chapter 8

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(Y/n) p.o.v

"I cant believe am saying this but....we need bill cipher help" mabel sighed again , i tilted my head "bill cipher? Whos that?" Out of nowhere everything went black and white , i started to panic,a yellow triangle appears in front of us "its me! Am Bill cipher! Nice to meet ya kid" I raised an eyebrow and look at mabel "how is he gonna help!? Hes a flying dorrito!" I yelled whisper "you know i can hear that (y/n)!!" I flinched i looked at the thing knows as bill

"Umm okay...?" Mabel cleared her throat "hi bill,well um we kind of need your help so... lets make a deal" bill started to lean close to us "ah a deal eh~?" Mabel nodded quickly "alright kid's am listening!" I looked at mabel looks like shes thinking,i look back a bill he started to get annyed "listen shooting star i dont got all day" mabel started slapping her head after 2 minutes she looked at him "alright bill i want you to pretend to be (y/n) boyfriend, just to make my idiot brother jealous"

Bill crossed hes arms "what if it doesnt work?" Mabel widen her eyes am guessing she didnt think this through "well then the deal is over what else" bill groan "whats in it for me?" Mabel shrugged "ugh fine at least i'll pretend to be (y/n) boyfriend" he look at me and smirk while wiggleling hes one eyebrow "deal!!" Mabel shouted ,bill's hand went into blue flames and shook mabel's hand

Bill started leaning close to me but i kept backing away slowly " would this plan work since....HES A FUCKING TRIANGLE SHAPE THINGY!!!!" mabel stared to laugh , bill put hes hand on hes chest "hurtful but!! I can turn into a human you know" i blinked twice he back away and turned into a human "told ya so" he smirked

"Alright lets go!!!" Mabel jumped, everything now turned back to normal we went in front of the mystery shack "alright guys ill go in first in 5 minutes you guys walk in,okay?" Mabel looked at us we nodded she walked in,i stand awkwardly ,i looked at bill he just kept on smiling "why are you smiling for...?" He looked at me "well i am pretending to be your boyfriend so~" he leaned close to me , i laughed awkwardly and push him away slowly "haha..not happening" he smirk "ill let you believe what you believe" i raised an eyebrow

"Come on" he pulled me close to him and walked in making mabel,dipper and Wendy look at us , i felt my cheeks warm "whoa!! (Y/n)!! Whos that!?" Mabel gave me a hint to tell "o-oh um this is my boyfriend bill,bill cipher" i smiled

Dipper p.o.v

"O-oh um this is my boyfriend bill,bill cipher" my eyes widen HER BOYFRIEND!?! WAIT WHAT!?! "BILL CIPHER!!" Bill looked at me and smirk "nice meeting you" he leaned close to me "like my new girlfriend pine tree?" i glared at him "this better not be your stupid evil plans to take over our body's!!" I shouted, "why would i do that?" He started to fake cry and walk back to (y/n) "babe hes so mean! Am surprised you use to like him!!" I grip onto the table and look at (y/n) she started to pat bill back and kissed him on.... THE LIPS!?! "i know.... so am i.." they walk out of the mystery shack ,my eyes widen did...she really mean it? Did she really move on?...UGH NO WHY WOULD I CARE I GOT WENDY!! i looked at wendu ,she looked like she was thinking but what?

(Y/n) p.o.v

Once we walked out he looked at me and grinned "i thought you said it will never happen~" he teased, i felt my face burn "S-SHUT UP!!" I pushed him off he laugh's and started to flot while looking at me "do you think its working though?" He crossed hes arms as he said while i sit down " i don't know he looked surprised so maybe yea" i shrugged, he nodded as an agreement

5 hours later

It was now 7:30 pm "hey (y/n) can you feed this to waddles?" Mabel hand me a carrot "sure" i grab it and walked up stairs, i open the door i see waddles on the floor rolling around "aww waddles your so adorable!!" I squealed and put the carrot in front of him ,he started to eat ,i giggled and started to pet him "so your going out with bill?" I flinched and look back, it was dipper sitting on hes bed ,i didnt even noticed he was there

"Yea so what" i looked at him "nothing really just surprised you would go out with him" i didnt reply back "but why? Did you really move on? Why are you going out with him? When did guys started to go out?" I started to get annoyed "well am waiting for your answers, do i need to repeat my self!?" I stand up "damn your asking so many questions!! Why would you care!?! I get to go out with anyone i want you cant tell me what to do, your not robbie or my parents okay!? Geez you sound jealous!" I crossed my arms

"ha! Me jealous as if! Why would i be jealous? For crying out loud am with wendy!!" I rolled my eyes "then stop asking questions about why bill's my boyfriend!" I stands up "am just saying!! Hes not a good guy for you!!" I stared to glare at him "wow dipper ,your so slow,you should realize you sound jealous" i walked out i heard him jump on top of hes bed and scream between hes pillow


Hello~!! Reader-chan!!

How's the story so far? Eh eh?

Comment below what you think so far??

Anywho some people are asking me on the message thingy about the bill cipher x reader when will i update the next chapter,

the answer is never!!

Haha just kidding!!! Im going to update somewhere in the morning

i promise!!!

Well its 1:00 am already so good night!!


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