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With the £20 Zayn had given me, I splashed out and brought Amie and I a McDonald's and it was the best meal we'd had in a very long time. Amie kept chuckling at me while she munched on her chicken nugget happy meal. She was so happy.

I still had £12.50 left over, which I decided to save for tomorrow, so we could get another meal between us.

7:00 soon came around, and Amie and I walked to the hotel where I had planned to meet Zayn for his first session. I dropped her in the lobby and went outside to wait for Zayn to turn up. 7:30, right on time, he did.

"Perrie?" he said, approaching me.

"Hey" I said casually, walking up to him.

"What are we doing here?" he questioned.

"Did you want to go someplace else and do this? Only thing is, I have Amie with me" I said, looking back at the lobby door and looking back to Zayn.

"Do what?" Zayn asked, actually sounding puzzled.

"Your first session?" I said, smirking and running my fingers through his hair.

"Session? Perrie what on earth are you talking about?" Zayn asked, pulling away from me.

"Sex? You paid for four sessions... this is your first" I answered.

"I didn't pay for sex!" Zayn said, shocked.

"The £20?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I gave that to you because you had no money for food, not because I wanted to pay for your body!" Zayn exclaimed.

"But the way you looked at me, and said 'I insist' you seemed like you wanted me" I mumbled.

"I insist, was because I'm a kind person and I didn't want you and Amie to go without food! And I looked at you like that because I think you're beautiful. Way to beautiful to be selling your body around Perrie!" Zayn bellowed.

"I have no choice" I said, reaching into my pocket and getting out the £12.50, handing it back to Zayn. "And I don't take charity. I'll owe the rest to you."

"Perrie, I gave this money to you because you needed it, and by the sounds of it, you still need it. Please, take it." I shook my head.

"I'm sorry I wasted your time. I have to go, I have my next client soon."

"Perrie please don't. If you need money, I can lend you some."

"And how am I supposed to pay you back Zayn? I earn £4.50 a night, just enough to cover food for Amie and I. For god sake if I had the choice I wouldn't do this! But I promised Amie I will give her a good life and I'm not prepared to break that promise!" I yelled.

"Perrie, selling your body isn't the way to do it. Please, I can lend you some money, help you find a real job. And you can pay me back when you have enough. Please, let me help you" Zayn pleaded. I shook my head again.

"I left school before I received any qualifications. I can't get a 'real' job. And I don't have time for a real job, Amie doesn't go to school. I have to look after her all day."

"I can find her a babysitter."

"More money Zayn! I can't do it, I'm sorry!"

"Perrie.." Zayn mumbled. "I can't just let a beautiful girl sell her body. I can't do that, you are worth so much more than that." I pulled away from Zayn's grip and began walking back to the hotel lobby.

"Perrie please!" Zayn called out but I ignored him. I picked up Amie, and we headed to the house of my next client, who was a regular.


"Ok let's get this over with" I said.

"Now now, come on Perrie, you know you enjoy it" Thomas smirked. I rolled my eyes as he pulled down his pants and boxers, revealing his average-sized length. He sat on the edge of his bed and I kneeled down in front, taking his member between my lips and sucking on it. His fingers ran through my blonde locks, and he pulled slightly, while moaning.

"Oh god Perrie, faster.." Thomas moaned, holding my head as it bopped up and down on his dick. I went faster, obeying his command, because it was easy for him to deny me the money if I hadn't, and seen as though I gave Zayn his money back, I have nothing at all for Amie and I to get food.

Once Thomas ejaculated, I pulled away, and Thomas pulled me closer and attached his lips to mine. He pulled me on top of him, and he pulled down my jeans and underwear. His hand reached down to his length and I felt the tip of it touch my entrance.

"Hey!" I said, pulling away.

"Just think of the money Perrie" Thomas smirked, pulling me back into a kiss, only for me to pull away again.

"Sex isn't the issue here. You need to wear a condom" I said, reaching into my jeans pocket and pulling one out.

"I want unprotected sex with you babe" he continued to smirk.

"Well that's nice, but you know my rule" I said.

"Come on, just this once."


"Then goodbye Perrie" Thomas said, sitting up and pulling up his clothing from waist down.

"My money?" I said, putting on my underwear and jeans, and holding out my hand.

"You didn't obey my command, you don't get nothing."

"I gave you a blowjob!"

"Yeah, but I pay you for sex. We didn't have sex. Therefore, you get no money" Thomas shrugged.

"You bastard!" I said, slapping Thomas round the face and stomping downstairs and out of his house with Amie.

A/N - Hey guys! New update. I'm sorry it's not overly great, I've been so busy today. I went out with my friend for the majority of the day, and I didn't get home until almost 8pm, then I was working, and now I'm just about to go to sleep so I had time to update. It's also not a very interesting chapter, it's kind of a filler, but I promise you it'll get better. I had an idea that came to me this evening and I think it could really work in this story so I'll try to include it. Thanks for reading! Love yous.

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