Chapter Fourteen

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A week has passed since I spent an afternoon with Nico's wolf. I knew that he was being gentle with me so that I would see the difference between him and the wolves in my past. Ever since that day, Nico's been arguing with him about mating me. 

The horny wolf has shown it's true self.

I was currently wrapped in a towel, pawing through the clothes I'd gotten on a shopping spree with Cora, Lucy, and Dylan. The door to the bedroom opened as soon as I finished pulling on my undergarments, and I was quick to duck behind the closet door. Cora's laugh had me peeking around to see her heading over to me, alone.

"I thought you were Nico," I admit, a blush tinting my cheeks as I grabbed a set of black jeans and a grey oversized sweatshirt.

"What, you don't want him to see you half-naked?"

"It's not that, it's more of the fact that I don't want to encourage his wolf," I explain as I slick my brown waves into a tight ponytail. "As close as we've grown, I don't think I'm ready for that quite yet."

She nods in understanding and sits on the edge of my bed, watching me search the room for my cell. "I remember that. Sure, I've known Jaymes since my diaper days, but when I became of age to feel the full effects of the bond, I was stuck. I wanted to give into the pull and mate, but I also didn't want to rush into things. I made the poor fool wait two years to mate with me."

"I don't think I want to wait that long. All I know is that I don't know how to control my powers yet and don't want to accidentally set the bed, or him, on fire in the heat of the moment."

We both laughed loudly at that image. I held up my phone with a victory cry and tucked it into my back pocket. Cora stood and walked with me down to the kitchen. It was strange, but I've started to become more aware of Nico, my body knowing exactly where he was even if my mind didn't. I could feel the difference in distance as I walked with his sister.

"The boys are all down in the gym, training," Laylee commented when I walked into the kitchen, looking around for my mate. "Speaking of that, Rhys thinks it'd be a good idea for you to teach the warriors your tricks."

I shrugged. "Why not? I get to beat people up and make the pack stronger simultaneously."

Cora rolled her eyes at me, but I saw the twinkle in them. She wanted to know how to fight like me, too. I smirked and turned to her, my elbows on the countertop.

"What if I teach both the warriors and the mates? Except, I teach the warriors more offensive attacks, and the mates more defensive? I'd obviously teach each group both, but let's say someone like Jaymes does something to annoy Cora, it'd teach him a better lesson if she could knock him flat on his back for what he did, than just shouting at him."

"I like that idea," Laylee mutters, a scary glint in her eye.

Her daughter sighed and propped her chin in her hand as she looked at her mother. "What did dad do now?"

Taking in a big huff of air, Laylee's spine straightens as she gets ready to spill it. "Well, we decided to go out for dinner last night because he rarely takes me out anymore, even though he's retired, and everything is going great. Then he gets a call from someone in the pack, and instead of referring them to Rhys, the current Alpha of this pack, Jace decides that it's a great idea to run out of the restaurant to help them. He left me behind with a half-eaten meal, the bill to pay, and no car to get home. I was wearing a silk dress, so I couldn't shift and carry it in my teeth or it'd be ruined, so I had to walk the three and a half miles from the restaurant to here. I broke a heel halfway back. Plus, my phone had died while trying to call my so-called mate to get him to come back for me, and he blocked his mind-link."

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