chapter 7

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Dipper p.o.v

"Fine" she said "yay!!!" I cheered "why do you want to hang out with me? Like come on you could at least try to ask wendy why isnt she talking to you " she crossed her arms "well i did try but she keeps ignoring my calls" i sighed "did you even try to go to her house or even talk to her SHE WORKS AT THE MYSTERY SHACK YOU KNOW! YOU LIVE THERE TO SO!" I flinched ,to be honest i didnt even think of that wow am so stupid

I facepalm "well arent you gonna go and try?" She tilted her head i started to think 'do i? I mean i have to but theres this feeling not to ,wait am i having feelings for (y/n) again? I did like her before but why now? Am going out with wendy! The person i have always dreamed of going out' i kept on thinking until (y/n) said "bye"

'No dont leave but....... ugh this is confusing!!' I grab her by her arm she looked at me "d-dont leave can you at least help me" she sighed "fine" i smiled "thank you" i hugged her

(Y/n) p.o.v

I felt arm's around me everything went fast i look up and see dipper hugging me.... HUGGING ME!!! I heard someone clear there throat i turn to look and see wendy i pushed dipper away "uh dipper what was that!?" She crossed her arms "what ever your thinking its no--" she pushes me away and goes to dipper "dipper dont touch her!! Shes probably gonna steal you away from me!!" She fake cry i looked at dipper "yea....she would" he looked at me,my eyes widen

What just happen!?! He just changed hes attitude! So hes..hes a two face!! I glared at him " why dipper WHY!?! FIRST YOU WANNA BE ALL NICE TO ME SAYING YOU WANT TO HANG OUT WITH ME AND HELP YOU BUT NOW YOU WANNA ACT LIKE A TWO FACE BITCH!! MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!" i stomped away
Ugh i hate dipper!!, i went near the forest i find a nice place to relax i sat down, enjoying the cold breeze go through my hair "why is such and asshole!!" I lay down near a tree looking up remembering the kiss before i left for my grandparents "what did that kiss meant?"

4 weeks past

I over heard dipper and wendy where gonna get married in 2 more months but why did they change it? I wandered around and walked to the mystery shack to see mabel i havent seen her for a while since robbie kept me inside the house he heard what has been happening this past few weeks ,he been in hes room even more i try to talk to him but surprised he ignore me like in the past wen wendy broke up with him i sighed

I stepped in the mystery shack i see dipper talking to wendy this timr she seems like she wasn't bored is she falling for him!?! No no!! Wait why should i care!! I hate them!! I cleared my throat "have you seen mabel?" Dipper looked at me "shes outside" i facepalm how the hell did i not see her i went outside and checked around she was sitting down playing with her pet pig,waddles "hey mabel" i awkwardly said

She gasped "(Y/N)!!!" She put waddles down and glomp me "I HAVENT SEEN YOU LIKE IN FOR EVER!!!" I giggled well i did felt like a long time i havent seen her "yea ,yea i know" she stand up and helped me up "so what brings ya here?" She smiled "well to be honest i need to talk to you...about something" she stood up straight "am listening!" I sighed "well for some reason i think am jealous, but it makes no sence i stopped having feelings for him like 6 weeks ago and now i have this part thats jealous "i look at her "what do you think?" She put her hand under her chin

"Depends what did he do that made you like him again did he do anything to you like hug you or something that,There has to be something he did" now that she mentioned it i remember he hugged me out of no where "well he did hug me like 4 weeks ago but that was cause i was about to help him with wendy" her eyes widen "wait why did he need help for? She was with him all this weeks" my eyes widen as well "wait but he said she was ignoring him for 1 week" she shake head "no they have been hanging out unless he..was" she looks at me

'This just went weird was he lying just to hang out with me? this makes no sence hes with wendy like he said he wanted to be with her and he even said he would never go out with me this is getting me confused what is he trying to do!? Is he doing this on purpose!? What if he just trying to make me he?' There was so many what if's going on until mabel snao her fingers right in front of me "hello (y/n)? You still there?"

I nodded "y-yea just thinking" she smirk "i got a plan" once she said that it got my full attention "since maybe hes trying to make you jealous why not make him jealous to" i nodded "but it's not him that's trying to make me jealous its wendy" she puts her hand under her chin "hmm now that you think of it ,now its hard but dipper did say yes to her and once you left he has been alone in the room nothing to do waiting for you to text until wendy asked him out he told me he was gonna ask you out after you come back" now that she said that everything makes sence!!

Is he using wendy like she is to him just to make me jealous!!! ,i started to laughed "IT ALL MAKE SENCE NOW!!!!" She cheered "now we need some guy to make him jelaous!!"mabel shouted "but who?" I questioned she took a while to answer but the sighed

"i cant believe am saying this but...we need bill cipher help then"


Sorry for not updating!!!

Yesterday i was with my best friend house cause it was my birthday

Anywho it make take a while to update the bill cipher x reader , am still thinking of what to write on it

Ill update the next chapter later on or tomorrow

Dont forget to vote,comment or even share!!


[difficult love]  Dipper x readerWhere stories live. Discover now