Chapter Fifteen

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I turned to find that the warrior training group had trekked out to our little clearing to see where many of the women had gone off to. Rhys' eyes scanned the group behind me and on the edges, an eyebrow raised in question.

"I'm teaching the women how to fight," I say, crossing my arms and shrugging.

Dylan skips up to him and lightly pecks his cheek. "It's really fun. Soon, I'll beat you in training."

He scoffs and she instantly frowns. "Honey, I know that Brin is a good fighter, but you've just started, whereas she's had years of practice. You won't be beating me anytime in the near future."

"She's actually been doing really well today," I state, a proud grin growing on Dylan's face. 

Rhys' eyes snap to me and narrow. "I thought I asked for you to train the warriors, not the women."

"I will, but I think it's better if the women can protect themselves just in case anything were to happen when they're alone."

Something I said must've triggered something in Rhys, because his eyes flashed and he stalked towards me. "You think I can't protect my pack members?!"

"That's not what I said," I quickly fumbled, trying to find a way to placate the angry Alpha male in front of me.

As he got ready to attack me for something I hadn't even understood I did, Gabbi's small frame dove between us. He blindly threw her aside and I rushed over to her, checking to make sure that she was okay. A male charged out of the trees and threw himself at Rhys. Dylan's scream had my head snapping up to see that the man had shifted midair and it's jaw was latched onto the Alpha's arm.

Gabbi cried out a frightened, "No!"

Realizing that this must be her mate, I rushed into the scene, pushing the wolf to Gabbi once Rhys had shaken him off. The wolf snapped at me and I snarled back, "Go to your mate."

He blinked, then turned to Gabbi, wrapped up in making sure she's okay. A heavy hand clamped onto my shoulder and spun me around to face the enraged face of Dylan's mate. Before he could say anything, he was on his back.

I looked down to see Dylan had swept his legs out from under him and laughed. She smiled grimly at me, then climbed on top of him, knowing that she was the only one who could calm him down. His eyes narrowed on her and she smirked.

"Looks like I've got you on your back, Mr. Alpha," she teased, though worry danced in her eyes as she gently took hold of his arm and brought it close to her face to examine the bite mark.

His wolf calmed down some as he watched her, and then he released a deep breath. He got to his feet, holding Dylan against him with his good arm. "I'm sorry I snapped, Brin. I have no excuse."

I waved it off. "Don't worry about it. I know that you have a lot of stress being the Alpha and I'm sorry if my words made it sound like you can't take care of your pack. That's not what I meant. I meant that should anything happen, I think that the entire pack should be prepared to fight, even if it is just to defend themselves instead of attacking. I'm not training warriors, I'm training survivors."

"I get what you meant. As the pack is aware, there have been a lot more rogues sniffing around recently, and I'm worried that they're going to be attacking soon."

My face turns stoic as I hear this. "How many so far?"

"Thirty, but more come every day."

"Maybe they want something from your land that you could use to negotiate peace."

He cocks his head slightly, pondering my words. "Possibly..."

I notice that the rest of the groups had dispersed, leaving Rhys, Dylan, and myself in the clearing. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, as in warning that we aren't alone, and that the company isn't good. Rhys notices it too, because he has Dylan tightly pressed to him, nose tilted in the air to pinpoint a scent, and eyes narrowed on the trees.

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