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January, 2013

I woke up to the sound of birds singing outside. I opened my eyes and see that the sun already shining brightly. I looked to my side and see an angel sleeping peacefully beside me. I lie on my side and observe her face. Two month has passed since our marriage and my feeling for her is blossoming. I caressed her cheeks softly and my hand land on her waist. I kissed her nose and she opened her eyes.


I felt someone hand on my waist and kissing my nose. I opened my eyes a little and saw Baekhyun face so close to mine. I smile to him as I close my eyes a little bit. "Morning Baek," I said.

"Morning," I heard him reply. We stayed in our position in a while and not saying anything. We're just enjoying each other presence by our side. I opened my eyes and see him staring at me. I laugh.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I said.

"You're beautiful, do you know that?" He said and I smiled. I touch his face and his messy bed hair.

"I know, you told me that every time and got mad at me when I said I'm not," I said while chuckling. He pouts.

"Because you are, why you say that you're not?" He said and I just laughed. Suddenly he shifted his position closer to me and snuggle on my neck. I giggled because his breath is tickling me.

"Stop it, Baek! It's ticklish! You know I should be the one snuggling on you," I said between my giggles. He stopped and suddenly he is hovering me. He looked into my eyes and I look into his. I know what he wants but I don't say anything. I'm not ready. He leans his face closer to mine and soon I feel his lips pressed to mine. He kissed me gently and I wrapped my hand around his neck. He deepen the kiss and it turns into a passionate one. He slid his tongue into my mouth and dominates the kiss. His hands started to roam on my body and that's when I push him softly. "Baekoong,"

"Please?" He said with pleading eyes. I smiled to him and shook my head. "You also said no in Christmas and New year's eve," He pouted and I laughed at him. I put my hand on his chest and staring into his eyes.

"Not yet, Baek. I'm not ready. I still have this scared feeling inside. Please don't push me to do this," I asked him. He sighed and throw himself on my side.

"Alright. But what should I do with it?" He said looking down and I followed his eyes. I widen my eyes and throw him a pillow.

"Ew, seriously Baek? Over a kiss?" I said as I get out from the bed and walks toward the door. He chuckled and get up, grab my hand and turns me around so I'm wrapped in his arm.

"Your innocent side always makes me smiled and sometimes makes me had a boner," He said as he peck my lips. I push him.

"Gross, finish yourself. I'm taking shower in the guest room instead," I said as I walk out of the room.

"Don't you want to take a shower with me?" I heard him yelling and I can feel that he's smirking. I laugh and close the bathroom door in the guest room.


"Wow, someone is going out again," I said as Baekhyun comes down. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. He sits across me. "You've been busy lately,"

"Yeah, I know. I have to come to the office to sign a few paper. I'll be home by 5 or maybe faster than that. I'm sorry I leave you a lot these days," He said. I smiled to him.

"It's okay. I think it's good that you're busy. Not that I mean I'm happy you leaving me alone but I'm happy that it means your career is on the top now," I said giving him my best smiled which he returned.

We finished our breakfast and I helped Seohyun washing the dishes in the kitchen.

"Taengoo, I'm going now," Baekhyun as he backhugging me and kissed my lips when I turn my head.

"Yah, don't do that in front of Seohyun. She's still so pure and innocent to see that," I said as I cover Seohyun eyes. She giggled and moves my hand away from her sight.

"It's okay unnie, we already used to it," She said making me confused. Used by what? She and Baekhyun laugh.

"See, she's okay with it. Take care of her, I don't want to buy another set of plates," He said as I slapped his arm.

Yes, I broke some plates every time I helped Seohyun washed the dishes. Seohyun always insists to use the dishwasher but I refused as I remember what my mom always says: A wife should do all the chores with her own hands, because that's what makes you feel the real wife life despite all the problems in your marriage. Baekhyun always have to open his wallet to buy another set of plates but I broke it again. That's why now in the kitchen they place a plastic carpet so if a plate slip from my hand, it will not break.

Seohyun bowed to him and he waves his hand to me. "Be careful on driving Baek," I said as he opened the front door. "Alright, it's done. I'm going upstairs and if you need anything just come to my room, okay?" I said. She bowed at me and I smiled, walking away.


I was at the balcony painting. If you're curious of what I'm painting, it's a picture of Baekhyun. His birthday is coming in 4 months and I want to give this as a present. I know I still have more time that I should need but I just want to do it as soon as I can so when the day is coming closer, I can fix some things that not go as I want it to be.

I don't know for how long I've been painting but I guess it's already noon, because the sun is right on the top. I continue on my painting until someone knocking my door. It creaks open and showed Sulli head. "Unnie, it's time for lunch," She said and I nodded.

"I'll come down. Let me clean my self first," I said and she bowed her head then close the door. I take off my apron and put my tools on the table beside the canvas . I stared at my painting and keeping mental notes of what should I do next. I wash my hands on the bathroom and walking to the dining room. As I reached the dining room, someone pressed the bell.

"Minho, can you check who it is?" I said to Minho who is placing the food on the table. He nodded at me and rush to the front door. I sit on the chair and start picking the foods. As I want to put the food on my mouth, Minho come.

"Noona, Baekhyun-ssi friend is here," He said. I looked at him.

"Who?" I asked. Just when he want to answer me, a tall figure showed up behind him.

"It's me," He said as he wave his hand. I smiled.

"Hey Kris. You can go now Minho, thank you," I said and he bowed then walk away. "Do you have lunch yet? Sit," I said with a smile. He sit across me.

"Wah it looks delicious. Is it okay for me to join lunch with you?" He said and I nodded. He started picking food. "Hmm, this is my style," He said making me laugh. He looked at me. "Why are you laughing?" He said and I shook my head.

"You remind me of someone from the past," I said.

"Mind sharing?" He said and I stopped eating. Seohyun takes my plate and I thanked her.

"It's nothing. My ex-boyfriend in high school always says that. 'This is my style' or 'This is not my style'. I always laughed whenever he said that, especially the not my style one because in the end, it becomes his style," I said as I laughed and he just chuckled.

"Well, maybe we just have the same habit," He said and I nodded.

"By the way, what are you doing here?" I asked him as I'm done drinking my water.

"I just want to visit Baekhyun but he's not home. So, I decided to visit you instead of going home," He said as he finish his meals.

"Well, I have something to do so you just do whatever you want. Just consider it's your own home," I said.

"Can I consider you as my wife as well?" He said but I just laugh it out while walking upstairs.

"Only in your dream, Kris," I said as I closed my door.

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