chapter 4

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You woke up from robbie putting hes music loud you groaned ,you check on your phone and it was 11:30 am but then you realize you got a text from wendy "ehhh well this is goung to be awkward" you mumbled to your self since you and wendy are not that cool now but eh why not start a fresh new start?

You answered back, you went to the bathroom and took a shower once you finished ,you checked on your phone, wendy reply back

"Hey (y/n)! Whats up? Haha weird eh? Since ya know what happen in the fast,but im i over heard you like that true?" -wendy

Your eyes widen , how would she know if on mabel-- right probably she told her, you sighed you wanted to tell her but you dont know if you should trust her , you groaned and look at your phone "should i? Or not?" You kept telling your self ,maybe i should i mean what coulf happen? Not like she gonna tell him you picked up your phone and begin to type


" haha i knew it but dont worry i won't! I promise!" -wendy

You smiled ,"i just hope i could trust her" you started to put your clothes on and brush your teeth and hair. One you finished you went down stairs

Wendy p.o.v

I waited for her reply ,i wanted to get revenge sweet,sweet revenge!! Since probably dipper still might like me am 21 hes 18 ,so it might work ill just use him just for fun! And plus robbie doesn't like dipper so there's no way they will go out! My phone ring i look at the text


I smirk ,yes this plan will work!!i crossed my fingers and reply

Haha i knew it but dont worry i wont, i promise!

I put my phone in my pocket "well time to go to work" i smirked and walked to the mystery shack when i enter dipper and mabel were there i grinned just in time mabel walked out to somewhere ,i walked next to dipper "hey dipper~!" I smirk and pull him next to me he started to blush and a confused look, at the same time "u-um h-hey wendy" he chuckled nervously "so dipper ya know i wanna tell you something" i looked into hes eyes he looked back "i always liked you ever since you started to grow up i started to like you" he smiled widely "r-really!? Oh my gosh wendy you don't know how long i wanted to hear that" i grinned hes so stupid!

"So you wanna go out with me?" I looked at him "ye--wait but i like (y/n) to i dont know wendy i--" i kissed him deeply i wanted him to go out with me so i can get revenge! I pulled away he was blushing red "does that change your mind?" I smirked at him "yea sure i mean (y/n) can fine someone else" he looked so happy "yay!"

Mabel p.o.v

I was about to walk in until i see...WENDY KISSING DIPPER!?! WHAT NO THIS CANT BE REAL!!! I slapped my self .yup it was real i was about to say something but i heard "does that change your mind?" I looked at dipper please reject her (y/n) is way better then her "yea sure i mean (y/n) can fine someone else" my eyes widen i looked down "dipper you choose wrong"i mumbled to my self

"i gotta tell (y/n)!!" I whisper yell to my self i ran upstairs and took out my phone i started to call (y/n) "please answer!!" I almost shouted "hello?" Someone picked up "hello? (Y/n)?"

"Uh no this is robbie what do you want?"

"Weres (y/n)?"

"Shes at the store with my grandparents and she left her phone but yet again what do you want?!"

"Geez calm down mr. Grumpy pants, just uhhh...wanna tell her i miss her..."



"Uh okay i guess"

"Well bye robbie!"

"What ever"

he hang up i groaned "dammit,dipper you idiot ugh!!" I flop on my bed i heard foot steps . It was dipper "Mabel!! You can't believe what just happen!!" He squealed i need to go with the flow i jump off my bed and squealed as also "WHAT HAPPEN BRO-BRO!!" I sit down he sits near me "wendy ask me out and i said yes!!" He was so happy "but what about (y/n)? I thought you like her?" He looked at me "i know i thought so to, but she can fine someone else" he smiled, i started to growl "HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT!?!" I slapped him across the face he wae surprised

"M-mabel wh--" "MABEL NOTHING!! HOW COULD YOU!! I CANT BELIEVE YOU!! JUST CAUSE YOU LIKED WENDY FOR SO LONG DOESNT MEAN ANYTHING!! (Y/N) IS WAY BETTER SH--" dipper pushed me on the floor. he was angry. i shivered "don't you dare say that about wendy!!! And plus if i did when out with (y/n) robbie wouldn't even let me hang out with her!!" He hissed

i stand up "ITS CALLED GETTIG ALONG!!! HAVENT YOU HEARD ABOUT THAT!!!" "SHUT UP MABEL!!! YOU KNOW ITS NOT GONNA WORK!! YOUR SO ANNOYING, SOMETIMES I WISH WE WERNT SIBLINGS!!" Everything went quite i started to tear up he soften "mabel i--" "no shut up!! Dont talk to me anymore, you turned into a jerk!! A big mean jerk!!" I started sob and run out of the room "mabel wait!!"

Dipper p.o.v

"Mabel wait!!" I shouted i growled at my self "dammit i didnt mean to say that!! Ugh" i flop on my bed "maybe going out with wendy isnt worth it but i liked her ever since i saw her MY GOD THIS IS HARD!! at least (y/n) at her grandparents..." i sighed and decided to take a nap

(Y/n) p.o.v

I open the door "robbie were back!!!" I shouted as my grandparents chuckled and came in ,robbie tossed me my phone "here you left it" i giggled "i know bro" he groan "well mabel called so i guess call her back?"he walked away i smiled "ill call her then, imma go to my room call me when lunch is ready!!" "Okay darling" my grandma smiled i run upstairs and went to my room,i jumped on my bed i started to call mabel ,she picked up "hi mabel!! Wh-- are you okay? " i asked worried i never seen or heard mabel upset "(y/n)..."


"Something happened today" sniff

"WHAT HAPPEN!?!" I shouted through the phone

"Please dont be upset but....wendy ask out dipper and he said yes.."

I frozed and started to tear up

"What how!?!"

"I dont know i walked away and once i came back i see wendy kissing him!!! And she said does that change your mind? And i heard him say yea sure i mean (y/n) can fine someone else!"

Thats it i started to sob, i cant believe dipper going out with wendy. ...WENDY!!! I growled and started to punch anything near me

"(Y/n)!! Please calm down!!"

I grab the phone "how mabel!?!"

"Look (y/n) your a very beautiful girl!! And dipper just can't open hes eyes and realized how beautiful you are hes stupid! Trust me , he said even more stuff"

"What happened!?"

Mabel explain everything i cant believe it dipper would say that!!

"Its okay mabel like you said hes stupid dont worry he will apologize"

"I hope so, well i gotta go bye (y/n)!"

"Bye mabel!"

I heard her giggle and hang up i sit up and started to think

"(Y/n)!! Lunch is ready!" I heard robbie shout i sighed "i hope this 2 weeks will be fast"


Wow sorry i didnt update i was busy!

Well any who hows the story going so far?

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