Chapter 26

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The boys had done their first concert without Zayn three days ago. They had also had a few interviews, one which I joined in on because Ana demanded me to do, asking about where Zayn was at the moment and how they felt. There were many articles as well, but we all tried to keep strong. They boys had kept on talking with Zayn; he said he was having a nice needed break. Everything had been well until today. Zayn asked for another meeting later on today. Harry and Niall were nervous due to what had happened in the last meeting. I wasn't sure what to say to them, I myself didn't know what could be the outcome. Their meeting was at 10:00, and Harry was already in the shower getting ready for it. I wouldn't be allowed to go so Lou and I would spend the day together once again, I didn't mind. By 9:30 Harry, Niall, Louis and Liam had walked out the door to the interview, while I made my way to Lou's room.

"Hi Lou, hi Lux" I said waving at the little girl.

"Auntie Maya" she ran towards me. I got a hold of her and rested her on my hip making my way to Lou who was sitting on the couch.

"What are you doing?" I asked her seeing her looking intensely onto her phone.

"Nothing I just got some news from back home."

"Good or bad?"

"Bad, I guess."

"Well I'm here for anything" I told her wanting her to confide in me just like I do with her.

"I know, I just- not now."

"I understand" I sincerely told her.

"So what has been happening with you and Harry?" she asked me.

"Well not much lately, we've gotten much closer for sure. He is just stressed out with this whole thing" I sighed.

"We all are, aren't we" she tiredly laughed and I agreed with her.

"I want to make something special for Harry today. I feel that it could cheer him up" I said while braiding Lux's hair.

"Yes, plus it could keep our thoughts away from what could be going on in the meeting" Lou happily cheered.

"So do I do something... romantic?" I asked hoping for opinions.

"Well are you ready for... you know having... sex?"

I gasped at her question and answered, "No, well not yet. I just... we barely have two about three weeks together, I think that is a bit too soon."

"Okay well we can still make something romantic. We can prepare dinner and have a little table just for you both and then maybe a nice romantic movie" Lou said giving out ideas.

I wasn't so sure about the movie, but I thought that Harry would be happy whatever we would be doing so I agreed with Lou's options. Since it was barley 12:45 Lou decided that we should go shopping for both a good outfit and for the ingredients needed for the meal. We got ready and headed out to the stores first. We were a bit lost but finally reached a nice clothes store. Lou started picking outfits after outfits for me, but I only came for one so I told her to slow down. Of course she started picking clothes for her and Lux. I tried on a few different outfits before heading out to the register to pay for a white bodycon dress that ended below my knees. I really liked it so I decided to buy it. After getting Lou to pay already so we could leave we left to the supermarket. Lou wanted to make spaghetti, which in her case said was a bit romantic. I just hoped it wasn't much of a disaster.

 After we bought everything we needed we headed back to the hotel, glad to find that no one was back yet and we would have time to prepare everything. I decided to take a shower first and then we could do my makeup, and cook afterwards. It was only 4:25 after all, and I didn't want the food to get cold. Once I finished with my shower Lou started on my makeup, and knowing what I liked she left most of it natural, just adding some eye shadow to make my eyes pop out. 

By 5:15 we were starting on the cooking. Lou was helping me make the main course, while Lux and I did the dessert which consisted of chocolate fudge brownies. By 6:30 everything was set, the food was ready and the table as well. I was getting a bit worried as to why the meeting was taking so long but Lou told me that I had to think positive and then told me that I had to go change. When ready, Lou and Lux left wishing me good luck. This time I didn't call Harry, knowing that he wouldn't be able to answer in the meeting. 

It was 8:00 and they still weren't here. I decided to wait another thirty minutes, but those minutes changed nothing. I ate my spaghetti on my own. I understood that Harry was in a meeting and no I wasn't mad. I grabbed a piece of brownie and took it with me to my room. I got under the covers, not in the mood to change and turned the TV on to the movie we were to watch. The Longest Ride was such a beautiful movie. I was too sleepy to do anything else, so not wanting to stand up I left the plate with brownie crumbs on the far side of Harry's side on the bed. I slept wishing that everything having to do with the meeting would be well.

"Maya. Maya, babe" someone struggled to speak.

I opened my eyes to see Harry, but it wasn't my loving Harry. In front of me was a broken Harry and it hurt watching him like that.

"What's wrong?" I worriedly asked rubbing my eyes. I finally looked him in the eyes to see them full of tears. His tears finally fell down his face along with something I didn't expect to hear.

"Zayn left, he is no longer a part of One Direction" he sobbed.


I don't know why I added this whole thing, I guess I just wanted to show that Maya cares for Harry and the boys in such a strong way. Anyways next update will be on thursday. I know I said I'd update every friday but this will be an exception since I won't be home friday.

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