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I was busy painting the details of Baekhyun and concentrating on my painting that I don't realized that Kris is in my room until I hear his voice behind me.

"Focusing too much until you didn't realized I knocked on your room, huh?" He said making me jumped on my chair. He's really surprising me.

"God Kris, you surprised me," I said, placing my hand on my chest showing that I was really surprised.

"Really? I'm sorry. I just want to have someone to talk to," He said leaning on the balcony. I smiled to him and avert my attention back to my painting.

"Unnie," I turned my head to the door as I hear someone knocking and Seohyun popped in. "I'm going to the market to buy some groceries," She told me. I walk to her and examine the shopping list she has. I always have this habit of checking on the shopping list because I feel like I have to know what they buy and make sure that everything is there.

"Hmm, okay. Take Minho or Xiumin with you to help you bring the groceries. Be careful okay?" I said as she bowed at me and walks out the room.

I turned around to continue my painting but I hit something hard with my face. It was Kris' chest. I looked up to see his face and it was so different with the one whom with me earlier. He steps closer to me and I keep moving backwards until my back hit the door.

"Hrm," I cleared my throat. "I will accompany Seohyun instead to the market," I said as I turned around and when I want to turn the handle, he stopped my hand. I looked up and see his face. It was scary. I gulped my saliva and move my hand away from him. "K-Kris?" He locked the door and moved closer to me. He trapped me between his arms and I can't find a way out. I looked to my side to avoid eye contacts with him.

"You shouldn't let her go," He whispered in my ear. "It only gives me chance," He said as he nibbling on my ear. I was surprised and I push him with all my strength. I turned around to open the door but my hands are shaking so the key is not turning the way I wanted. Kris grabs my waist and throw me to the floor.

"Argh," I fell on my back and it is hurt so much. Just as I want to scream for help he already hovering me and shut my mouth by muffling me with his handkerchief.

"Shut up," He said as he taking of his belt and tied my hands above my head to the bed leg. I tried to release my hand but it was too tight and hurt so much. And then it comes.


"Jagiya, please come here. I'm not feeling well," He said on the phone. Panic attacked me and I hang up the phone, rushing to his apartment by taking a cab.

"Hey, you're okay? How are you feeling?" I said as he opened his apartment door for me. As soon as I walk to the living room, beer, soju and another alcohol scattered all around the table and floor, also with his friend on the floor, gulping his beer.

"Taeyeon," He said as he put his arms on my waist, I turned around and I can smell alcohol from him.

"Yifan, are you drunk? Why are you drinking?" I said as I turned around and kicking the bottles and cans on the floor. His friend looking at me with a weird look and it scare the hell out of me. I was about to walk away but Kris push me to the floor.

"You're not going anywhere, jagiya," He said as he taking off his shirt and getting on top of me. "You're going to stay here for tonight," He said as he kissed me hungrily. His mouth is smell like alcohol and I push him as hard as I can. He stumbled back and I took it as a chance to run away. But unfortunately, his friend got me and throw me to the sofa.

"Wha-? Chanyeol! What are you doing?" I said as he keep me on place with his eyes gazing all around my body. Yifan come and shoves him out of the way. He grab my hands and hold it above my head. He started kissing me on my lips, neck and he starting to kissing my collarbone.

"Let me go!" I screamed and kicking his legs but he hold it with sitting on it.

"Shut up or I kill you!" He said. He's taking my clothes off and tied my hand above my head with his school tie.

"Please don't do this," I cried out but he slapped me hard until my face turned to the right.

"I told you to shut up! If you want to die tonight then keep crying like that!" He said as he taking off his clothes and so does Chanyeol until they were both fully naked.

"Please, I beg you, please let me go. I promise I won't tell anyone about this but please just let me go," I pleaded to them but they just chuckled. Kris got on top of me and leans his face closer to my face.

"You won't go anywhere. And you won't tell this to anyone either when you walk out of this apartment," he said in a very low and husky voice, cupping my cheeks harshly and that's when he pushed himself inside me.

-flashback ends-

I stopped struggling as I stared at him in disbelief. He was Yifan. He was Wu Yifan, my ex-boyfriend in high school. He raped me with Chanyeol and disappeared just like that. He's the one who makes me suffered all those years. I feel tears coming out from my eyes as I remembered the event that day.

"Huh, giving in already?" He said as he cut my clothes with the scissors he found in my room. I just keep staring at him, replaying the scene of the past in my head.

"ou-" I said but my words is not clear because of the handkerchief. He stopped cutting my clothes and looked at me.

"Wanna say something?" he said as he smirk.

"ou I fam," I said. He take the handkerchief from my mouth. "You're Yifan," I said as soon as he take it. He chuckled.

"Remember me now? You better shut up and let me do my work," He said, putting the handkerchief on my mouth again and continue cutting my clothes. I started struggling and I success kicking the scissor off of his hands even though I cut my leg. But I don't care about it. I just want to get out of here and run away. I tried to scream through the handkerchief but it was no work. My voice being blocked by it. The next thing I know is a stinging pain on my left cheek.

"I told you, to shut up. Why are you not shut up? Why do you have to fucking disobey me huh? Girl, you're making more excited than before," He said as he taking off his belt and loosening his pants. He slide his boxer down and I can't do anything but look away from it. I keep kicking and kicking but it was no use. I can feel that he's lining himself on me and I'm not stop to kicking. "Welcome to heaven, babe," He said as he thrusted himself inside me and ramming inside me without me adjusting.

My eyes widen and tears keep falling out of my eyes. I keep screaming and kicking but it was no use. My strength slowly decreasing and I become tired. I end up of laying on the floor with my mouth muffled, hands tied and a guy who is my ex-boyfriend and my husband best friend, raping me.

Somebody please save me. Baekhyun. Save me.

Early update because I'm in a good mood since this morning :D

Thank you for reading and voting my story^^

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