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"Alright you guys, its time for bed." Clara announced as she walked into the bedroom that the children were sharing over the summer. Mike, Sinu, and Alejandro walked in after her only for the four adults to find four of them sitting on the floor playing cards. Camila was sitting on her bed above them as she held her teddybear and watched them play, occasionally bending down and whispering something into one of their ears.

Sinu sat by her daughter and stroked her hair back. "Why aren't you playing, mija?"

Camila looked up and smiled at her beautiful mother. "I already played. Its boring."

Alejandro stood above his daughter and glanced down at hers and the oldest Jauregui's cards before kneeling down and whispering something into Ally's ear.

Camila noticed this and her eyes widened, her hand whipping out and her finger pointing accusingly at her father. "You're cheating!"

Alejandro looked up, startled at the small voice that boomed in the room. He chuckled and was about to respond before the nine year old in front of him cut him off.

"So?! You're helping Lauren cheat!" Ally exclaimed, sticking her tongue out at her baby sister who only huffed and crossed her arms.

"Alright, alright," Clara intervened before anything could get out of hand and she smiled at the kids on the floor. "Everyone get into bed, its already eleven."

The four children sighed and started cleaning up their cards, handing them to the owner as they each got up and made their way to their respective beds. There were only three beds in the room, and seeing as there were four girls and one boy, Chris, much to his delight, got his own bed. Ally and Camila shared a bed, and Lauren and Dinah shared a bed. Not that the latter minded of course, since the two girls were the best of friends.

Ally tidied up the cards and put them away before she got into her side of the bed. Their parents took their time tucking in each child and giving them each a kiss.

"Can you guys sing to us?" Camila asked from her and Ally's bed, hugging her little bear again.

"Of course princess." Alejandro leaned over and gave her another kiss on the forehead before he joined Mike in the middle of the room.

"This one goes out to five kids who are about to go to sleep." Mike announced in his best 'game show' voice, using his hand as a microphone which caused the kids to giggle happily. The men smiled and cleared their throats as their wives each took a seat by their children. Clara sat beside Lauren on her and Dinah's bed and she snuggled into her mother as she watched her father and what she considered her second father begin the song.

Sinu took a seat in between her daughters and both the girls smiled at her and each snuggled into a side.

Mike smiled at his daughter and he and Alejandro started snapping their fingers before he began to sing.

Baby let me be your lovin' teddy bear
Put a chain around my neck
And lead me anywhere
Oh, let me be
(Oh, let him be)
Your teddy bear

Mike moved closer to his son and leaned down, singing huskily to him as he laughed merrily.

I don't wanna be a tiger
'Cause tigers play too rough
I don't wanna be a lion
'Cause lions ain't the kind you love enough

Alejandro chuckled and started clapping to the beat and sang his part as the five kids watched in sleepy excitement.

Just wanna be, your teddy bear put your chain around my neck
And lead me anywhere
Oh, let me be
(Oh, let him be)
Your teddy bear

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