Chapter Ten

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Lucy sat on one side of me and Nico sat on the other. So far, breakfast has gone without a stitch. It wasn't until I got up to go to the bathroom that there was a problem. 

On my way back to the table, I saw the four men from my apartment  coming in the door and heading towards me. The table with Nico and him family were beyond them and I didn't want to create a scene. Walking up to them I crossed my arms and glared.

"What do you want?"

"Not here, dolly."

One twisted my arms behind me so that my wrist was between my shoulder blades and he gripped my other shoulder painfully. I pushed the pain aside and let them drag me out into the cold air. My eyes darted over to the table and I saw Dylan staring at me in shock and, I'm probably wrong, but I swear I saw worry in her gaze too.

Once outside and a good distance from the diner, they threw me to the ground and kicked me several times in the ribcage to make sure I'd stay down. Coughing, I got to my hands and knees, glaring up at them.

"What do you want?" I spat. 

"Boss wants you, dolly."

"Veder is dead, I killed him. Head smashed into a rock."

"You cold bitch!" One lunged at me and I was tackled to the ground, but made quick work of snapping his neck, then pushing his dead body off me. A second one dove at me and I spun around, kicking his back and sending him flying into a tree. I then grabbed his hair and smashed his face into the trunk of it until he was dead. Turning back, I stormed over to where I was before.

"He deserved it after what he did to me!"

The other two sneered and one grabbed my neck, lifting me into the air as the other snickered next to us. "Poor little Brin, abandoned by her parents at eight years old."

My anger boiled to a breaking point and I lashed out with my leg. The man holding me screamed and let go as my knee slammed into his nose. He collapsed and I shakily climbed to my feet, knowing that with the force of my knee, his nose hadn't broken, but was slammed backwards into his brain, killing him.

The punch came out of nowhere and I feel back down, gasping for air as I clutched my stomach. "You didn't have to end up like us Brin. But you played right into Veder's hands and ran off to Todecky. He wanted you just like you are now."

"I don't give a flying fuçk what he wants!" I screamed as I got to my feet again. "He ruined my life!"

His hand smacked against my face and I stumbled back. "He didn't ruin it- he made it better! He created a monster! That was what he wanted all along. Little Brin is a cold-blooded killing machine. All it took was her family's deaths to get her there."

A strangled scream escaped me and I threw myself at him. "I'm not a monster! I'm not!"

Years of training flew out the window as I just beat my hands against him and kicked at his shins, tears falling in endless rivulets down my cheeks. Footsteps sounded behind me and I started to turn when I was grabbed by him and the cold blade of a knife was pressed against my neck.

"Get back, mutts."

The entire family was emerging from the trees with growls. "Take your hands off of her," Nico growled and the man behind me just chuckled humorlessly. 

"I can kill her in an instant."

"But you won't," my voice was weak and my eyes slid closed in defeat. "Chris wants me, doesn't he?"

"Very clever, little Brin. You're right, he should be here soon."

Panic enveloped my body and my hand darted up to his wrist, pulling just enough so I could duck out of his hold. I hissed in pain when the blade sliced across my eyebrow but then I ignored it. The man sneered at me and I responded with a punch to his neck. His eyes widened and he collapsed to the ground. The click of a gun's safety coming off, followed by the press of the end of it's cold barrel to my temple prevented me from moving. 

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