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I liked Zayn, a lot, so eventually, I agreed to go on a date with him. He told me, that rather than giving me money to have sex with him, he'll give me and Amie a place to stay, food, water, the essentials. So for the past week, we've been staying at Zayn's apartment, and we've had sex multiple times... in one day. Every day. Yes. Every single day.

I woke up in Zayn's bed, and it was vacant. I put on one of Zayn's shirts, and slowly wandered into the kitchen to see Amie sitting up on the counter watching Zayn make breakfast.

"Perrie!!!" Amie called out excitedly and she jumped down off of the counter and into my arms. She kissed me and hugged me.

"Good morning beautiful" Zayn smiled, approaching me and kissing my lips.

"Hey" I mumbled in my sleepy voice.

"Would you like a bacon sandwich?" he asked.



"Amie why don't you go play? Zayn and I have some work to do, so keep yourself busy and let us get on with it okay?" I said, crouching down to Amie's height. She nodded and ran off into Zayn's game room, shutting the door. I stood up and instantly Zayn's arms wrapped around my neck and he began kissing my neck. I giggled before he took my hand and pulled me into his bedroom for the third time already today.

"Make it rough" I moaned quietly into Zayn's ear. He smirked and pushed me down on the bed, crawling on top of me. He slammed his lips to mine and we had a heated make out session for about five minutes, tongues and fondling too.

After taking off both of our clothing, Zayn reached into the bedside cabinet and pulled out a condom, putting it on himself.

"Fuck me hard, be a bad boy" I smirked and bucked my hips up. Zayn positioned himself at my entrance and quickly slammed himself in, his thrusting speed instantly increased, until he was pounding.

"FUCK ZAYN!" I screamed.

"That's it baby, moan my name" Zayn smirked.

"Oh shit Zayn, fuck I'm gonna cum" I moaned.

"Let it go baby, cum for daddy."

I climaxed, releasing a large breath I didn't even realise I was holding.

"I want more than that" Zayn smirked, before picking up his speed again.

"Oh god, we're really doing this again?" I moaned as Zayn's dick pounded into me faster than anyone has ever fucked me before.

"Daddy wants Perrie to cum, so that daddy can suck Perrie's pussy until she can't take it no more" Zayn bit his lip, and I felt his juices leak into the condom.

"Are you really speaking in third person to me right now?" I chuckled a little while still moaning. Zayn nodded and continued biting his lip. "It's kinda hot."

After a few more minutes, I climaxed and Zayn pulled out. He crawled down, kissing in a line until he reached my clit. His tongue escaped his lips as he licked up my folds. I moaned and bucked my hips, causing Zayn to giggle and suck harder.

"Shit you're so good at this" I moaned, propping myself up on my elbows and watching as Zayn devoured my juices.


That night, I put Amie to bed, and Zayn and I had our final intimate session of the day. Afterwards, Zayn and I watched a movie, before heading to bed ourselves.

"I don't think I've ever orgasmed so much in one day before" I giggled while stripping off my clothes and replacing them with one of Zayn's shirts.

"I'm glad I can be of help with your sexual frustrations" Zayn smirked before coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. I giggled again and turned to face him. We kissed for a short while, before there was a quiet knock on the door.

"Perrie?" Amie's timid voice spoke. I walked over to the door and opened it, to see Amie crying, in her Frozen pyjamas, squeezing a stuffed Olaf teddy that Zayn had brought her.

"What's wrong sweet?" I asked, crouching down and lifting Amie up.

"I had a nightmare" Amie sobbed into my neck. I looked over at Zayn and frowned a little.

"You can sleep with us tonight" I said, walking over to the bed and laying Amie down in the middle. I crawled into bed, and Zayn got in on the other side.

"I love you Perrie" Amie whispered.

"I love you too darling" I responded and Amie cuddled up to me.

"Do you love Zayn?" Amie asked and I looked up at him. I froze for a moment.

"It's okay, you don't have to say it" Zayn whispered so that only I could hear.

"Perrie, do you love Zayn?" Amie reiterated.

"Yes. Yes I guess I do" I said, smiling at Zayn who instantly smiled back.

"And Zayn, do you love my sister?" Amie asked, looking over at Zayn.

"More than she'll ever know" Zayn said, not removing his stare, and smile from me. I leant forward and kissed Zayn lips softly, only for Amie to push our heads apart.

"That's gross" she said, screwing her nose up causing Zayn and I to laugh.

"Come on missy, it's late, get some sleep" I spoke and Amie nodded.

"I love you Zayn" Amie said.

"I love you too Amethyst" Zayn replied before kissing her forehead and we all settled down for the night.

A/N - Hey guys! Sorry I couldn't update yesterday, I was hanging out with a friend. Also, I won't be able to update Monday/Tuesday because I have a friend sleeping over in my new house! I'll try to update when she goes home on Tuesday but I can't promise anything.

I will try and update again today, but first I have to finish unpacking and do some things, which I have no idea how long it will take so if I don't update tonight, there'll be a new update for y'all tomorrow. Love yous.

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