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While Lauren and Camila were having their risqué swim, Harper was getting to know her aunts. She sat in between the two girls as they talked to her, however she couldn't stop staring up at Dinah.

Putting her backpack down on the floor, Dinah glanced at the three-year-old and smiled. "What?"

Harper stood on her two tiny feet and grabbed Dinah's face, examining it. "You got something on your face."

Dinah's eyes widened as Harper squeezed her face, she quickly removed her hands and turned back to her backpack and opened it before turning it upside down, causing a heap of gifts to fall out to the ground and Harper to gasp in excitement and jump off the couch to sort through them.

Dinah snatched a mirror from the stack and examined her face, groaning in dismay at the large red zit growing on her nose. "Awh man."

Ally watched her niece closely when she saw a shiny object in the heap of presents. Her eyes widened and she reached in and grabbed it before Harper had the chance to. "An army knife?" She exclaimed, looking at the two girls on the couch.

Dinah looked up at her and frowned, "Laur loves em! So her daughter should have one"

Ally stared at her in disbelief. "She's three! Do you know--"

"Three and a half!" Harper yelled from her position on the floor.

"Three and a half." Ally corrected herself, trying not to laugh before looking back at Dinah and Normani who were staring at her. "Do you have any idea what Camila would do to you if she knew you gave this to her?"

"Dare her to cut Lauren's dick off?" Normani snickered, punching Dinah's shoulder, causing her to laugh along.

Ally glared at them intensely, shoving the knife in her pocket. "Language!" She took a deep breath and lifted her hands to rub at her temples, attempting to soothe her impending headache. "How about we just watch a movie, yeah?"

"YEAH!" Harper squealed, jumping up in excitement then running to the big entertainment unit they had in the living room. She pulled out one of her favorite movies then ran back to Ally, holding it up for her to see. "Can we watch Beauty and the Beast?"

Ally smiled at her and took the movie. "Of course baby girl. Go get comfortable. I'll get the movie ready." She watched as Harper grinned and ran to the best seat in the living room, in her opinion. The exact middle of the couch.

She climbed on and pulled the blanket that was hanging off the back of the couch to her lap and snuggled into it before pouting. "I need mommy to cuddle with."

After putting the movie in, Ally walked to her seat on the recliner then looked at Harper. "I know baby. But she'll be home soon."

Harper sighed dramatically and nodded. "Okay..."

Dinah ruffled the little girl's hair then got up. "I'll get some snacks. What's a movie without popcorn?"

"Bring me back a soda." Normani told her, pulling her shoes off and tucking her feet under her.

Dinah rolled her eyes then went into the kitchen to do her bidding with an angry grumble about being bossed around.

She came back a minute later and threw the can of Diet Coke at Normani then threw herself down on the couch, watching the movie.

"Where's the popcorn?" Normani asked as she opened the can and glanced at the younger girl.

Dinah opened her own can and threw another to Ally then handed a Capri-Sun to Harper before answering her. "Microwave."

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