chapter 6

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"just give up he loves me!! Only me!! Not you,you pathetic worthless bitch!!"

"THATS IT!!" I ran towards her

Now on ([ still your p.o.v)]

I punched her right in the eye and started to fight her i started to laugh while i was doing it "LET GO OF ME!" Wendy started yelling "calling me pathetic look at you!! Loosing at a 18 year old SHAME!!!" I drag her around and slam her against the door then she started to fight back "FINALLY YOU FIGHT BACK!!" She started to yell and scream

Mabel ,dipper,soos and stan came out running "WHATS GOI--WENDY!!!" Dipper yelled "wow people fighting!" Stan pulls out a camera and starts recording "STAN!! MABEL!! SOOS!!! HELP!!!" They try to pull wendy and me away but no, am not gonna end it!

I kept on kicking until i kicked dipper face i stop "D-dipper! Am so sorry i--" "NO SHUT UP!! WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING WENDY!?!" Wendy stand up and stared to cry "shes been like this once we started going out!" Dipper glared at me "(y/n) just move on! You know am not gonna go out with you so why even try to fight/kill or anything to wendy!" My eyes widen and stared to tear up

Mabel spoke "geez dipper clam down!! Wendy just using you so sh--" "NO STOP IT!! STOP LYING!!!" Dipper yelled and hold wendy close to him "wow, this is why i don't have a wife!" Stan spoke as every one looked at him "what? Its true!" I stand up and notice i was bleeding from my arm "dipper please litsen! Shes just using you!!"

Dipper started to lose hes patient "(y/n),your just saying that cause your jealous!" I grip my teeth "am.not.jealous!" He lets go of wendy and look at me "then why are you fighting her!?" "am leaving this is getting weird" stan walk away "me to" soos walks of,

"its not nun of your busines!!" I yelled at him he started walking towards me "yes it is!! (Y/n)!! Tell me why!?!" ' because she took away someone i love' "NO!" he stopped walking and looked at me he was mad,really mad "just forget you! Go away! I don't want you near us!!!" He started to walk towards wendy

"But dipp-" he turned back "BUT DIPPER NOTHING!!! GO AWAY!!! MOVE ON!! Geez!! Your just like your brother, sad and desperate for love!" To that he started to walk away with Wendy, but mabel stayed still her eyes were widen shocked of what dipper said "mabel come on..." she didn't listen "MABEL I SAID COME ON!!" Dipper yelled she flinched

She looked at me and mouth 'im sorry' she started to walk behind then slowly i looked down "maybe hes right" i started to walk away "i should move on" i sighed

2 weeks later

My feelings for dipper are gone i started to walk around the gravity falls "what a nice day!" I smiled brightly i never been this happy,last week i went to my grandparents funeral sad week but today am going to visit there grave i pick up some flowers and went there i smiled and tear up "hi grandma and grandpa" i set down the flowers and i sit down "so how is it in heaven?" Its like i could hear them talk to me,i giggled "i miss you guys so much,i wish you where still here" i smiled and started to cry softly

"Life with out you guys is tough but your in a better place now" i put my hand on there stone "well ill see you guys tomorrow" i smiled and started to walk away

I was walking around until i bump into someone "oh am sorry" i look up and its was...dipper "oh no its okay (y/n) but um hi" i rolled my eyes "move" i hissed "whoa! Chill (y/n), i just want to hang out with" my eyes widen but started to glare at him "umm go hang out with wendy" i started to walk away i felt a hand on my shoulder "umm shes hasn't talk to me since last week.." i sighed and groan



Sorry if its a short chapter

Ill update later on , maybe


[difficult love]  Dipper x readerWhere stories live. Discover now