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Camila plucked a females black wig package off the hanger in the costume store where she, Harper and Lauren were getting Lauren a Buttercup costume. She held up besides Lauren's head and smiled. "Perfect."

"A wig?" Lauren giggled, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. Buttercup has short hair." She grinned, looking down at her daughter who clutched her hand tightly and watched her parents with interest.

"But Lauren has long hair." Her eyes sparkled with happiness.

"Cmon Lo. Please?"

"But shouldn't we make these costumes more us? Wigs are uncomfortable."

Camila frowned and paused for a moment then kneeled down to Harper's height, whispering something in her ear, causing the little girl to giggle.

She then stood up and smiled sweetly at Lauren.

Harper looked up at her mother with her big doe emerald eyes and reached up, clutching her tshirt and standing on her tip toes. "Please momma?" She asked sweetly, her eyes shining with love for her.

Lauren looked down at her little girl and practically melted at the sight. "Okay, fine. I'll wear the wig." She relented, smiling at the loud squeal Harper let out.


"You played dirty." Lauren then said, turning to Camila who just shot her an innocent smile as she shoved the package into her hands.

"No, actually, it's called playing the cute factor."


Lauren sat on Camila's couch in her costume that night, waiting for the two to finish getting ready. She reached up and scratched her head, hating how the wig felt on it.

A zoom of blue whizzed past her and she watched as a small girl ran fast circles around the coffee table, laughing to herself.

Camila came rushing in, holding a blonde wig in one hand and a trick or treat bag in the other. She was dressed in her pink costume, which was tight, and Lauren appreciated that because it really accentuated her rear and chest.

She wore a red bow in her hair, white thigh high socks and black Mary Janes, as did Harper and Lauren herself. She on the other hand did not wear a wig because "Blossom has long hair too."

Lauren commented that she had red hair but Camila had shut her up with a kiss and that was that.

"Harper baby, come here so I can put on your wig." She sat down on the loveseat as Harper stopped and pouted at her.

"I'm not Harper! I'm Bubbled!"

Camila giggled. "Alright, Bubbles, come here." She smiled as she came running over and bounced up and down excitedly. "Honey, I can't do it while you're bouncing." She laughed and she stopped long enough for her to put it on for her.


"You look great Camz." Lauren grinned as she stood up, the green on her costume making her eyes pop.

"Thanks," she laughed, looking at her with a bright smile. "you don't look too bad yourself."

"Cmooooonnnnn!!" Harper started bouncing once again, grabbing both their hands and dragging them to the front door. "We donts got all night!"

Her parents laughed and followed her out the door.


They hit a few houses and Harper was already snacking on a candy bar as they walked onto the next house.

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