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"So what's this I hear about Harper having a 'momma'?" Alejandro asked as he entered the kitchen where Camila was cutting up mangos to have for breakfast. His surprise entrance caused her to almost drop the bowl she held in her hands.

Before it could fall to the ground, she quickly held onto it tightly and sighed in relief, putting it on the counter. "Uhm.. Yeah. About that." She laughed nervously, glancing at her father. "It's a long story."

Alejandro sat at the island, raising his eyebrow. "Well, I have about twenty minutes while Harper tries to find her princess dress."

Still trying to get out of this conversation, Camila's eyes lit up and she quickly rounded the island as she headed for the kitchen door. "Oh, I know where that is. I'll go get it out for her."

Alejandro grabbed her arm before she could leave and raised his eyebrow at her. "Not so fast, young lady. What's the story?"

Camila sighed to herself, sitting next to him. "My history teacher assigned me to tutor Lauren," she began slowly, not daring to look at him. "and at first, I tried so hard to keep it professional between us and to keep it about studying. But.. she came over one day when Harper was sick because I canceled our session and.. well, Harper met her and became attached to her.."

She took a deep breath as a small smile took over her face. "One night she refused to go to bed and demanded Lauren, so.. She came.. Harper asked why she didn't have two parents.. Lauren felt bad and told her. We ended up going on a date and.."

She shrugged, looking at him. "I.. it was so hard not to fall for her again, daddy. And seeing her with Harper.. She really loves her. And Harper loves Lauren too. I've never seen her so happy." she mumbled then hesitated. "Are you mad?"

Alejandro sighed and ran a hand over his face. "No.. I'm not mad. I'm just.. confused. She wanted nothing to do with Harper. What changed? How are you so sure she won't hurt you again?" He asked seriously, looking at the petite girl next to him.

"Well.. I.. I'm not. But I'm giving her a chance. She deserves one. Harper needs two parents in her life."

"I suppose so.. But if she hurts you, I'm hurting her."

"I know, daddy," Camila giggled, reaching over and hugging him tightly. "love you."

"I love you too." Alejandro chuckled and hugged the sixteen year old back.


"Uh, Ms. Lovato?", Dinah uncertainly raised her hand the following day in her English class that she shared with Camila, Lauren and Kendall. "What poetry assignment?"

Ms. Lovato had just finished a long exposition on the class poems which had been due yesterday and she didn't intend on expounding on them further. "Ask one of your sports buddies after class, Ms. Hansen. Now, as I was saying, I've extended this project's due date through tomorrow. And those of you who haven't availed yourselves of punctuality", she paused to glare at Dinah, "... may view two excellent examples from your fellow classmates which I have posted anonymously in the hallway."

Just as she finished her last word, the bell rang and students started to gather up their things, preparing to leave.

Camila quickly packed up her belongings and left the classroom, scanning the hall of students for Lauren's beanie covered head. She smiled to herself and rushed over, ignoring the suspicious big group of teenagers crowded around the bulletin board outside their English class.


Lauren turned around at the sound of Camila's voice and smiled at her as she approached her. "Hey Camz. Nice ears." She grinned, flicking the cat ears she wore on her head in the spirit of Halloween.

Camila laughed and straightened them, grinning at her. "Thanks. So uh.. Harper was wondering if you wanted to go trick or treating with us tonight." She asked, a little apprehensively.

Lauren looked at her in surprise, an even bigger smile taking over her face. "I'd love to. What's she going as?"

Letting out a small sigh of relief, Camila smiled. "Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls.. I'm going as Blossom.. You should come as Buttercup. Yknow, a family costume."

The 'family' in her statement didn't go unnoticed by Lauren and her heart almost burst at the thought. A family. They were a family. "That's awesome." She smiled brightly. "I can't wait. Should I come to your house or.."

"How about you come with me to pick her up from daycare after school? That way the three of us can get your costume." Camila suggested with a twinkle in her eyes.

"That sounds perfect." Lauren beamed and leaned down, kissing her cheek.

Camila blushed and she cleared her throat. "Great. See you in History." She smiled and scurried off before her blush could get too red.

Dinah came up beside Lauren placed a hand on her shoulder, looking at her seriously. "You need to see this poem."

Lauren snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her friend in confusion as she led her to the bulletin board.

Chance and Trust

After 9 months alone in a world that didn't try to understand,

Baby is born.

Girl is overwhelmed with love and happiness.

They want nothing to do with baby.
Baby's first word is "dada".

Girl cries.

They comes back, says they want to help.
Girl doesn't know if there's enough trust.

But the child's eyes are filled with delight.
Girl takes a chance.


"Yeah. Wow."

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