chapter 3

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(Y/n) p.o.v

Mabel friends came in running cheering "AHH SLEEPOVER!!!" they all squealed "oh whos that?" The girl with glasses said "oh this is (y/n) robbie sister , (y/n) this grenda and candy" there eys widen "robbie has a sister!?!" Grenda said "i thought he was just a sad loner kid with out any siblings! And you guys don't look alike" you laughed a bit "yea i get that a lot" mabel smirked "(y/n) go up stairs me and the girls will make snacks ,okay?" You nodded and went upstairs 'well that was weird,wonder what they gonna do,besides doing the snacks' you open the door and see dipper reading,he notice you "oh hey" he smiled

"Hi" you sit down next to him "how does it feel being robbie's sister?" you sighed "well to be honest it's cool and everything like that, in the past we were like close ya know like best friends sibling thing, every year changed when i try to hang out with him he would walk away or tell me to leave him every since i did that thing he stopped talking to me" you sighed "what did you do? If you don't mind me asking" you scratch the back of your neck "remember how he when out with wendy the second time?" He nodded "well it was my fault, past then i never liked wendy she would take him away eveytime i wanna play video games and so on i got mad and everything like that like come on let me hang out with my bro!" You growled "on that day she texted him saying

hey robbie wanna go hang out? And ya know something else ;)

To that i grab hes phone and type

hell no am busy,am doing better things then hanging out with you, you need to chill, alwas trying to go up on my dick so STOP IT!

wow robbie whats wrong? Dont you love me?

Ha hell to the fuck no! I just got dared to go out with you so Dont even look at me! Talk to me! Go it!? So bye bitch!

"After that he came in and wendy was calling him he said"

hi babe,whats up?



"When wendy hang up he looked at the messages and looked at me full of anger i back away from he ,but he grab me by he shirt and said"


"I didn't m-mean to i--"

"NO JUST SHUT UP!!" He drops you on the floor "Your stupid!! How could you!?! She was the love of my life!! Not anymore, i wish you werent my sister!!"


You started to cry a bit "Every since that day happen he hated me ,he would never look at me or talk to until i told wendy the truth she said it was cool since its just siblings things ,but she said she would only be friends with him" dipper pulls you into a tight hug your eyes widen while blushing sightly "dipper wh--" "dont ruin the moment" he mumble you slowly hug him back, you felt save in hes arms you never wanna let go

He puts hes hand under your chin making you face him "please dont cry i dont wanna see you cry,am sorry that i ask that question, i didnt know it was that serious" to that he slowly leans ,your heart started to beet fasy you couldn't believe it dipper is about to kiss you , you slowly lean closing your eyes,your lips meet hes you blushed brightly ,the kiss ended 5 minutes he pulled away and smiles

You were blushing madly mabel came in you pushed dipper away ,she was holding 3 bags of chips ,crackers and sodas "wow sorry we took long" mabel set down the snacks "SOOOOOOO LETS START NOW!!!" Mabel shouted

Time skip cause am lazy

You woke up from giggling you slowly rubbed your eyes you notice you were sleeping on top of dipper you heard a click and a flash go off ,mabel took a picture "AWWW LOOK AT YOU GUYS!!" Candy and grenda giggled and run of while mabel follows them, dipper woke up and noticed you he blushes red "u-uhh (y/n)" you forgot you were laying down in him you quickly got up "s-sorry!" You turned red, dipper stand up and chuckled "its okay" your phone rang. Its was robbie . You signed and answered



He shouted through the phone

"am at mabel and dippers house aka am at the mystery shack"


"Why!? Well cause why not! And because they invited me for a sleepover so calm your tits!"

"Well come back! We are going to grandma and grandpa's house for 2 weeks"

"Okay ill be there in 15 minutes"

You hang up and sighed "i gotta go and i wont be in town for 2 weeks, am going to my grandparents house" he frowned "oh okay,but ill give you my number so we can tall or text,sounds good?" You nodded he wrote down hes number and hand it to you,you hug him and walk downstairs to mabel "hey mabel ,i gotta go and i wont be in town for 2 weeks so g--" she hugs you tightly "AWW MAN ILL GIVE YOU MY NUMBER YOU BETTER CALL ME EVERYDAY! KK!?" You giggled as she hands you her phone number you wave bye and walked home

You see your parents "hi sweetie,go upstairs and pack some clothes you and robbie are staying at your grandparents for 2 weeks" you nodded and pack some clothes and went to the car

Time skip to grandparents house

You arrived at your grandparents house they open the door "its so good to see you children" you giggled "hi" they looked at robbie "you have changed so much but your still our adorable grandchild" robbie groaned and you guys went inside "you guys have different rooms so make your self feel home" you nodded and went to your room you decided to call dipper he picked up


Oh hey dipper

Oh whats up (y/n)

Nothing just arrive at my grandparents house ,you?


Hidding for what?

You heard him sigh mabel

You laughed sightly really?

Yea i know it embarrassing she is going to put mak--



you started to laugh , 5 minutes past

Hey you still there?


Sorry,mabel try her best to make me pretty

Send me a pic!!


Please!!!!!! You whined through the phone


You cheered and hang up ,you received a message you pressed it and it was him wearing make up and mabel in back ground putting make up on grunckle stan you started to laughed "you look so beautiful!" You teased he sent and emoji blushing "but you way more beautiful then i am ;)" you blushed "haha very funny" robbie came in "time to eat,they brought pizza" you nodded and went down stairs and grab some pizza and a can of (favorite drink) you went back upstairs

You started to watch tv since dipper didnt answer back, probably trying to help grunckle stan ,you laughed as you thought later on it was 11:30 pm you decided to sleep


Sorry i didnt update
yesterday i went to the beach

Anyway hows the story going so far?

Comment what you think


[difficult love]  Dipper x readerWhere stories live. Discover now