Chapter Thirteen

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"So you're telling me that you think I'm an Elemental?" I ask with a raised brow.

Laylee nods and then smiles widely. "It'd explain the purple light! That's the power of spirit!"

Nico and I exchange a look. We'd moved down to Jace's study to talk with the ex-Alpha and his mate, as well as the rest of the family. I was leaning against the far wall and at the eye contact with my mate's intense stare, I blush. A light purple glow surfaces over my body and stare in wonder. It quickly disappears and Lucy jumps up.

"Do it again!"

"I don't know how," I mumbled.

She started shaking me like a mad person while screaming for me to do it again. Something about it being pretty, but I wasn't paying attention to what she was saying as my neck started to ache. I felt myself getting angry as my head snapped back and forth. My hands balled into fists and Leo snatched her away right before I exploded.

"I don't know what I did!" 

My shout was punctuated with the curtains that framed the window catching on fire. 

Screams resonated around the room and I was suddenly feeling a strong sense of confusion. How could I set something on fire that was across the room from me? The chaos around me didn't help, so I pushed my way through the panicked family and collapsed into Nico's arms, tears brimming my eyes. My emotions were going on a roller-coaster, but I wasn't in control of the brakes. 

Water poured in from the window and put out the fires, but left a puddle on the floor. I buried my face in Nico's chest, my eyes squeezing shut. "Please, make it stop."

He embraced me and held one hand against the back of my head, holding me gently to him. His chest rumbled while he growled at the screaming room. It fell silent and I felt myself calming down. Until someone came running in in a panic.


The shout scared me and the window was suddenly blocked by a wall of earth. My wide and panicked eyes locked with Nico's and he swept me out of the room in the next second. Once we were back in our room, he tried to put me down, but I clung to him desperately. I was scared because I felt like I had no control over my emotions, and every time they changed, something would happen. 

Air whipped around us as if we were standing in the middle of a hurricane. Nico's grip on me tightened and the wind suddenly left. I was shaking in his hold.

"What's happening to me?" I asked as I hid my face in his neck. 

"Your powers are coming in. I don't know why, but don't worry, I'm not leaving."

I pulled back and finally let him set me on the ground. My legs traveled across the floor as I paced. "I'm terrified. I'm not in control of myself and it's making everything go crazy. What if I'm stuck like this forever?"

"Sweetheart, you need to calm down."

"I can't! It's too much for me to handle and-"

He'd grabbed my waist as I was about to turn and pace away. I was pulled into his chest and he kissed me. My body immediately relaxed and a purple glow surrounded us both. I closed my eyes as I lost myself in him. 

When I broke away to breathe, his lips traveled down to his mark on my neck. Something within me flared and I raised a hand to the place where his neck met his shoulder, where my mark would go if I could mark him. My hand flared with blinding colors and he jerked his head up to stare down at me. 

I pulled my hand back and my jaw fell open. There, where my hand had been, sat a pentagram with my first name scrawled under it. He dragged me into the bathroom with him and I watched as he inspected the spot with awe. Turning back to me, he smiled and brushed his hand over the mark on my neck.

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