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A loud door slam reverberated through the modest yet spacious home of Kendall Jenner. The brunette seethed in anger as she stood in her foyer shortly after her girlfriend - ex-girlfriend left her house. She couldn't believe her for dumping her for that slut Camila.

"Did she dump you?" A smaller brunette quipped from the second floor of the house. She leaned against the railing that offered a view of the downstairs, namely their foyer and some of the family room. Both her arms were laying on the railing with her chin resting on her small arms.

Kendall looked up at her younger sister, who was staring at her with a mischievous look in her eyes and a small grin playing at her lips as she looked down at her sixteen year old sister.

"Shut up, Kylie!" She hissed, storming up the stairs and turning right to go into her room whereas her sister was on the left side of the staircase giggling merrily to herself.

"Better luck next time!" Kylie sang after her and laughed when she heard a huge bang against Kendall's bedroom door, knowing she threw something at it in her anger. The thirteen year old sniggered as she walked back to her own bedroom.

Harper stood on the love-seat in the living room, pressing her face against the window behind the couch, as it was pushed against the wall. Her eyes flicked left to right, eagerly looking for her grandfather, waiting for him to arrive.

Sinu walked into the living room and chuckled at the sight of the little girl. "Mija, what are you doing?"

Harper took her face off the window long enough to look at her grandmother. "Waiting for Gampa!" She yipped excitedly.

Sinu laughed and walked over, sitting next to her on the love seat. "Baby, it's only nine. Your grandpa won't be here until twelve." She reached up and brushed some of her hair out of her eyes, making a mental note to tell her daughter to get her a haircut.

Harper pouted and plopped down on the cushion beside her grandmother. "When's that?"

"In three hours."

"How long is that?"

"One hundred and eighty minutes. Do you know how long that is?"

"Too long!" Harper complained with a whine, throwing herself onto Sinu's lap as she laughed at her actions. "Where's mommy?" She mumbled into her lap.

"She's still sleeping." Since Camila had a late night the night before, Sinu thought she would let her sleep in and take care of Harper herself, as she had woken up at 7:30.

The little girl looked up at her grandma as she stroked her hair. "Can I wake her up?"

Sinu smiled, glancing at the time on the clock on the wall. It was almost ten, she didn't want her to sleep for too long. "Sure honey. Go ahead." She watched as Harper smiled and hopped off the love seat, running to the stairs and scampering up them to get to her mothers room and she chuckled to herself.

That little girl had such a strong hold on her heart and as much as she wished Camila didn't have her when she was only thirteen, she was still happy to be a grandmother and loved her granddaughter to death.

Harper quietly reached up and opened Camila's bedroom door, pushing it open and tiptoeing to her bed.

Camila slept peacefully in her bed, snuggled in her duvet. Her dark chocolate hair was spread over her white pillow. She had a small smile on her face as she dreamt about various things - but a constant dream she was having was about Lauren.

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