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Sleep fogged Camila's mind as she sat curled up in the seat by Harper's bed as she slept. Lauren sat beside her, curled up with her hand tightly clasped in Camila's, sound asleep. Camila on the other hand, refused to.

She blinked her heavy eyelids and sighed, pushing herself off her chair and groggily making her way into the hall, then into a waiting room and to a machine that sold coffee.

As Camila waited by the machine as it dispensed her much needed pick me up, she heard soft female voices speaking down the hall. She picked up her now ready coffee and quickly added sugar and milk, which the hospital thankfully provided on a small table next to the machine before curiously following the voices, finding none other than her sister and one of her best friends, Normani, standing by a large window looking over the Miami skyline. She was confused for a moment, didn't her mother send Ally home? Why was she back?

"Mani, I can't deal with this." Camila heard Ally whimper as she shakily paced back and forth in front of the window, while Normani sat in one of the waiting room chairs, looking sleepy but sympathetic. She was wearing pajamas, shorts and a sweater to be exact, with the strap of her tank top peaking out. "What if something happens to her? What if she gets worse? Camila cannot handle that. What if.."

Normani frowned as she watched the distressed girl practically dig a hole into the floor of the hospital. She stood up and quickly approached the short girl, stopping her from pacing anymore. "Hey, hey, stop it. Stop with the what ifs. What if she gets better? What if this is just a false diagnosis? What if tomorrow the specialist says she can go home? Baby, relax. She'll be okay, no matter what." She cooed softly, gently stroking Ally's cheek as she visibly relaxed, yet was still tense.

"Everything happens for a reason. I'm sure God has a reason for giving such a beautiful little girl such a horrible sickness, and soon enough we'll find out." Normani murmured, pulling Ally into her arms and hugging her tightly.

Ally breathed a small sigh and nodded slowly, hugging the younger girl back tightly. "Thanks Mani," she murmured into her chest, unaware of her younger sisters watchful and teary eyes as she watched the exchange.

"No problem Allycat." Normani whispered as Ally titled her head up and placed a gentle kiss to the taller girls lips.

Camila gasped softly as she watched the loving moment, covering her mouth. She was aware that Ally had feelings for the dark skinned girl, but she wasn't aware they were reciprocated or that they actually had something going on. Biting her lip to hide her smile, she turned away to go back to her daughters room, letting them have their privacy.


Sleep eventually won the battle and Camila found herself curled up in the very uncomfortable hospital chair unconscious. Hearing voices around her, however, caused her to instantly wake up in confusion. With a small groan, she uncurled herself and looked up, seeing a nurse tending to Harper and speaking to Lauren in hushed tones.

"What's going on?" Camila whispered, sitting up and looking at her still sleeping daughter and then looking at the nurse and her girlfriend, who was quick to reassure her.

"She's just replacing the IV baby," Lauren whispered, sitting back down next to her and giving her a kiss on the cheek. (Morning breath was not cute.)

Camila sighed and nodded groggily, rubbing her eyes. "What time is it?" she mumbled, seeing some sunlight pour into the room from the open door and the slightly shut curtains.

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