chapter 9

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Still your p.o.v

I walked downstairs and mabel looks at me "hey (y/n) whats wrong? Why are you crying?" Wait im i crying!? i didnt even realize i was! "n-nothing" i wipe my tears away "(y/n)" she put her hand on my shoulder "its just that what if it doesn't work? What if he does end up getting married with wendy? My life wouldn't be complete" i hug her, she patted my back "shh its okay (y/n) it will me"

I calm down a bit and smiled "thanks mab's" she smiles "no problem thats what friends are for" we sit down in the kitchen "okay i have a plan though for tomorrow" i look at her "okay im listening" as she explains it i nodded "so what your saying is that me and bill will go to the movies and you will make dipper and wendy go at the same one,im i correct?" She nodded

"Ill make sure you guys are in the front and they will be in the back so at least try to be like all couple stuff you know cuddle,giggle,talk,whisper stuff" i nodded "alright thanks mabel see you tomorrow!" I wave at her and she waved back i headed back home and robbie came up to me "uh where have you been? You had us worried sick!"

"I was with the pines family,wait aww you care about me" i smirked "what!? No! Eww gross you might never know,probably mom and dad pay me to care about you" he crosses hes arms, i pouted "your so mean!!" He started to laugh and walk up stairs

I went to the kitchen and grab pitt "ehh maybe some cookies" i grabbed some cookies and went to my room i turned on the tv and stared to watch (favorite show) after 30 minutes i started to get sleepy i yawned and went to go to sleep

Dipper p.o.v

After (y/n) left i jumped on my bed and started to scream between my pillows i was mad "ugh why would she think that im jealous!?! Im not, that THAT STUPID BILL!!!" I slam my pillow on the wall "ugh!!!" I sit up and ran my fingers through my hair "wait im i? I im jealous? Is this how it feels to feel jealous i havent felt like this when wendy and robbie when out how come i dont feel like im complete with wendy? I was that desperate just to go out with her..."

I grip on my hair "does this mean (y/n) will complete me? she's with the bastard demon!" I glared at the floor and glentch my fist ,i felt tears running down my cheeks i touch my cheek "why....why im i crying..? Im i really that frustrated that (y/n) with bill?or something else?" I headed to the bathroom and look at my self on the mirror i saw my own reflection smirk

"AHHH!" I shouted loudly my reflection started to come out of the mirror i cover my self i started to shiver then it stayed quite after a minute i heard someone laughing i look up and it was bill "B-BILL!?" He turns back to normal in hes human form "hey pine tree! Did ya miss me? Ha don't need to answer that question cause i know you do~!!" He wave hes hand in front of me i slap hes hand away

"Ha easy pine tree,so how you been?" He leaned on hes crane i stand up "great" i glentch my teeth " aww boo hoo i was hoping you would be frustrated but i guess not" he fake pouted "what do you want" i hissed "well i keep over hearing my name so it seems like someone misses me~!" I growl "ill take that as a yes!" He chuckled

"So how are you and (y/n)..?" What!! why did i say that!? I thought to my self "well ya know good, next time imma you know" he moves hes hips back and fourth while hes hands did the opposite way, i blushed red and glared at him "NO YOU WONT!!" I shouted he stopped "seems like someone's jealous~!!" he grins "NO.IM.NOT!!!"

He starts to laugh "okay what ever you say pine tree!" He continues to laugh i push him of "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" He still continue's to laugh "alright Alright, you make me laugh to much i swear" he wipes a tear away he dissappears but come's back "oh if you see her walking weird tomorrow or maybe sonner you know i hit it good!" I blushed deep red "GET THE FUCK OUT!!!AND NO YOU WONT!!!" He again.Starts to burst out of laughing and dissappears i slam the bathroom door shut

[difficult love]  Dipper x readerWhere stories live. Discover now