Chapter 44

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Time had gone by very fast. Dyl and I were much closer. We spent most of our days together, going out and having a friend's night out. Harry's call had become less and less as each day passed by. My mom had been working every day at what, I'm not even sure anymore. We wouldn't even cross words anymore. Ana kept calling me to keep me up to date on what I had to say if someone ever asked me why I wasn't on tour with Harry or why I had not been with him lately. They never found out about us, neither them nor my mom. I had been calling Louis and Lou to tell them how my pregnancy was going. There wasn't much but I'd be three months in two days. My belly was noticeable now due to the fact that I am skinny, you can see my small baby bump already. My wardrobe has changed now that you can tell. My clothes are looser making it go unnoticeable. But every day I saw myself I missed Harry more. I haven't asked Louis about him and he knows not to speak about him making me know nothing from him. Two months had passed and the boys were already on the American part of their tour. Today was there first concert here in America. I was currently changing ready to go out with Dyl, we were going to eat pizza. I was wearing a loose white dress that ended up mid-thigh, I was wearing flat shoes, and my hair was down. I grabbed my bag and phone and headed downstairs. I opened the door and came in view with my mom.

"Out again, I'm guessing out to eat?" she said giving me no time to answer her. "You should stop eating you're getting fat. Taylor won't like to see you not fit into his lingerie."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes at her, I made my way past her and got out the house and made my way to Dyl's car.

"Pizza?" he said turning to me.

"Yes, I'm starving" I smiled.

I was searching through the radio station when I heard the song I no longer like to hear. Photograph by Ed Sheeran was playing, hearing made me get memories with him so I quickly changed it. I kept it on all about that bass and hummed along.

Dyl was now ordering the pizza while I picked our table. It didn't take long until Dyl joined me with the nice looking hot pizza. He gave me my plate and I quickly grabbed my slice and bit it moaning when I finally took the bite. Dyl just laughed at me.

"Maya- I- you know..." Dyl struggles to speak.

I dropped my pizza on my plate putting all my attention on him seeming as this was important for him to say since he was looking very nervous.


"It's okay you can tell me" I said reaching up to grab his hand. I hoped there was nothing bad going on with him or his family. I hoped it wasn't bad news.

"Maya, these past months we have gotten so much closer than ever. We have gotten to know each other more than we ever had. I love spending time with you; I mean there isn't a day I go without thinking of you. You... mean a lot to me Maya. Ever since I saw you that night dancing you captivated me. I liked your feisty side you were showing off towards Harry, but I loved your friendly side more. It was so easy for me to talk to you, and I just loved that. You are a beautiful girl Maya" he said. I felt like I knew where this was heading and in between his speech my hand was no longer holding his but I kept quiet and let him finish. "Maya I've gained a liking towards you. I've noticed everything you do because you intrigue me. I love how you always search through the radio station for good songs and even though Ed is a great singer you hate his songs making me question your choice of songs." He knew that I didn't like Ed's songs, the thing was he didn't know the reason to why I can no longer hear his song. "I love how you don't care about what you eat" I do, well most of the time but I just get cravings. "I love how you are always laughing and smiling" because I'm masking the pain I still feel. "I love you" you don't know the real me, there is only one person and that person is out there taking care of his pregnant girl, who isn't me. "Maya will you be my girlfriend?"

I stared at him; I knew my answer I just didn't want to hurt him. "Dyl, I love you... but not the way you love me. I love you as a friend as a brother. I have loved spending time with you but I can't go out with you I'm sorry."

He put his head down and said nothing, this just felt uncomfortable. I didn't even feel like finishing my pizza slice. I looked down as well not knowing what to do or say after everything he told me and after what I said to him.

"It's still him isn't it?" He asked me, 'him' meaning to Harry.

I looked up to see him staring right at me. "I just can't forget him, especially know" I said referring to me carrying a child of his, but not really telling Dyl what I meant.

He sighed but gave me a tight smile. I knew it hurt him but I didn't want that. "Promise me that you will find someone. Someone who will love you, because Dyl I don't think I could be able to go through another relationship" I told him thinking back to all my past relationships and how they all have ended up badly.

"Friends?" he said smiling at me.


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