chapter 5

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(Y/n) p.o.v

I woke up from the sun shining. Today was the last day staying at my grandparents am guessing today is gonna be a good day i smiled imma have a great time with them. it was 9:30 am my grandparents are probably making breakfast by now i ran down stairs "Good morni--aaaaAHHHHHHHH!!!" My eyes widen. Robbie came running down stairs "Wh--!! ILL GO CALL 911!!" He ran back up i started to sob i pull them close to me i call my parents and told them to go to the hospital

After 20 minutes the ambulance arrive we went with them ,we have been crying all the way over there ,once we go inside i see my parents there my father once saw them he burts into more tears my mom hugged him ,me and robbie higged him to

After 30 minutes the doctor came in "family members of mr and mrs valentino" we stand up and go in front of him he looks at as with the face, i can tell, he cant wait for the crying,yelling he clear hes throat "am sorry but they couldn't make it" everyone eyes widen and started to cry

Everything went slow motion i look around me,robbie, dad and mom are crying so was i, i pushed he doctor and ran to there room ,there they are there lifeless bodys

I started to get flash backs, me having fun with them,going to the pool,park anywhere! All the places me and robbie wanted to go

i looked around anything that can bring them back to life but like everyone says you cant Bring anyone or anything back to life i started to scream,yell and cry, robbie came in and grab me once he did everything went black

Robbie p.o.v

(Y/n) stop and lost her balance ,i saw the the neddle from the doctor "she will wake up in 20 or 30 minutes" my dad went in front of me and caried her "i suggest you should leave now" the doctor spokr we nodded i look back "i love you guys to and ill miss you"i mumbled to myself i went to follow my parents

We arrive at home i was sitting down outside (y/n) went to take a nap

Today wasn't good everything went so well once i woke up i saw them

Flash back from the morning

I woke up and yawn "morning already" i went to the kitchen and see them they smiled "good morning" they gave me there sweet smiles "morning" i sat down and eat after i finished i put my plate on the sink "am going to the bathroom" "okay" they both said "we love you" i heard them say once i went upstairs

After i finished washing my hands i hear (y/n) scream ,i went down there i couldn't believe it they where on the floor

End of flashback

I started to cry and grip on to my sweater 'i couldn't say i love them back in person,even though i said as a kid but now am all grown up...this is all my fault!! If i was there maybe they could have survived and still live!!' "UGH!!!" I started to sob and punch anything near me "THIS COULDNT HAVE HAPPEN IF I WAS THERE!!" I put my hoddie on and went inside i decided to take a nap

(Y/n) p.o.v

I woke up from my phone ringing i check it. It was mabel i answer "hello?" My voice sounded dry "oh hey (y/n)!!! Are you back??" "Yea" i heard her squeal "come over here!!!" "Fine ,fine ill be there in a few" i stand up "kk bye!!" "Bye" i hang up and put on my normal clothes "mom!dad! Am going to the mystery shack!" I left

I arrive at the mystery shack i open the entrance ,i saw wendy and dipper talking, wendy looked bored but once she saw me she smirked and pull dipper close to her "oh dipper! I love you so much!! Thank god your my boyfriend!!" I gripped onto my shirt "hey guys"

i faked smiled "hey (y/n)! Arent you happy for me and dipper!" Dipper looked at me and widen hes eyes "oh (y/n) your back h--" i shot him with a glare he flinched mabel walked in "HEY (Y'---......well this got awkward" i kept on glaring at them "yea it did" i said as i walk towards mabel we went to the living room

Mabel glomp me "I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!" I giggled and hugged her back "i missed ya to!!" She smiled and pulled away "so how was with your grandparent?" My smiled went toa frown and i started to tear up "oh no (y/n) i didnt mean to ask" i lost it i started to cry she pulled me into a tight hug i hugged back i sobbing on her shoulder "shh its okay (y/n) there in a better place" i sniff "y-yea your right" i wipe my tears away "come on smile!!" I didnt "for them" once she said that i smiled "yay!! If they where here they would want to see you smile!"

Time skip

It was 5:30pm i was walking around the mystery shack until i bump into someone "hey!watch it!" I hissed once i look up i grip my teeth "oh its you" it was wendy she grinned i stand up "so do you like my new boyfriend!"

"Why!? Why would you do this to me!? I thought we where cool!"

"Yea i thought so to but time flys and plus he liked me first so of course he will pick me first" she smirked

I started to growl "your just using him!!"

She claps slowly "of course i am its called getting revenge!"


She stared to laugh "oh sweetie just stop it he loves me and not you,you get it or do i need to speak it in your language?"


"Or what? And plus next month hes gonna ask me to marry him ,how do i know? Well soos doesnt know how to keep secrets ya know " she crossed her arms

"AM NOT I THIS!!!" I heard soos yell

"just give up he loves me!! Only me!! Not you,you pathetic worthless bitch!!"

"THATS IT!!" I ran towards her

To be continued!

I know wendy isnt like that but that's just part of my story


Ill update later on the next chapter!


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