the flat mating.

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for crying out loud, settle down.


"Harry, there are so many problems with why you shouldn't just prance in here whenever you feel like it." I state as I take off my coat and throwing it on my couch, taking a seat with my head in my hand. This was getting weird.

Was this really my life now? Harry f.ucking Styles walking in my life whenever he feels like it? I need to take that key from under the mat outside if this was going to be a regular thing for him.

It had taken me a few minutes to finally calm down from the shock of seeing him in my house again. We were just stood there staring at each other me with wide eyes and him with a dumb glare. It should've be me glaring at him, he's the one that keeps barging in for f.ucks sake.

"Why, you don't have a boyfriend do you?" Harry asks and I scoff, as if this would be the only problem with him doing that.

"Well, do you?"


"Then what, it's not like I'm going to steal anything."

I stare at him in disbelief as soon as the words come out. Of course he had a point with the stealing thing, but it was still wrong. "What if I was naked?" I try after a moments thought, trying to come up with a good enough reason for his highness to understand why what he was doing was wrong.

"You see, I had a plan for that, because I'd thought of it. See, I'm smart like that." Harry explains holding out a finger to prove his point, a stupid smile on his face.

"Oh really, what's the plan?"

"Well, first, I checked for your car, and it wasn't the-"

"Do you even know what car I drive?" I ask in amusement.

"Of course I do, a silver Nissan, you tweet about it every 3 seconds." He states as if it's the most ridiculous thing for me to ask and I scorn at him in offence and he just laughs.

"I do not."

"As I was saying," Harry waves his hand around completely dismissing me. "it wasn't there, so I knocked this time, you didn't answer and I figured you weren't home, but just for good measure,-"


"Shh, let me finish here please," I huff at him in annoyance but keep quiet and sit back in my seat letting him continue and he nods his head as if he's thanking me. D.ick. "I came in with my eye's closed, just in case." Harry concludes and I shake my head at his sad attempt of an excuse.

"That's your plan?" I mock and he smiles in triumph, nodding his head.

"You can't deny that it was in fact brilliant."

"Or, you could've just waited for me till I get home?"

"Why would I do that? I was angry."


"You shook my hand," Harry yells with his hands in the air to emphasize his words more and starts pacing around in distress.

"Oh my god, drop it already, will you?" I yell back, pinching the bridge of my nose finding this entire conversation stupid and pointless.

Harry stops his pacing and looks at me, holding up a finger accusingly. "You hugged everyone but me, tell me I'm wrong when I say you did it on purpose." He raises and eyebrow at me and I just roll my eyes.


"I panicked." I defend


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