chapter 2

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(Y/n) p.o.v

You woke up and yyawned you look outisde your Windom and it was a sunny day you smiled and went downstairs with your family ,your mom and dad made you breakfast you sit diwn and started to eat "hey (y/n ,sweetie can you wake up your brother please" you nodded and went upstairs to hes room you knock but no answer , you knock again but no answer "alright robbie you asked for it" you burst inside and started to sing your favorite song out loud

Robbie flip over and fell out of hes bed "(Y/N)!?! WHAT THE HECK!?!" He started to stand up "ha!! Thats what you get!!" You stick you tongue out "why you little!" He started to run after you downstairs you where giggling and sat down and continued eating "good morning robbie!" Your mother cheered he groan and sat down "morning" he began eating "so sweetie,how wad yesterday?" She looked at you

"Pretty cool! I had fun with dip--" robbie started to choke "WHAT!? WHAT KIND OF FUN HUH!?!" You looked confused until you knew what he meant your whole face turned beep red "R-ROBBIE!?! NO N-NOT THAT!!" You covered your face "oh well go on"he crosses hes arms ,you uncovered your face still red "w-well as i was saying i had fun with dipper and mabel i went to the forest for an adventure!!" You giggled,your parents laugh "well you should go to there house" your dad as he started to drink hes coffee " really!?!" "Yes" you squealed

"Uh no she is not!! If i dont like thoes stupid pine twins neither would she!" He hissed you flinched "shut up!! You always tell me what to do!!! Am 18!! 18!! Not lower then that! You just need to chill!!" He looked down and sighed "your right but i just dont want you near dipper like try to kiss or something" you nodded "you act like i like him or something" you laughed nervously ,he looked at me like he was studying my face "alright then imma go to but am just going to see wendy got it?" "Yup" you went upstairs and put on your favorite clothes and went outside to see robbie waiting "tch took you so long" you rolled your eyes and punched him playfully,both of you headed to the mystery shack

You guys open the door "hey wendy,do you know where's dipper and mabel?" She nodded "yea just go to the attic aka that's there room" you nodded "thanks wendy" you walked to there room you knock on there door mabel opens it "AHHH (Y/N)!!! YOUR HERE!!!" She hugged you ,you laughed and hugged back she pulls you inside you see dipper reading a book "hey dipper" "
he looked at you and smile "sup" you blushed a bit

For the rest of the day you had fun with them it was time for you to leave it was 10:00pm , you were about to walk of until mabel pulled your arm "WANNA HAVE A SLEEP OVER!?!" You smiled "sure, first ill ask my mom" you called your mom " hey mom can i stay over?" You said as mabel had a big smile "sure,we will pick you up tomorrow" "THANK YOU MOM!" You cheered "bye sweetie" you hang up

"My mom said yes!!" Mabel squealed "yay!!!! We are going to have so much fun!! Ill go call candy and grenda!!" Dipper look at you guys "you guys better not put make up on me , i mean by you mabel" you laughed "you do that?" You looked at her "yea,i make him pretty" you nodded " pretty cute then" they looked at you "what? Did i say something wrong?" Mabel had a smirk "ill be right back, (y/n) come with me!" She dragged you out "omg you like my brother don't you!?" You blushed "i.. uh" mabel grin "dont worry i won't tell,you can trust me" you sighed "ehh just a little" you did the hand moment she squealed "OMG!!" You put your hand on her mouth "shhh mabel!" She giggled then grin

"Eheh sorry,is just am happy" she jump around, you giggled "yea i can tell"


Sorry if its a short chapter

Any way ill update later on


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