Chapter Two

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I can't help it, and I hate myself for it, but I'm falling in love with this town.

The longer I stay here, the more I realize that I don't want to leave. But if I don't leave, Veder's men could find me and I'll be killed. It's another job perk.

Another part of it could be that the people are so friendly that I don't want to leave. It's been years since I've been in my hometown, which means years since I've last seen familiar faces that don't want to kill me. Eight years, to be exact.

As I enter the local café, I notice that there's a sort of hush in the air. The barista that usually takes my order with a smile is now just staring. Everyone is staring. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and my muscles coil in preparation. Years of training are packed in my muscles and I can't help but focus more on my senses so that I'm not caught unaware.

A bell rings and my head turns slightly as I glance at the figure out of the corner of my eye. My heart stops at the sight of him, then it beats uncontrollably fast while I maintain the calm facade. He comes closer and moves to grab my arm, but I snatch it away and move back, now facing him.

"Ferli, don't make me cause a scene."

"You already are," I spat, my hands itching to punch him square in the nose, and then make a break for it. "If you want to talk, let's find a more private place."

"I don't think that's a good idea."


He cracked a smile, but there was no mirth in it. This man was a cold hearted snake. Every thing he did was methodical and manipulative. I learned that the hard way. "I'm not afraid of you, Ferli."

"You should be. Eight long years has built me up to this moment. Though I'm guessing that you already know how I spent them."

A slow nod. "I'm impressed."

"I don't want your praise, you scumbag!" I hissed under my breath, aware of all the eyes on us. Despite the chatter, I knew that they were listening in as best they could. That's the thing about small towns, they love their gossip.

"That's not very nice dear. I am a family friend, after all."

"Does that even matter anymore? My family is dead, and I don't know you well enough to consider you a friend. After killing my parents, you will never be a friend to me."

His grin dropped and the cold glare that haunted my dreams after that night of bloodshed came out. This time was different than the incident eight years ago. This time, I was ready to protect myself and anyone else from this monster standing two feet in front of me. He didn't scare me anymore.

"If I ever catch you near me again, I won't hesitate to kill you, Veder."

His hand twitched and I knew that he was going for the gun he kept tucked into the waistband of his jeans at his back. My fist shot out and connected with his jaw, and I reached around him to grab the gun and throw it away from him. He smirked at me, and then grabbed my face with one hand, gripping my jaw harshly. 

"You're good, I'll give you that. But if you don't fight with weapons, how to plan on beating me?"

"Like this."

I hooked my leg around his, and straightened it, causing him to topple over. I then twisted out of his grasp, and used his still outstretched hand to throw him face first into the edge of the counter. He cursed and spun around, only to meet my fist as it pummeled into his windpipe. His eyes went wide and he collapsed to his knees, trying to breathe around his bruised throat.

"I'm not going to kill you, because there's too many witness. If you care to continue this, then follow me."

With that, I marched out of the café and back towards the camp grounds. I walked into the trees and hid amongst them as he came barreling through, a gun in hand. With careful steps, I ran up behind him silently and drove my elbow into his spine. He dropped the gun and I kicked it away.

He slowly got to his feet and before I could process what he was about to do, I ran forward, grabbing his face and then yanked backwards and down. His skull came crashing down onto a rock and blood splattered over me, even as my head bounced off of a tree.

I stood up and felt a weight leave me. 

The man who haunted my dreams was dead because I finally got my revenge.

I walked away and made it back to my car when my vision blurred and I swayed on my feet. My hand rose to my head and came away with blood on it. I popped the trunk to my car to get my first aid kit, and collapsed back into it just in time to pass out.

* * * * *

The pounding in my head was so bad that my ears were ringing and I felt like my skull was suddenly too small for my brain. My nose twitched with the urge to sneeze and my next breath in brought nothing but sterile air. I remembered everything, except the part where I got to a hospital.

My eyes opened slowly and I turned to see a couple probably in their late thirties, early forties, sitting in the two chairs near the hospital bed. I studied them while they slept, like a total creeper. That's me.

Despite their age, they were an attractive pair. The woman had black hair that was pulled back in a braid. Her creamy skin had freckles dotting her cheeks and nose, and she was the total opposite of the man next to her. His dirty blonde hair was a mess, and his tanned skin contrasted with hers. Even though they were sitting, I could tell that he dwarfed her in size. They had brought the chairs right next to each other and the woman was curled against his side, her head resting on his shoulder. His arm was draped around her, head leaning back against the wall, and his legs were stretched out in front of him.

That couldn't be comfortable.

The woman yawned and slowly opened her eyes, which were grey, and stared at me groggily. Suddenly she bolted upright in her chair and rubbed her eyes before staring at me again.

"You're awake!"


She turned to the man and started shaking him violently. "Babe! Babe, wake up! Wake up!" He didn't so much as move a muscle. I would've thought he was dead, but she just rolled her eyes and glared at his sleeping face. "So help me god, Jace Blakely! If you don't wake your ass up, right now, I'm staying with the kids for a week and locking you up at home!"

That got him up. He jumped awake and then glared at the woman, who gave him a sweet smile. "That's not funny, Laylee."

"But it got you up," she countered, then looked over at me again. "Right! I completely forgot! She's awake!"

His green eyes swung over to me and they widened. "Oh, I'm sorry. Hi, my name is Jace, and this is my wife, Laylee. We found you out in the campgrounds with a blood all over you, but it wasn't yours. Do you recall what happened?"


Both of them looked shocked by the coldness in my voice. I had to distance myself, I can't let them grow attached to me since I'm leaving soon. Veder may be dead, but his men aren't, and they all hate me. As soon as the couple before me leaves, I'll be taking off. I don't want to stay here any longer or else I fear that I may never leave. 

"What happened, if you don't mind me asking?" The woman, Laylee, asked.

"I got in a fight. It's not the first nor will it be the last."

"We found another body, though this man was dead. His head was smashed open on a rock. We are wondering if he was a friend of yours?"

"He is no friend," I hissed and glared at them.

The man, Jace, glared back, his muscles tensing until Laylee gently rubbed his back. He took a deep breath and calmed himself down before looking back at me. "So you know him. Do you know what happened to him?"

I grinned maliciously at them and answered.

"I did."

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