Why is it always stormy weather?

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"So what do you think the gun shots were about?" I asked, leaning my back against the cave.

"Probably some sort of diversion that the game makers have up their sleeves" he groaned.  

"I hope nothing happens to Gerard. He already lost Frank and not too long after Mikey." I sighed. I know I should be focusing on us, here at the cave, but you just can't feel anything but worry.

"I know how one of them feels. Losing Anthony just really fucking sucked..." he sighed, not wanting to go into detail, which I was totally fine with. 

"So what do we do now...?" I feel like that question has at least been asked a couple times by everyone in this place, hell maybe everyday.

"Well first of all, we have to wait for Gerard to come back. From there, maybe we.." Ronnie then stopped, causig me to look at me directly.

"Damn..." He groaned, clearly looking sa if he was in the most extreme pain.

"Ronnie.." I couldn't even process to get words out... I couldn't even process it in general.

"I know... I know this looks... Well pretty bad" he laughed, wincing soon after.

"Looks bad? You... You have a metal arrow in your chest... How...? How does that suppose to ,make it feel okay!" I shouted at him, instantly feeling my eyes start pooling up with tears.

"Everything is going to... to be okay. Gerard's going to be back... It's.. it's going to be all be okay. You're going to have t-to stay put a-and explain to him what happened wh-hen he gets back. You're going to try to go as far a-as you possible can. I don't want you giving up in any sort of way. Whether it's physical, o-or... or just mentally. Tr-y to win, even if everyone you knew a-and looked up to are gone. You're go-oing to have to ma-ake.. make them pay!" he sound worse and worse as he went on/

"You can't... Hell, I can't... I.. I don't know what I'm supposed to do! You were with me since the beginning of this... Y-you helped me when I could've gotten killed right off the bat" I shoot from how much I was holding back from just breaking down. 

"Now why are you crying? I helped you because you deserve to live on. All of us band members have sent the time of our lies on stage, meeting our fans. We've done amazing things. Yes we've done things we may regret, bu-ut so does everyone one else. We-e've already lived o-ur lives. Your... yours has j-j-just started. This is just a-a bump in the road... I-I want you to... to get up, a-a-and take me to the la-ake and leave me there" he ten started takign deeper and deeper breaths like he was having more and more trouble with getting them. I then walked over and helped him up, slwoly, making sure he was okay and we made our way, slowly to the water bed, and I couldn't help but to just bawl the entire time. 

By the time we were there, there was blood completely soaking his shirt and pants, along with drops here and there on the floor.

"I dont... I... I don't want you to go... but... but there's nothing that we can fucking do! there's an arrow in your fucking chest! There's nothing humanly possible th-at can do to help you... You're... you're just going to bleed to dead..." I sat by him, hugging my knees, crying.

"What's going on?" I turned around and saw Oliver Sykes behind me.

"Hey, you're Snake, am I correct?" 

"Yeah" I wiped my eyes with the palms of my hand.

"Fuck" Ronnie groaned in pain as we went to go lay on his back.

"Oli, I... I want you to take her away. She'll show you wh-where we've been staying" he then started to cough and looking way worse from when it first happened. 

"I'm not... I'm not leaving" I shook my head, knowing that I'd feel even worse if I saw him than if I were to leave. 

"Please, she's quite a stubborn one... A-and like you said Snake. I'm bleeding to dead, I'm not go-oing to magically heal." He tried to laugh, but end up groaning and continued taking deep breaths. 

"So I just follow the drops of blood...?" Oli asked, causing me to look over and notice there was much more blood leading over here than I had actually expected. I then was plucked off of the ground as Oli followed the trail, leading back to the cave. Once we were there, he sat down, continuing to hold me. 

"I dont wanna hear it... I don't wanna hear the fucking cannon" I cried into his shoulder.

"I know, I know" he mumbled right as the cannon went off. I then pulled away from him, moving to the same bolder that I had since we first got here. 

This was just the reality. This is what it has come to. People are going to keep dying until there is one person left. And even then there will continue to die because that's what this world is now. I just have to accept the fact that this is how it's going to be and suck it up.  From here on out, I guess I'm not going to let my emotions get the best of me and I will try to survive as far as I can go. I just hope I don't have to go against Mouse or Kat.

. . .




Fan ~

Image: Ronnie

Song: Brother

The Odds Are Not In My Favor (Hunger Games) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now