Chapter Eleven

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Back at the house, the entire pack was out front to greet us. I tried to hide behind Nico, but I was pulled into the crowd, being thanked profusely for saving the Alpha family. All the attention was on me and I hated it. I looked like a mess and was still teetering on the edge of a meltdown. Nico hadn't said anything to me besides those six words he'd spoken in the clearing, and I feared that he was mad at me or we'd have to start all over.

Finally, the pack started to disperse. I noticed that they were much more friendly to me and I was surprised that me killing people and knocking others out finally got them to trust me. It seems so backwards, but I was too exhausted to care right now. I just want to go upstairs and sleep.

"Brin, honey, there's some food in the kitchen for you," Laylee said as she gave me a smile and gently pulled me into the house.

"I'm not hungry," I mutter with my head down. 


Nico's voice had me freezing. He sounded so detached that it broke my heart. I did this to him. He snatched my arm and pulled me into the kitchen and shoving me into a seat. A plate was dropped in front of me and he handed me some silverware. I just stared at the fried eggs and buttered english muffin.

"Eat," he demanded.

"I'm not hungry, Nico."


"No!" I shouted as I stood up, sending the chair screeching back. "I'm not hungry!"

"I seriously doubt that."

"I ate at the diner before I was dragged away. I'm. Not. Hungry."

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You're hurt. The food will help you get your energy back so you can heal faster. Please, just eat."

He pushed the chair back to the table and I sunk into it. Just to make him happy, I cleaned off the plate and then watched as he brought it to the sink and rinsed it off. He came back over to me and then scooped me up against his chest. I just clung to him, resting my head against his shoulder as he walked up the stairs and into his room.

I was placed gently on the bed and he disappeared into the bathroom. My eyes snapped shut as my pain came rushing to the front of my mind. I bit into my hand to stop the scream that wanted to leave. My chest hurt with every breath I took and my eyebrow was throbbing from the slice that the knife gave me. Not to mention that I was pretty sure there would be a black bruise on my stomach and cheek by tomorrow. 

"Brin? Can you look at me?" Nico's frantic voice had me looking up into his grey orbs that held worry. 

"It hurts," I whisper hoarsely.



He cursed and his eyes glazed over for a few seconds while he grabbed my hand. I gripped his hard and he winced slightly but then cupped my face with his other hand and laid his forehead to mine. The door opened and two sets of feet rushed in, but I didn't move away from Nico.

"Sir, do I have your permission to remove her shirt and jeans so I can inspect her?" an unfamiliar voice asked.

"Yes," Nico said through gritted teeth. "Don't move her."

I felt something cold against my leg and then the sound of scissors alerted me to the fact that they were cutting off my clothes. Despite these being my favorite jeans, I couldn't bring myself to argue as Nico's thumb was gently caressing my cheek that wasn't bruised.

After my clothes were off and I was left in my underwear, Nico pulled back so that the doctor could inspect me. I took a good look at her and she gave me a weary smile before gently poking and prodding me. I hissed when she reached one area around my ribs.

"Okay, don't panic honey, but this will hurt a bit," Laylee said to me before laying her hands over the area.

Her hands grew warm and then I screamed as I felt my ribs moving into their correct position in my chest. Then a burning sensation started from inside and I squirmed as it became uncomfortable. Nico's eyes were pained as he watched helplessly from my side. After a good two minutes of the internal burning, Laylee removed her hands from my body.

"I'm so sorry," she sobbed and smoothed her hand over my hair.

"What the hell was that?"

"My mom is the daughter of the moon meaning that she's a very powerful wolf and has extra gifts," Nico explained and Laylee gave me a watery smile.

"I just learned that I could heal people a few years ago when a pack member was attacked by a rogue," she told me.

"Thank you, then," I said and squeezed her hand in thanks.

"Miss Laylee, please go downstairs and eat something before you pass out," the doctor requested and Nico's mom nodded, slowly making her way out of the room. "She only healed your ribs so that you can move easier. Everything else will be healing naturally. Don't let her keep trying to heal you. It takes a toll on her body and could send her into a coma if she exerts too much energy."

I nodded and thanked the doctor as she cleaned and stitched up my face. She handed Nico a bottle of painkillers and instructed me to take two every six hours if the pain is really bad. When she left, Nico gave me two pills and then handed me a water bottle from the mini fridge next to his nightstand. I took them and then set the half empty bottle on the nightstand.

"Get some sleep," Nico told me and brushed a kiss over my forehead.

"Don't go," I begged, gripping his hand tighter as he moved back from the bed. "Please."

He smiled and nodded. I let out a surprised gasp when he scooped me up with one arm, pulled back the covers with the other hand, then settled us both in the center of the mattress. I curled into his warm chest as he pulled the covers over us.


"Yeah, tiger?"

"What do you think he meant by my parent's having powers?" I felt him shrug and sighed. "Do I smell like anything other than human?"

"Not to me. You smell like my little human mate."

I laughed softly and poked his chest. "Seriously, do I?"

"Seriously, no. Though I am curious now if you are more than human. I wouldn't be surprised based on your skills. As we've all said before, humans should be able to hurt an Alpha."

I hummed in agreement and trailed my finger along his shirt covered chest. His muscles jumped under my finger and he tightened his arms around me. One hand came up and gently brushed over my cheek, tilting my head back. My eyes looked up and I was shocked at how close his face was to mine. He leaned in and stopped and inch away from me. Letting out a groan, I gripped onto the back of his neck and pulled him down to me, our lips crashing together.

My pain evaporated and I sighed as I felt like I was finally whole. A growl escaped him and his hand gripped the back of my head, cradling it to keep me in place. He rolled us so that he was hovering over me. My legs wrapped around his waist and my hands wandered over his torso. He pulled away first, and a blinding smile overtook his face.

"It's about time," he joked and then rolled us again so that I was laying atop him. I smiled back at him and laid my chin on his chest so I could look at him. His hands rand through my hair and I sighed happily.

"Do you think my parents are proud of me?" I asked softly.

"I know they are. You're an amazing woman and I don't doubt that they understand that you were trying to do the right thing all along."

I smiled and kissed his chest. "Thank you. I don't know what I would've done if I never met you."

"Well it's a good thing fate decided to bring us together," he said and wound his arms around my waist. I laid my head down on him and yawned loudly. "Get some rest, tiger. I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm not a tiger," I argue lazily and hear him laugh before my exhaustion overtakes me.

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