Chapter 8

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I was at the hotel with Lou getting ready for the club. She did a bit of makeup on me and straightened my hair a bit. She then messed it all up which looked great so it wasn't really a bad messy. I put on a black dress that had long sleeves and ended up to mid-thigh. I wore it with black boots since I wasn't to keen on wearing heels for some reason. I felt comfortable in my clothes and even Lou and Lux liked them. Lou wished me luck, for whatever reason she thought I'd need luck; it was appreciated though, and went back to her room. I stayed in the living room waiting for the boys to come. It was 12:20 and I thought they had stood me up before there was a knock on the door. I stood up opening it expecting to see Harry but I saw... Niall.

"Hi Niall"

"Hey Maya, you look great by the way"

"Thanks, where's Harry?"

"Harry... he- you see- Harry... he's already at the club."

"Oh well then I'll see him there" I said not thinking twice about why he would be at the club already.

We made our way to the truck and I saw all the boys there.

"Where's your girlfriend Liam?"

"She said she'd meet us there"


The car ride was quiet, too quiet for my liking. It just felt weird, I had even catched the boys staring at me as if something was wrong, which got me a little worked up.

"Do I look bad?"

"Why do you ask love?" Zayn turned to me.

"You guys keep staring at me"

"No it's nothing, you look great don't worry about it."

We made our way to the club entrance and walked towards a group booth far off in the corner. We reached the booth, and once I saw who was there I was confused. Harry was sitting next to a girl holding hands. The boys were next to me and I could tell they were waiting for a reaction from me, to which I decided not to give them.

"Hi Harry" he looked towards me and smiled.

"Hi Maya" the girl next to him turned her face and it was then I noticed who it was... Kendall Jenner.

"Oh let me introduce you girls. Maya this is Kendall, my girlfriend. Kendall this is Maya my... fake girlfriend" he snickered.

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. It was as if everything was muted down and all I could hear was my heart beating. I didn't know why I felt this way, but I acted happy for him.

"Nice to meet you Kendall" I spoke shaking her hand.

I slid to the end of the booth sitting down in front of her and Harry, Louis sat next to me. I ordered myself a drink and chatted with Kendall. I knew the boys were listening even if they were in their own conversation.

"So you model right?" I asked her.

"Yes I do, but I model clothes, you know"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You know"

"What is modeling lingerie bad? I enjoy it and I think it's decent. I don't go around showing my chest off with a see through top" and with that I pushed my way out of the booth and made my way to the dance floor with my drink.

I was dancing when I felt someone grab my hand.

"You must be Maya" I looked at the girl and gave her a blank expression.

"Sophia, Liam's girlfriend."

"Oh, hi Sophia"

"So why so lonely?"

"I just needed to leave the table"

"Kendall huh" she smirked to which I just laughed.

We talked a bit while we danced but after some time she left me to go with Liam but not before she gave me her phone number. I kept dancing on the dance floor while sipping on a different drink. I was swaying my hips to the beat when I felt hands grab my hips. I danced with the unknown person, but turned around wanting to see who it was. He had a tall body frame, light brown eyes, and dark brown hair. He was handsome.

"Hi I'm Dyl"

"Maya. Dyl is a funny name" I giggled.

"I don't think so. And I know who you are Maya; I mean how could someone not know such beauty" I blushed at his words and looked down at my drink finding it empty.

"Your drink is empty, want another one?"

"There's a lot in my table c'mon lets go" I said holding his hand and dragging him to the table.

We got to the table and quickly everyone looked at Dyl and me, especially at our linked hands.

"Louis pass me two drinks" he quickly passed me two pinkish drinks and I handed one to Dyl. "We'll come back for more, so don't finish them" I turned around ready to go back to the dance floor when I felt someone tug on my arm. I turned around to see Harry tugging my arm. He got close to my ear to speak to me.

"We're supposed to be dating; they can't see you with him."

"We're just friends, plus it should be you watching yourself with Kendall... there may be a paparazzi around here" I whispered the last part.

"Well then come sit down already, you're a bit intoxicated right now, let's just go sit down, you can even bring your... friend" I turned to Dyl and made my way to the booth with him. This time I was on the opposite far side from Harry and Kendall.

"Guys this is Dyl, Dyl these are Niall, Zayn, Liam and his girlfriend Sophia, that's Louis" I said pointed to each of them "and that is Kendall and Harry-"

"Her boyfriend" he interrupted me, introducing himself as my partner.

I got a bit mad at his words, like how dare he say that when his girlfriend is right next to him. I actually saw Kendall's reaction to which I just wanted to laugh at but I wasn't in the mood. "Fake boyfriend Harry remember, you and I got nothing in common but a damn contract."

"Shut up Maya" he hissed.

"Oh like the boys didn't know or your girlfriend and what if Dyl hears he won't tell."

After the argument I turned myself to face Dyl and explained to him the contract and agreed with me that it was stupid of Harry to have said what he said. We talked a bit and sipped on drinks. I learned that he is working on becoming an actor, and that he is actually from New York but is here auditioning for some projects. He gave me his number and then left, he talked about having to catch a flight early in the morning. We said goodbyes and he left leaving me with the boys and their girlfriends. I saw Sophia talking with Kendall, and the boys talking with each other, I did get pissed. It looked like I was thrown to the side like I wasn't a part of the group. I stood up feeling a bit tipsy and made my way to the exit. Paparazzi were waiting by the door ready to capture one of us and that would be me. I opened the door and quickly flashes started blinding me and my name was being shouted along with questions.

"Maya where is Harry?"

"Are you and Harry over?"

I didn't answer them and made my way to a cab and went back to the hotel. I went straight to Lou's room hoping that I wouldn't wake up Lux. I knocked four times until she opened the door.

"What are you doing here so early Maya?"

This was my breaking point, I felt it, I was mad at who I was, who mother was. But I was mad at Harry the most. And all those feelings and things that I have bottled up made me break down into a crying mess.

But I just responded with what hurt me the most, and struggled to say those words between my sobs "Harry-he-he and- Lou, Harry has a girlfriend"

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