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Hey guys! I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while; my brother is getting married on Saturday and my family and I have been so busy getting ready for it :) Here's the update though!

Lauren sat in her car the following morning, staring ahead at the street sign in front of Camila's house.

She was extremely nervous, as she had the right to be considering what she was planning and she also knew that Harper had probably mentioned the fact that Lauren told her about the genetic bond they shared. With a deep slow breath, Lauren got out of the car and trudged her way up to the front door, ringing the doorbell.

Inside, Camila was just getting Harper out of her morning bath when she heard the doorbell. She wrapped the toddler in her robe and carried her downstairs to open for their unexpected guest. She smiled when she saw the nervous Lauren on the other side of the door. After their kiss the night before she couldn't drop her smile. "Lauren..."

Lauren couldn't help but smile back at her, fighting the intense nerves that settled in her stomach. "Hey Camz. Can we um... talk?"

Before Camila could reply, Harper screamed excitedly and bodily threw herself into her mother's arms. "MOMMA!"

Quickly catching the toddler, Lauren blinked in distress, holding her daughter almost for protection as Camila's face went from shock to anger in a matter of seconds.

"...Momma?" The tone of her voice was extremely light and calm but Lauren knew Camila very well and this was only the calm before the storm.

"Yeah!" Harper quipped, the hood of her Cinderella bathrobe sliding down and slightly covering her eyes. If Camila wasn't so livid and if Lauren wasn't so frightened, they would have died from the adorability their daughter was emitting. "She's my momma! She told me so at nite-nite time yesserday!"

Yet again, Camila would have usually giggled at how she pronounced yesterday. But, at the moment, she was completely furious.

Camila took her daughter from her ex and turned to her sister, who had slowly entered the room after hearing the word momma come from Harper's mouth. Camila handed her over and pointed to the stairs. "Ally, will you please go get Harper dressed while I have a word with Lauren?"

Ally quickly nodded and escaped upstairs with her niece, whispering to herself. "Jesus help that poor girl."

While Camila had her back to Lauren, the latter was very quietly trying to make an escape herself but she had apparently forgotten Camila had eyes in the back of her head because the younger girl immediately turned around and grabbed onto her jacket with a low hiss.

"Don't. You. Fucking. Dare." Pulling Lauren back in, Camila shut the front door and pushed the older Latina against it, using both her hands to grasp her leather jacket. Despite her small size, Camila could be extremely terrifying when she wanted to be and Lauren could vouch for that seeing as how she was about to empty her bladder right then and there.

Camila's eyes held a fury that Lauren hadn't seen since Chris had put bright blue hair-dye in the Cuban's shampoo during the end of seventh grade pool party she, Camila, Dinah and Normani threw. Camila had made him jump off her bedroom balcony and into the pool as punishment - what would she do to Lauren for telling Harper she was her mother?

"You told her?"

Camila's angry tone sent chills down Lauren's spine and she stared at her with alarm in her eyes as she cleared his throat, raising a hand and adjusting her beanie for a distraction. "Uhm.. well.. Yeah. Y'see, she asked me why--"

"I cannot believe you!" Camila screeched, pushing her again into the door causing Lauren to wince in pain. "How could you do that!"

"I--" Lauren's voice went up about two octaves and she cleared her throat again to make it go back to normal. "I didn't mean--"

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