the mess up.

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you touched me and suddenly i was a lilac sky.

I was never one to bite my tounge. It was a trait that got me in so much trouble as a kid, but I never could keep quiet about something, always having a good comeback in my head ready to fire at whomever I was talking to.

A lot of people considered me rude, too sarcastic for their liking, but I always found something to say, even if I was angry or upset.

This time, however, was entirely different; I was speechless.

It shouldn't affect me that much to know that my favorite band was staying at the same hotel as me, but for some reason it did.

Most fans would be jumping with at the news, exhibit A, these two girls, but I couldn't for the life of me explain the sudden nervous feeling that started bubbling inside me the minute those words came out of their mouths. It was like I was scared of something, which was totally crazy.

It's not like I'm gonna meet them or anything, and even if I did, I wasn't going to cry and scream out of excitement.

No, I was too mature for that. I think.

Besides, I was here on business, just because I've loved the band and supported them and even ran a blog about them since I was a teen doesn't mean my life revolves around them, right? Oh, who was I kidding, I was obsessed with them.

That didn't change anything though, I never leave my room anyways. Hell, chances are I'll be gone from this hotel never hearing about their stay here ever again.

I had no reason to get myseld excited about this. I was a grown woman with a story to edit waiting for me and that was what I was going to do.


The girls from the elevator probably thought I was insane. There's no doubt about how crazy I'd looked when they told me of One Directions stay in our hotel, there's also a big chance of me looking like a complete mad woman when I walked out of the elevator and headed towards my room without another word to them.

Well, in my defense I sort of was a mad woman, just too over medicated to show it.

I stop walking as I reach my door. I notice my laptop perched on the edge of my bed as soon as I walk inside and lock the door behind me. I must have left it there when I fell asleep working last night.

I quickly hop on the bed, getting comfortable between the sheets, toeing my shoes off in the process ans grabbing my laptop to begin todays work.

I checked my e-mail in search of the pictures Adam has sent me, quickly finding the one and clicking on it, only to shut the laptop the minute I take a look at the picture's he'd sent me. I was going to kill him.


"What the f.uck, Cas." Adam yells at me, probably still in shock from getting a slap on the head from me.

He was smirking at me when he noticed that I was walking towards him, he pointed to the chair next to him, thinking I was going to to join him tan but oh no, I had important business to sort out with him.

"Get your s.hit together, Adam. This isn't funny." I say finally as I throw my phone at him with the e-mail he'd sent me opened for him to see. "Tell me this is not the blonde you were making out with last week."

"Oh." He sat up straighter, looking around to see the people staring. People were definitely shocked at the scene I'd just caused. It wasn't everyday that you witness a guy getting a slapped by a girl at a hotels poolside, but I was way too angry to think about that. "Yeah, oh."

"I'm so sorry ,Cas. I must've sent the wrong file." He said in embarrassment as he deleted the naked pictures he'd accidentally sent me of his latest 'flings'.

"I'll send you the right file when I go back to my room, alright?"

"Why not now?"

"Cassie, we still have to days to send in the files, chill for a minute, will ya?" He was getting comfortable in his chair again and I gave in.

"Fine." I groaned as I sit down on the chair next to his, turning around to ask the people on the other side if it was theirs.

"Oh no, babe, it's all yours." A girl smiles at me and I swear I'd seen her before.

She had an English accent which was weird because I've seen more British people in this hotel than any other nationality. What's up with that?

I smile back at her, still trying to pinpoint where exactly I thought I'd seen her at before. She felt too familiar to be just a stranger.

"Do you know that girl?" I nudge Adam as I flick my head towards her but he only shrugs at me, closing his eyes and resting his head back again.

"I feel like I know her from somewhere." I say to no one in particular, knowing he probably wasn't listening to me.

I sit back myself, taking in Adams words and relaxing a bit.

I must have looked so out of place here, everyone being barely dressed in colorful shorts and bikinis while I was looking fresh out of a funeral, black ripped skinny jeans and a dark grey shirt and black sneakers. Well, at least I had make up on.

"Maybe she goes to your school." Adam suggests after what seemed like forever, looking at the girl again then back at me. Guess he was listening. "She has a killer bod tho, gotta give her that."

I hit him in the head again, lighter this time only for his smirk to grow even more and chuckling a bit.

"No, she definitely doesn't go to uni with me."

I give up on trying to name the girl and we talk about other stuff for a while, getting a few drinks while we bask in the summer sun.

Adam does, at least. I was sat under an umbrella completely shielded from the sunlight. Hating the sun was a trait of mine since I was a kid and I guess I wasn't close to getting rid of it any time soon.


"Hey, isn't that the guy from the band you like so much?" Adam was pointing at a guy somewhere, but I didn't give it much thought. He liked teasing me about that kind of stuff all the time. "Niall something,"

Oh God. I looked at where he was pointing only to have my heart stop beating in my chest.

That was Niall, I did know that girl.

There goes the pep talk I gave myself this morning. F.uck.

I really need to start adding more dialogue into these.
Please vote and comment and I'll love you foreveeeeeeer
p.s. I'll be updating every tuesday yay

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