Chapter 22

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Lou and I quickly turned around to see Harry standing at the entrance. I had a confused look in my face not understanding what he was doing here.

"I came to the restroom, and once I'm done I have to go back, but you will tell me about what I will react to and why it looks like you've been crying" he gave me a stern look, "I have to go back" and left.

"It'll be fine, don't worry" Lou said.

"It's not something I like sharing but I really want a true relationship so I'll tell him. He asked me if I'll ever tell him, guess today is the day."


The boys were done with their concert and we were already making our way to the hotel we would be staying for the next few days. Harry and I got in our room. I went to the restroom did my buisness and brushed my teeth, ready to meet Harry I made my way to bed where Harry was, on his side.

"Are you going to tell me about what happened today with you and Lou?" he asked getting straight to the point.

I got comfortable in my spot sitting looking straight at him. He looked at me ready to hear me explain, I sighed and started. "I was talking with Lou about why it is that I don't want mother to know about you and I. I told you there was a reason and I was explaining it to her. You asked me if I'd ever tell you and I said yes. I wasn't expecting it to be too soon but it is what it is. I started dating this guy, Leo. One day he invited mother and me on a dinner. Mother was acting well, like she approved. Once I got home she told me that I had to break up with him, I told her I wouldn't, she said she would either let me finish it or she would. Guess no one ever did anything, days later he umm... I received a call, his mother called me to tell me that he had died." I kept myself together this time, not wanting to cry. "It hurt. I loved him" I saw something flash in Harry's eyes but kept going, "I hadn't dated someone else since then. I just don't want to tell her. I don't want to be told to break up with you. I guess I'm just scared of something like that happening again" I spoke looking down at my hands.

I felt the bed dip, and form the corner of my eye I saw Harry coming to me. He placed his hands on either side of my cheeks and raised it up so that I could see him directly to the eyes. "I am so sorry that happened to you Maya. But I won't ever leave you, not even if your mum makes us. I'm staying with you, I promise."

I smiled at his words and so I leaned in to his lips and kissed them. He quickly responded back and kissed me. I backed away after a few kisses and told him that I wanted to sleep. We made our way under the covers and closed my eyes. I felt his arm lay over my waist; Harry brought me close to him. His chest back was to his chest and his legs tangled with mine.

"Goodnight beautiful" he whispered to me.

"Goodnight Haz."


I woke up stretching before opening my eyes to see that Harry was already up and was staring at me.

"Why are you staring?" I mumbled.

"You look beautiful when you sleep."

I smiled, "what are we doing today?"

"Don't know maybe go out or stay in and do something with all the boys. Whatever you want."

"I really want to shower first and then we'll see what we do."

"Fine" he pecked my forehead.

I stood up and made my way to the closet. "Harry where are my bags?" I asked remembering I had left them outside the stadium when the accident happened.

"Wear something of mine for now; I need to call Mark to bring it over."

"Oh okay" I said grabbing one of his boxers and a white t-shirt.

I brushed my teeth then showered. Once I was done I put a towel around me and stepped out. I dried myself and started putting Harry's clothes on. I still didn't feel too comfortable walking around Harry without a bra but I wasn't fond of putting the one I had before. As embarrassing as it sounded I would probably have to go to Lou to ask her for one if my clothes don't get here in the next hour. I got out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen to find not only Harry there but everyone, the boys, Lou, Lux, and even Josh, Dan, Sandy and Jon. Great timing I thought. I quickly crossed my hands over my chest and turned around hoping no one had seen me.

"Auntie Maya" Lux squealed.

I turned around and saw her running up to me. Thanks Lux. I grabbed her and carried her.

Harry patted his lap warning me to sit there since there were no more spots on the couches. Oh I was so embarrassed. I sat on his lap with Lux on mine, I was happy she was here she was after all covering my chest. But that didn't last, Lux is like a firecracker, she just can't be still, so she got off my lap and went to Josh. I quickly covered my chest and kind of moved my body sideways so they wouldn't be so noticeable. Harry started rubbing my back and after a few rubs it's like he noticed that I was wearing no bra. I looked up to me and he gave me a look not understanding at first but quickly caught on remembering about the problem with my clothes and so I felt his arms go around me. He held me like a baby my legs on his lap my chest facing his and my head on the crook of his neck.

"Thank you" I quietly mumbled.

"Wouldn't want anyone seeing" he mumbled back.

"Why are we all here?" Dan asked.

"We just wanted to spend a whole day together, all of us" Zayn spoke.

"So what will we be doing here?"

"I'm not up for leaving the hotel" Zayn quickly said what he didn't want to do.

"Movies!" screamed Lux.

"And food" Niall screamed just like little Lux.

We ordered all kinds of food there was on the menu, but it was mostly snacks. I wanted to ask Lou about borrowing a bra but Harry wouldn't let me go. The boys had gotten Netflix and we were now watching The Perks of Being a Wallflower, yes it was my offer since it is one of my favorite movies. We were halfway through the movie when Lux started getting bored, bringing back the firecracker in her.

"Auntie Maya, why is Harry carrying you?" she sweetly asked getting everyone's attention on us.

"Yeah Maya, why is Harry carrying you?" Lou teased us. Like mother like daughter.

I rolled my eyes no one seeing but Niall who was next to us, to which he laughed at. Everyone started teasing us, which started getting Harry a bit mad, I could tell since he was holding me tighter.

"Can you all please stop" he said.

"I'm not wearing a bra and I just don't feel comfortable so he noticed and is covering me up" I said ending the teasing. That was embarrassing now they all know I have no bra on, great.

"I called Mark but he still doesn't bring her clothes back, do you mind lending her one Lou?" Harry explained.

"Sorry, and yeah I'll bring it" she stood up going to her room.

When she came back Harry being Harry took me all the way to the room, I quickly put it on and went back to the living room feeling much more comfortable. I saw Harry patting his lap once again but my back was hurting from being in the same position so I just laid on the floor, earning me a playful huff from my boyfriend.

We had been watching movies all day that we came to the conclusion that we had seen enough. Everyone was about the leave when Zayn announced he wanted to speak to us.

"We should go to a club before we head out to Hong Kong"

"A club?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, we should have fun while we're here. I didn't feel like going out today but being here the whole day makes me not want to spend it in like this again. It was fun but I think a few drinks might do me, us good."

"You got it mate" Harry said to him.

Clubs, I just hate them.

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