chapter 1

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This was an idea that my friend told me to do and cause i read some other stories like this but it will be my way, so i hope you like it! The bill cipher x reader will be updated tomorrow

(Y/n) p.o.v

No this, no that, robbie kept on telling me i hate it,i hate being home doing nothing just cause am the only sibling i mean i know older brothers can be protected and stuff like that but am already 18! You thought to your self

You went to go outside "ahh finally!!" You cheered and started to run around "uh excuse me who told you to go outside?" The fun was over you turn around slowly "hey hey hey!! Whats up bro!!" He crossed hes arms "stop that you anyway you wanna hang out with me and my friends?" Your eyes widen "wow,hold up! Wait are you my brother am i going crazy wait did someone dare you or pay you to say that!?!" He rolled hes eyes "its a yes or no question"

You squealed "yes!!" He groaned "come on, go get ready then ill be waiting here outside" you smiled and ran inside you wear a (f/c) shirt and (f/o/c) jeans you got your stuff you needed and ran downstairs "okay ,ready!" He again groan "come on"

Later on you meet up with hes friends you guys started to talk and everything , you then see this girl with long brown hair wearing a pink sweater saying 'mabel' and a purple skirt next to her was a guy he was wearing a Navy blue sweater, an orange shirt green ish or brown ish pants had tattoes of a triangle thingy and had shirt hair ,the girl ran up to you "OMG YOUR SO PRETTY!! " "uh..hi mabel" her eyes widen "YOU KNOW MY NAME!! ARE YOU A SIDE KICK?!?" You laughed "no it says it on your sweater" she facepalm "oh yea ,oh this is my twin bro bro dipper "oh hey" he smiles you blushed "h-hi"

Robbie came up to them "hey fuck off, Shes my sister so leave her alone!!" He hissed mabel raised an eyebrow "robbie you never told us you got a sister!?" You looked at him and crossed your arms "so you never mentioned me!? not even once!?" Robbie glared "uh duh i don't want them to go over you" "but bro! Am 18 am not a little kid anymore!!" You whined ,he got annoyed "fine!! Hang out with them but" he glares at dipper "i dont want you near her got it!?" Dipper rolled hes eyes "geez damn robbie you act like imma do something bad to her"

Robbie crosses hes arm "tch,what ever but (y/n) if anything bad happens call me ,go it!?" You sighed "yes,yes i know" "good" he walked back to hes friends
"Wow your robbie sister,but you guys don't look alike" mabel spoke "hes just ugly" you shrugged as you said it mabel and dipper laughed "so anyway you wanna come with me and dipper for some adventures!?" You thought for a moment "sure why not?" She cheered "alright lets go!!!" You guys begin to walk into the forest "alright, what you guys wanna look for" you shrug mabel spoke "we should go um,ohh!! We should go find zombies!!" She dramatically walks like a zombie you giggled

"Yes!! But were?" You looked at them,dipper took out a book "it says here it should be a graveyard but in the middle of the forest" all of you nodded after 10 minutes all of you find a graveyard "cool!!"you ran inside mabel and dipper followed you ,you guys looked around it started to get fogy "we should all stay together, right guys? " dipper nodded "right mabel?....mabel?" Both of you looked around you hearda scream you started to freak out you felt a hand on your leg you look down and scream you started to kick it and ran up to dipper he hold you and took out a bat inside hes bookbag

"Were did it go?"you said "i dont know but we should find mabel" you guys started to walk you were close to dipper you heard whispers "do you hear that?" He nodded "BOO!" You and dipper scream loud and hugged each other tightly you heard mabel laughing "haha got you guys good!!" "Mabel!! That's not funny" you and dipper said,you notice you still hugging dipper he noticed to,both of you blushed and pulled away "s-sorry" "nah its okay" he chuckled nervously

Its been 3 hours no zombie had been found robbie called you "WERE ARE YOU!?" He screamed through your phone "am heading home chill" he growled "you better be!" He then hang up "well i should go home now ,bye guys!" You wave "see you tomorrow! !" To that you guys went home while walking home you started to think about dipper , hes cute i think i like wait what!?! How!?i just meet him today!! Ugh maybe its just my feelings getting mest up


Well hope you like this story!

Bye! :3

[difficult love]  Dipper x readerWhere stories live. Discover now