumbled around, my dizziness is getting worse.

"She needs to lay down."

I was whisked off my feet and I felt air whip past me. The next second, I felt something against my back and realized that I was laying down. On what, I had no idea, but my headache has lessened as I stopped moving and kept my eyes closed.

"We can continue this conversation in the morning. You need to get some rest so you can heal."

Soggy Lampshade brushed my hair back out of my face and then sighed. My stomach was filled with butterflies at his close proximity and I was confused. I don't know him, so why is my body reacting this way? It's never happened to me before and I'm worried that I may be getting sick.

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