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"But, what happened? Do you think Rubeus sent you that box?" Brianna asked in shock, her hands covering her mouth

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"But, what happened? Do you think Rubeus sent you that box?" Brianna asked in shock, her hands covering her mouth.

That evening, Brianna and Emily had stayed in Ravenclaw since the girls dormitory was pretty much empty.

"No," I said. "No I don't think it was Rubeus that sent the box. I think it was Tom's friends. Should I go to Dippet about it?"

"Hmm... not just yet, Abby," Emily replied, lying on her stomach on Alison's bed. "I think you should wait."


"Yes. Wait. If you get anything else, then go to the headmaster. You don't exactly want to upset anyone."

The three of us spent the next hour talking before Emily and Brianna had finally fallen asleep. No one really patrolled the corridors anymore since it was Christmas and most students decided to visit their families, so I left the common room for a midnight stroll after grabbing a jumper.

I stepped out into the creaky corridors, making sure I stepped quietly since it echoed slightly. I didn't panic as much as the last time I was out past curfew. I didn't understand why we weren't allowed out past curfew, though.

I strolled down a narrow corridor, passing down it when I looked into the courtyard. It sent off a nice breeze followed by a few crickets chirping. But as I walked further down the corridor, passing further into the courtyard, I saw a figure sitting on a stone bench by one of the trees. I looked around before curiously heading toward the figure.

The closer I got, the more clearer the figure got. Their back was facing me, but when I got right up close I knew who it was just by looking at those curly locks. I bit my lip, arguing with myself. One half of me told me to leave while the other forced me to stay. So, of course, I stayed. The breeze practically froze me in place, anyway.

"Tom?" I said quietly, hoping not to startle the lad.

But he didn't seem startled. In fact, he kept perfectly still, as if he hadn't heard me in the first place. The wind blew again, causing me to hug myself and shiver. I opened my mouth again, but closed it quickly when he spoke.

"Leave, Abigail," he said sharply, not moving an inch.

"What exactly are you doing out here in the cold?" I ignored him. I walked around him so I could see his face just as he sighed in annoyance.

"You never listen anyway," he gritted. I could just make out his piercing green eyes glaring up at me. I pretended not to have noticed.

I sat next to him on the stone bench, making sure not to sit too close. I was still very cautious when it came to Tom Riddle. He snuck a quick glance at me and I had just picked up on a frown.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked slowly.


"What did Rubeus say that made you react like that?"

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